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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. Hoi! Ik werd ineens wakker midden in het woestijn toen moest ik helemaal lopen lopen lopen en oh ik zag fata morganas en luchtspiegelingen en spiegelbeelden en illusies en nog veel meer dingen die eigenlijk allemaal exact hetzelfde betekenen en deze zin alleen maar verlengen, maar nu ben ik weer terug!!!!!!!! :)

  2. YOSHI WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? WE WERE ALL VERY WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF YOUNGMAN?? I was celebrating Halloween in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6pg18bJt-A I was wondering where THE REST OF THE WORLD WAS!
  3. What about you transport the original Never The Same from the Race server to The Second Server. We won't have to worry about getting players for The Second Server anymore, and the n00bs will leave the Race Server as well, leaving only the players there that actually want to race.
  4. Happy Birthday Ywa! Decorate The Tree!! You pronounce it like Aiwa! I used to call it Iewa, but that was wrong.
  5. Congratulazioni Nitronica!!!!

  6. Congratulations, You White-Ass.

  7. Congratulations, You White-Ass.

  8. I just gave you your 100th reputation point by doing what 99 others did.
  9. BlueYoshi97

    Day Z

    Day Z = Daisy = AWESOME
  10. BlueYoshi97 - "The Entire World Including All Your Cute Little Factions, All Of Left4Green, The Whole Internet And Ownership Of All Chocolate Cookies With Sugar On Top Of Them." There, name copyrighted. Sorry buddy, you gotta think of something new now!
  11. In flag maps, something somewhere on the screen that indicates which team you're on. The server is really nice!
  12. Talib Kweli still makes awesome music (listen to Gutter Rainbows) as does Kanye West although I was his biggest fan up to 2007, cuz I prefer his old style. The 7 songs on his College Dropout Video Anthology are all among my favourite music ever, ever since I discovered them and I still listen to that album regularly. I've come to accept that music changes, as people's tastes change and so I'm not so much saying that mdoern hiphop is bad music - I just don't like that it's classified as Hip Hop. Cuz if you ask someone on the street about what's hiphop and he says 'Lil' Wayne, Wacka Flocka Flame, Pitbull' then they must think that hiphop means 'Talking some crap in a very slow, very monotone manner, while not sticking to the beat' while I see hiphop as 'Creative lyrics, spat fast, unpredictable and rhytmatic.' Seriously though, I like your music better than hiphop I hear on the radio, and I don't just say that because I know you, but your music just fits my taste and the quality is great.
  13. I haven't heard nice lyrics on the radio since Eminem was still hot. Radio hip hop = club hop. It's just to dance to, not to listen to. That's why I never listen radio, cuz I don't dance. Listen to these lyrics (beat produced by Hi-Tek): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWYLH8bkGOI By the way, I really love the other song you posted, as well as one you gave me a while back that sampled a song that was in Vice City or something. Hmm, still gotta have that song somewhere on my pc...
  14. YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!

  15. YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!

  16. Economy Exam Tommorow! Perhaps I should go to bed. Orrrrrrrrrrr not.

  17. Economy Exam Tommorow! Perhaps I should go to bed. Orrrrrrrrrrr not.

  18. I think his name is Oogap. Oogap Peltje.
  19. This is what I listen all day: -Hardcore HipHop -VideoGame Music -New Age
  20. I was thinking exactly the same
  21. I got 2 new reputation points and I'm searching all my God damn posts to find the ones I got them for

  22. I got 2 new reputation points and I'm searching all my God damn posts to find the ones I got them for

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    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Let's spam Yoshi with +1's


    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Let's spam Yoshi with +1's


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