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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. It takes a while for them to decide.
  2. From now on, I'll dump any maps I make in here. I begin with a map I made to try out the Gravity script. But it will probably fail. Because I totally fail at making these things fit perfectly and making every road equal. BinSlayer helped me with this. There are also over 9000 pretty useless small scripts in this, because why not. race-dolphinfinity_5f55.zip
  3. 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMwW7Ig7cYc
  4. You are not the only one. Well ok, I dislike Wall-E. We had to watch that in school last year. I spend the whole lesson trying to find out whether the robot Wall-E likes was a girl or not.
  5. Cool race! But who is PiroPito and what is the connection between your passion and the map?
  6. Scarface.
  7. I had only time to play the first second of the map. Music from The Journey, and Pills. So I rated it 10 before I left.
  8. You all know the legendary Ghost Car in San Andreas right? Good. Also, @ BinSlayer, I made the script 'server' but I don't if it has to be 'client'. race-junglejapes.zip
  9. Can't wait to see it!
  10. The sequel to Fata Morgana, of course. I hope this one works better. race-fatamorganajungle.zip
  11. BlueYoshi97


    Oh, you already made your fourth topic I see. Nice. Now you have fourtified your chances! Too bad 4 x 0 = 0. Good luck anyway!
  12. BlueYoshi97


    I think you should make 4 topics, that means one more. You see, three topics is like so-so. Usually three topics are enough though, but just to be sure, it'd be wise to make a fourth.
  13. BlueYoshi97


    Good luck!
  14. BlueYoshi97


    Good luck!
  15. BlueYoshi97


    Good luck!
  16. Good luck!
  17. Yeah? Get the joke? This map uses BinSlayer's Blur script. I hope it works. race-roxbury.zip
  18. Hey, is it possible to have a Flying Boats-script?
  19. You do green coin by becoming one. Botercoin. how i bcome green coin npect? Well it's simple you became green coins by performing a one-and-a-half flip jump. Wrong, you must do that and a barrel roll right after it, which is done by pressing z or r twice.
  20. I have never managed to do this glitch properly. Evertime I tried it, I always ended up being stuck in the swings, sometimes launching off a few metres or something. Funny movie, by the way!
  21. What will happen is this: Alien drops by and says hi. Humans run away screaming fearing the unknown. 10 minutes later, the whole world is watching live on a hidden camera how one man is daring to slowly walk up to the alien. The Alien opens his mouth and everyone runs away again. Alien thinks the humans are mocking him, and goes to report for racism. But no one wants to help him because they are all running away. Alien sighs and leaves.
  22. Oh, I never seen him do that. He's cool.
  23. Isn't the way we imagine how Aliens and UFO's look right now, invented by some kind of cartoon-writer or whatever that came up with it first? Anyway, as I've always said in Aliens-topics, if they exist, they won't look like that, especially not their UFOs. Plus if they manage to fly here, they pwn us in intelligence. Humans think they are so smart.
  24. 4/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkouUC9R2HA (I posted this one before though but whatever).
  25. The goal of the map, is to win. And I think my Xfire screenshot upload thing doesn't work anymore, it crashes everytime I upload them, I think I have way too many. But I don't think screens are really vital.
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