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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by CarPileUp

  1. CarPileUp


    House Progressive House Progressive / Vocal / Uplifting Trance A bit of Drum 'n' Bass & dubstep.
  2. +1
  3. that's a bit of overreaction
  4. "scheiße"
  5. .
  6. Ich spiele, or Wir spielen. Correct Wir maggen rennen It's "mögen" not "maggen".
  7. For Car's example it's like this. We don't use something like is/are/am, so we model the verb in our sentence, depending on singular and plural. I am running Ich ___ Renne We are running Wir rennen Yes exactly. Thanks for adding
  8. I hope you are joking. Corrected lol. Meh it's really hard to teach someone german.
  9. renne and rennen is the same You say renne when you want to add how you are running. e.g. "very fast" "Ich renne sehr schnell". You can't say "Ich rennen sehr schnell". When you just want to say "I'm running": Ich renne. Well it's quiet hard to teach you this, because there are still hundreds of exceptions here and such
  10. Example: rennen = to run Ich renne sehr schnell. (I'm running very fast) Er ist am rennen (He's running) Do you mean this?
  11. Na dann wünsche ich dir viel Spaß mit der deutschen Grammatik, Rechtschreibung und Aussprache. Du wirst einiges an Zeit investieren müssen, um diese einigermaßen verstehen zu können. Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache. Viel Erfolg. Der Gerät
  12. Brain.exe + Avast / MSE. Brain.exe is the most important though.
  13. poor boy.
  14. it has to be good tough and last for 5 years this seems a good site http://www.tones.be/ I want it to be cheaper then 325 euros Lol. When it should be under 325€ and "last for 5 years" then you should get a GTX570 or a HD6970. But in not later then 3 years you will buy a new card though. Edit: You could also wait for the new HD7950 which will be released in January. Don't know the prices yet.
  15. Get the cheapest HD6870.
  16. Merry Christmas
  17. This is seriously getting retarded.
  18. "Chat". There's a button at the top of the forum.
  19. Recent Topics

    1. The Lazy Peon

      The Lazy Peon

      Something about someone being Banned... I dunno dude. We might need to investigate...

    2. VMR


      I don't really think that's necessary (persuade)

    3. Nobana


      Oh I do think we should investigate (bribe 6 gold)

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