If it comes back every time you should disable your internet completely and start up in safe mode. Then you should use your anti-virus so it can't back-up/regenerate. Just an idea.
Rachet and clank is so awesome, I want a ps2 sooo bad but I dont have money D: oh and yoshi I already finished ssbm it was fun but it gets boring after a while.
hello, I'm kinda new at this whole forum thing since I only recently started playing online. I was wondering if you guys know any fun games to play at this moment, you know in 2004.
Completely mastered None (you can always learn imo) Advanced experience none Mediocre experience Visual Basics HTML Source Some experience Dos/CMD/batch whatever you wanna call it
Garry's has grown up tho, but yes I agree 10 bucks isn't much. I understand that you may not have access to a creditcard or paypal account, but you could try asking around. most guys I know pirate games, I'm the only one who actually buys stuff.