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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. No way! I was clickin on this topic with exactly those 4 words in mind. Aaargh! Impossible! Anyway, Happy birthday, mahfucka!
  2. Dat je Haags bent is alleen maar een plus, Haagse meisjes hebben dat temperament meestal hè.

    Uit welk boerengat kom je dan, Fryslån? :)

  3. Sorry dat ik m'n reacties twee keer post, lang verhaal, ging ooit wat mis en nu zit ik vast in twee dimensies

  4. De meeste echte meisjes trekken al die aandacht niet. Ik zou er ook wel van genieten hoor. Hopelijk heb je meer succes dan Amélieoapatra, Rosy_Days en BustyBlonde, al vallen die niet te evenaren, al ben jij dan weer Haags. Maar je komt hier toch wel gewoon om te gamen hè? Anders mag je jezelf geen gamer noemen!

  5. Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother. Without copy-pasting.
  6. We still have a PayLoad server??
  7. Happpppppy birthday!

  8. Happpppppy birthday!

  9. Beyond Rape & Evil Raplestory Castlerapia
  10. Planet of the Rapes Super Monkey Rape Ratchet & Rape Rape & Dexter Rape Racoon Rape the Hedgehog Rape Tycoon Animal Raping: Wild World Rape Icarus The Rape Of Zelda: Four Whores Adventure Rape Emblem Dr. Kawashima's Rape Training - How Old Is Your Rape? Professor Rapeton en de Doos van Pandora. Phoenix Rape. (If some of em have been said already, forgive me)
  11. Rape Esther Rape Of Empires A2 Raper 2: De Politie Rapet Terug! Redcat: Snelle Sommenrape Redcat: De Razende Rekenrape
  12. True, that's like the ultimate Role Raping Game out there. The newest one should be released soon: Raper Mario Sticker Rape.
  13. Raper Mario. Best game ever.
  14. @ .:SDK:.: Thanks! @ Gametaff: Awesome, thank you! @ BinSlayer: I know, but I was just curious (and lazy).
  15. Hay, A while ago I started on a Vehicle Falls-map in typical Yoshi style. But I'm too lazy to continue it, so I thought it would be cool of someone else did it. There's two versions, and the start looks like this: Night version: Day version: In singleplayer it may be unclear where you should go, but in multiplayer it should be clear because the spawns are located around the flowerfield. Just drive into the flowerfield and let yourself fall. It may look like you'll fall off into the air but that won't happen. I got it up to the 3rd checkpoint, which is 20 seconds of gameplay (with a lot of objects). I want you to continue where I left off and follow these rules: -Don't move/delete objects I've created please. You can make the roads doublesided to make it easier to see them in editor (you can do this by opening the .map file, press CTRL + H (Find & Replace) and replace doublesided="false" to doublesided="true" to everything), but please leave the objects where they are. -Don't change the scripts, music, skies, setting, time, whatever... and the most important thing is that lockedtime must be 'true'. That's all, apart from that you can finish it however you like. You can also bring in your own style. For example, besweeet can make a rollercoaster. If there are more mappers that want to help, we can also pass the blunt. Like, someone makes the part after my part, then uploads it here, and someone else can make another part and uploads it here, and then someone else finishes it. That way, the map will be made by 4 different people with 4 different styles (but with my music, of course >=D). Anyway... we'll see. Here they are: Night Version: race-neverletmedown.zip Day Version: race-neverletmedown2.zip I'm not sure if anyone can download them from here, otherwise download 'em here: Night version. Day Version. Also, if you're done... don't forget to add your name at "Author:"! EDIT: I forgot!!! It's "Race" now, but you can always change it to "RTF" if you want!
  16. That song was so bad it made my browser crash: 3/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZOYm3YkLWQ
  17. Gefeliciteerd Mayco! I want YOU! To play the main character in my next flick: The May Journey! One evening, you, as the main character, enter a hotel. You find out it's haunted and the hallways seem endless, and you're very scared. Until suddenly a door opens and a frightened girl grabs you in. She's also a captive, but with you she calms down. You don't dare leaving the room and that same night you start having sex with her to calm yourself down as well. Just when you're about to come, the door slams open and a very aggressive ghost is standing there. You and your girl run away some more scary hallways, till another door. The ghost is there, but this time dressed as a girl in jungle clothes. She holds the door open and kicks your girl in and asks if you follow her. You do so, and inside there is suddenly no one else to be seen. You walk down and when you're standing in the middle of the room, suddenly 3 girls appear, and the girl you've had sex with was one of em. They have spears and torches and they undress you and tie you up on top of a fire. They torture you for hours. Just before you reach insanity, they abandon you. You can't leave and you think you will die. Hours later, another girl appears. She holds a Newspaper-article in front of your nose about a man who has raped a girl some years ago. You realize that man is you. And the girl showing you the newspaper, is the one you've raped. She explains to you "this is how it was for me. In one night, I've had to expierence extreme fear, pain, helplessness and loneliness. Now you know how it is." Only after you've expressed the biggest emotions ever, of regret. She won't forgive you, but she lets you go, but will always haunt you, as a permanent punishment for your crime. What about it? It pays well. And happy birthday, again.
  18. Grapje, ik zag geen spiegelbeelden.

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