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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by TheGreenGrasshopper

  1. Yoshi, I do not feel like being told to love the dutch Justin Bieber. If you really think everyone should post some kid singing from his own country fine, I'll go make my own thread and I'll post some songs about ... we don't have childstars. Okay I'll post Spring then or K3, hell maybe even some Samson en Gert. There are plenty of threads where you can post your music Yoshi, I doubt anyone is waiting for a fan-thread about Justin Bieber NL edition. EDIT: here are some of the threads
  2. WTF IS THIS. DUDE THIS SHOULD BE ON THE DUTCH FORUM SINCE HE/SHE IS A DUTCH SINGER. DON'T LISTEN TO THE DUTCH JUSTIN BIEBER RUN!!! tbh I have no idea who the little kid is but this thread looks retarded.
  3. what happened at 13.30 o.0 I was playing bc2 at that moment
  4. I wish you good luck, competition is hard and apparantly the admin app's are flowing in atm for gmod xD
  5. mrgreen, youtube, oddee, google, other group forum, I-am-bored, ongein.nl, failblog (and other linked sites to that), the escapist, newgrounds and that's about it for my regulars
  6. what a cute snow white pup ya got there
  7. Happy birthday Ratman
  8. It better not end 3 days before my birthday that would suck balls.
  9. oh btw Odin you can always add me if you feel like having an extra admin for tf2.
  10. very appropriate with the left4green forum open xD
  11. meh what did you expect xD
  12. 1. have you forwarded your ports? 2. have you tried hosting a server yourself (like so friends join you local)? 3. try using the cable instead of a router and see if that fixes it There are some in-game commands to, but is it the only game you have difficulties with? I had that problem to but it went away after a while. Hope you get it fixed2
  13. kill some more zombies or humans
  14. my fav music: Drum 'n Bass; Trance (those are my favs) Then I still listen hardstyle, electro, rock, ... as long as there isn't some where guy screaming or talking about satan stuff.
  15. Yes I do play on payload BlueYoshi xD it depends on the amount of people in the server, I'll more likely join a game with 15/32 players than when it's full.
  16. yeah I'm talking about rlly getting a message, being in a mr green server or irc or something
  17. aren't there actually plugins of some kind that when !admin or something is typed some message or something gets send to admins. I thought that existed somewhere.
  18. Rogue on your question of why does no one know the other admins. That's kinda an easy one lol, how many times have you actually seen admin have to use his powers or even hear him say that he's admin. It's not that the people don't know the person, it's because they don't know that they're admins. Not everyone goes prancing around that they are admin on the server and that they should behave, you know that I know a lot of people and I hope they still remember me, but I doubt any of them that aren't active on the forum know that I'm a tf2 admin.
  19. yeah srry, I have exams still (last one tomorrow) I promise I'll play like I used to. I am not in the top 100 because of the simple fact that I refuse to play arena, and if I do I certainly do not go there for points. Waiting sucks, I like it fast paced. And if I'm not playing I'm contactable almost through the entire day (I need sleep thank you) you have xfire, steam, IRC, the forum. It's not like there is no way to get to me.
  20. Good luck kind sir
  21. GOOD LUCK NOTTE btw 2 to 9 admins online? xD
  22. Not you guys to D= a friend of mine already is talking me into this, he first wants me to recall it then go lucid. I'm getting better at recalling dreams but I haven't been able to get a hold of my actions so far. I wonder if I'll ever succeed without anyone waking me up in the middle of my dream.
  23. 1st part is still the most awesome part and like balmung said it's still way to jumpy, try putting the camera points farther on the timeline
  24. The 2nd picture is awesome, btw how do you do that. Go out of first person in game to see a kill like in your sig/avatar. I want to edit like that in cod D:
  25. some grammar mistakes and rlly weird sentences here and there, and your second point should be a bit more detailed. That's all I can think about.
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