Zelda: A Link to the Past for SNES (Hell yes!) Super Mario for SNES Street Fighter for SNES Yoshis Island for SNES ... I should really start playing SNES again.
Deftoy do not bump an old ban request. Just start a new ban request here: http://forums.left4green.com/forum/5-bans-unbans/ Also: Try to record a demo. I/we can't ban anyone without any evidences.
1 Treid reinstallting your graphics drivers? 2 Check your temps (GPU, CPU) while playing. 3 run prime95 (In-place large FFTs mode) for testing your CPU / furmark for your GPU (both for at least 2 hours, but not at the same time!) 4 Test your RAMs (Memtest 86+) 5 do a bios update Start with number 1. When this won't help then number 2..... and so on... Also, do you only have this problem with valve games? It's been solved....
Stupid and wrong. Dutchman is right. The wattage is not fucking important. Only when you want to build a SLI/Crossfire system and want to do high overclocking THEN the wattage COULD BE important. (Also don't forget high 12V+ rails.) For a standart gaming PC like besweet has built is about 500 Watt (brand PSU) more than enough, because the maximum power consumption from his PC (without OC) will be never higher as about 350 Watt.
You have to differ between "Can play" and "can play in maximum or very high settings" And with a HD4870 you obviously can't play games like "Metro 2033" or the new comming BF3 in high settings. And the HD4870 doesn't support DX11 though. Topic: I suggest you, that you change your PSU brand to better known PSU brand with lower wattage, which I listed above, because you won't need 750 Watt (you wouldn't even get 750 with this PSU because of 80% efficiency though)
Not bad. But your PSU is oversized and change the brand (Enermax, Seasonic, Coolermaster, Cougar, BeQuiet, Tagan) Never heard of "Rosewill" PSUs before. 500 - 600 Watt is more than enough for your configuration.