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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. You really really deserve it! Good luck again!
  2. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer. He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls. He turned off his very small computer and went to the sex shop where Sneed was with his mother buying mans stuff. After seeing Sneed he ran away looking at headcrab which was on themassive red bus. Then Pufulet took out his gun called the Jiggalo3000 and shot headcrab right in the balls. But then he died very fast because of poison in headcrabs. He changed in a barrel to avoid some big sharks without the c*ck. The barrel had a hand with a big stick with some dogsh*t, and it says "Do a BarrelRoll!" Then he takes dark1thoughts face and crafts a Ushanka shaped like penis that was soft because he didn't have time to brush his teeth. Suddenly, a giant Roborobb's sexy cake attacks Chikennugget from outer space and to survive, he had to consume over 9000 brown cookies that were made of nordic tears, brewed with uncle sam's ale imported directly from the netherlands. He then played WoW raging like a Covenant Grunt. But then he visited the local headcrab army lab and he found a magic crowbar forgery. He had to deliver a large oblong shaped penis to EmRA's secret underground chief named Petty who had 10+ FOOTMOBILES heading towards the Whiskey Hotel. Ramirez did good kills. After that he did good kills. Ramirez headed towards the lonely island with his banana which looked like a big apple in the ass from the behind of an elephant. But, there was an AntlionGuard blocking your cock. So he used the penetrator 5000 to DO A BARRELROLL! in under 3 tiny little pity seconds he got a massive erection with Obama & Osama under his leg. He squashed them between his thighs. At this very moment he took the keys for the batmobile and hid them because he died suddenly. 34398 hours later Xerxes invaded Sparta. Sparta was very cold during the war because there was a man with no pants blocking the sun. On next day a strange man called Bob began to walk his new dog in the morgue looking, for brain for zombie as he didnt have cock long enough. Once he found a strawberry dick on a rhino that was horny FOR MORE PANCAKES. He tried petting a dog Fin! Jokes, a Hippo ended this topic. Big-Bird and Bert
  3. I love every single one of ya!
  4. Don't you just wanna like visit us once in a while? You don't have to be active, but I don't understand why you have to not be here at all for 6 months.
  5. That's alright. He and me are two, and together we are around twenty.
  6. BlueYoshi97

    Admin app

    Stop right there, criminal scum! I haven't made a joke in this topic yet. I find Bublin cool because his topics always make me laugh a lot, both because I don't know what the hell he's talking about and because of people's responds to it. Without these people that cause controversy all the time, this forum would be hella boring.
  7. BlueYoshi97

    Admin app

    Why do you keep sticking up for him. He's immature and has terrible English. Maturity and good English are prerequisites for even being considered as an admin. Because his immaturity and non-English make him cool. No. Because his avatar has the Godly beast that was the subject of the gang I was in on the infamous Dutch GTA forum and unconciously that makes me appreciate him a lot then.
  8. BlueYoshi97

    Admin app

    Why do you keep sticking up for him. He's immature and has terrible English. Maturity and good English are prerequisites for even being considered as an admin. Because his immaturity and non-English make him cool.
  9. Leave him alone, some people just are. There doesn't have to be a reason. Although actually leaving them alone is usually exactly the worst thing to do, that's another story.
  10. BlueYoshi97

    Admin app

    Translating sucks, I like his English how it is right now. I don't know why there is a new admin application right now, but good luck! I hope this doesn't end in a discussion about your age.
  11. Good luck!
  12. Good luck again!
  13. 3rd retry that is the 4th time. Better luck this time!
  14. Story You start off this time as a poor bad boy, living in the suburbs. ...on a lame bike (please tell me you recognize SA's beginning in this). Cops are the worst enemy of this town... ...probably because they blocked off the whole street, so they can investigate for alien terrorists while everyone is trapped in their houses. You and your gang just killed most of the cops, but you want to leave this stupid town! You want to live in the big city. So what stops you? You are on your way! Along the road there is more shit going on, but you are a MTA player and you don't care about it so you drive along. After a while you can afford a Stafford (!). With it, you drive through some kind of Ghost Town with a lot of shit on the road that only the front player(s) will see. You start your journey into outter space! Why? Um.....because it's the only road there is. After that's done, you see the first signs of the Big City coming already. You can't wait to get there so you buy a faster car (Buffalo). Ah, not far anymore, almost there, probably after that checkpoint, and n... what? Yeah that's right, now the map has ended! You never arrived in the Rich City! No worries, you will. But not in this part, kids. You will surely arrive in the Rich City in the next part of Green Island. Why? Because this map already takes a lot of downloading. Stay tuned... race-twoson.zip
  15. That is quite classic how you just randomly diss a server in the middle of a random line. Or maybe I just lost all the logic, and am I getting you wrong.
  16. Last time I checked this topic was about dissing the coolest fictional girl ever. >=( I think I already made a couple of introductions in this topic, I keep forgetting.
  17. Age is just a number. It is about how you act, that matters. So even though that means you are pretty screwed after all these posts, I wish you good luck anyway!
  18. Paper Mario 64 (which I lost now) is I think my favorite game ever. Also Super Mario 64 but that was featured along with the N64. Worst game must be some kind of stupid game based on a Dutch board game.
  19. It's perfect! It's outstanding! It's fantastic! It takes amazing to a whole new level! It's greater than brilliant! It's better than genius! It's cooler than superawesome! This video is an upperclass peace of mastercraft! It's epicly wonderful! To top it all of, 4 of my maps are in it. Nice choices!
  20. Supercool video!
  21. Not only will you bypass the 100 maps half of October in this pace, every single map is great as well. Not that I like, you know, played them all. That's impossible. I'm sorry that I keep saying this, but you deserve this credit.
  22. I had that as well. But now I have this: I thought this was pretty cool at first, but no one else can see her like this, sadly. ;-( So basically it is everything except the skin. Is there someone that knows how to get it back?
  23. The video shows more of a JakeSVK guy or something. Also, it that Radio 538? And people, don't complain about people complaining about people doing wrong stuff because if people complain about people because the people do something wrong we can help make the server more fun to play in. So complain about people doing wrong stuff but don't complain about people complaining about people doing wrong stuff, and I should stop complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people doing wrong stuff, otherwise people might complain about me complaining about people complaining about people complaining about people doing wrong stuff. In other words, thanks for proof.
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