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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BlueYoshi97

  1. I really like your signature! Reactions are amusing. It seems that when people have better skills, they must be unable to see the beauty in the lesser things anymore. That's too bad. But useful to give good advice, I guess. Completely sorry that I'm in a philosofical mood today, that makes me say stupid things.
  2. Indeed, I think shootergames just get tiring after moving so much. It's just... I just find that these things just don't fit on Sony's and Microsoft's consoles. But I'm just saying things here. I don't know anything about those things, so I just imagine Nintendo-Revolution ripoffs. Even if I did, all we're discussing about is just a big betting shop of who is going to get right at the end.
  3. That is funny shit in general. Rather go to this topic. On a side related note, that is my topic. Has nothing to do with it!
  4. There is, but for different people. Which is why it's weird that Sony and Microsoft snatch Nintendo's career. All hardcore gamers who don't want to sweep and swap, are playing Sony and Microsoft. Their mothers and sisters and cats are playing on the Nintendo Revolution. Tadaa, divided. But many hardcore gamers just don't want to do that, that's why they play Sony and Microsoft. And now S & M are doing movement-shit as well. While the people who want to play that, already have a Nintendo Revolution. THE END
  5. Good luck!
  6. Good luck!
  7. I find it really cool! Nice job, you and Pufulet! Also, I think Sneed must agree with "Randomness is the Key". As do we all.
  8. Good luck!
  9. Drinking is lame. You don't miss out on anything.
  10. I agree with Chickennugget numero uno. With another reason that I will never get enough money.
  11. Maybe if there weren't a whole bunch of posts that compliments the bumps, the bumping may stop. Ironically, these Spanish people keep bumping, so telling them they are bumping is useless anyway, since they can't speak English, and tadaa! We're back ontopic again!
  12. WHO DOESN'T?
  13. Tag along da Dutch block, juggalos. We'll hit up the tracks an' spark us a jurassic L, and toke til we baked. An' if a fob comes nagging, we make em defiestifize. Green gonna cease Aliens grumlin'. Gotta hunt fo' a fly buffet too. Cuz no rhombuses round here. No doubt we'll be duding dem, though Dutch have bitchy mingers, no hoes. We'll go to whoa biting Stroopwafels. All u kno'. Wow, I can talk like a gangster so well and I don't even use all this slang. That's the definition of gangster!
  14. Joyeux anniversaire, Pépite de Poulet Un!
  15. Do you know the state of taking too many uppers that you not only think you can fly around in an Ice Cream car, but eventually you start hearing things and things start slowing down for you? Take Ritalin and have fun with legal drugs! race-flyingaway.zip
  16. Video Meets Radio?

  17. Join the Dutch side. We got cheese, windmills, flowers and lots of legal stuff. What else dost thou want?
  18. Awesam!
  19. Thank you so much! Not so long ago I spent my whole time searching for the flying cars ability in MTA but I thought it wouldn't be possible. Same for water cars. A small script for you, a big step for mankind!
  20. I am afraid of fear.

  21. Good luck! You are really cool so you deserve it.
  22. Congratulazioni on your 100th post, of which 96 are in this forum.
  23. I like how you plan everything. I'll note the dates down in my school-diary.
  24. No music, I thought the R. Kelly song didn't really fit but you can add it (@ BS). Also I don't know if it's too easy or too hard. I removed the Foggy setting at least. race-flyingaway.zip
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