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Posts posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Well turret is almost finished (SWEP for it too), so all I have to do is to tweak some features:

    1. Curret damage per bullet: 4
    2. Current max amount of ammo: 200
    3. Current spot range: 500 units
    4. Current turret's health: 200
    5. Turret will ignore headcrabs, however headcrabs can't damage turret (Maybe there will be an exception for red poison spits)

    And so on :o

    At first update turret will be avalaible only for SuperAdmins or Admins who have lvl 5-6 engi.

    I do this just to make some combat testing and such (and to check the balance too)

    So on second update turret will be avalaible for all lvl 5-6 engineers.

    Also Alyx Gun will be avalaible for all Medics (somewhere in rewards tree :o).

    Full changelog will be posted soon.

    And a small picture of turret in action:


  2. :V

    Well here goes all info about current turrets:

    • They will be avalaible only for lvl 5-6 engineers.
    • Turret health will be ~150-250.
    • Damage per turret's bullet ~3-4
    • Maximum amount of ammo for turret ~140-200
    • Turret will scan only 90-110 degrees in one direction (so you can sneak behind it as zombie and destroy).
    • Turret will slowly recharge ammo if there are no zombies around.
    • However if you will turn turret off - recharging speed will be increased in cost that turret will not be able to shoot.
    • Turret will not detect headcrabs (or ethereals).
    • Distance limit between turrets will be ~900-1400 units.
    • Current turret's spot range is 500 units.
    • Humans will not be damaged by turret, however turret's owner will be (50% less damage).

  3. Sometimes the zombies don't appear with any skin at all, and we have to use flashlights to see their "shadow".

    Working on a fix right now.


    Uploaded on SVN, it should fix all clientside errors :o

  4. Going to upload new update on SVN soon:

    • Fixed headcrab's collision. You can jump over headcrabs as human and you dont need to crouch as headcrab anymore.
    • Increased damage for red poison spit (for poison headcrab).
    • Increased grenade's damage (now 4x more power).
    • Animated class icons at human's spawn menu :V.
    • Delay for poison aura will be twice as long during lasthuman.
    • Fixed headshot icon.
    • Slightly increased damage for USP.
    • Updated headshot effect (now with 70% more fresh brains).
    • Increased damage for M3 Shotgun.
    • Slightly increased bullet damage for all weapons one more time.
    • Fixed 'X% increased mine damage' perk because it was not working.
    • Fixed bugged killicons for grenade and c4.
    • Added few exploit boxes on zs_rooftop_b1.
    • Added few exploit boxes on zs_nastierhouse_v3.
    • Added few exploit boxes on zs cargo map.
    • Changed supply crate's locations on some maps.
    • 'Fixed' ammo regeneration timer.
    • When there are 10-15 seconds left until next ammo regeneration - timer will be flashing red
    • Decreased fast zombie's damage again (in horde).
    • Applied violence for humans too :P.

    And few more things:

    I made an Alyx Gun pistol for Medic, however it needs some balancing. So if it will be possible- Alyx Gun will be included in update below^.


    Yes. The turret. Not the old one.

    I have an idea to make it as usual HL2 floor turrets, so it cant defend all 360 degrees of space. And ammo will be limited with ability to slowly recharge it. :meh:

    Oh and awesome screenshot:


  5. Ahem...

    Uploaded new update on SVN (should be avalaible on the server today):

    • Changed accuracy for some weapons, that makes ironsights more useful.
    • Enabled ironsights for Pulse SMG because of this^.
    • Added ability to switch between 'huge' BC2 styled weapons and usual ones (Press F4 and you will see it above class list).
    • Added small panel that shows 'rewards-for-kills' tree for each class. Press F2 to check it out.
    • Added new menu for human's classes.
    • Actually fixed bug where human's class menu was showing weird or wrong requirements for each class.
    • Added few more exploit boxes on zs_lighthouse.

  6. Uploaded new update on SVN:

    • Added option in F4 menu that allows you to quickly switch human's class instead of typing !hclass ...
    • Probably fixed unstable grenades (I hope :o).
    • Actually increased damage for all weapons (except melee), however reduced maximum amount of ammo that you can carry for each weapon (Going to tweak this addition during the next updates so dont complain about it :P).
    • Added supply's spawnpoints & exploit boxes for zs_glacier.
    • Fixed bug where door had full hp after it was breaked.

    And few changes from update that were applied few days ago (they are on the server already):

    • Fixed "Dudes! Let's place all c4 in same place" bug.
    • Increased speed of ammo regeneration for Mobile Supplies.
    • Re-added small anti-suiciding system.
    • Added few exploit boxes on zs_dump.
    • Changed spawnpoints on zs_trainstation.

  7. (Kills/Weapons)


    5 = Deagle/5-7/Elites

    15 = Glock/Magnum

    35 = Sg552

    75 = Crossbow


    5 = Glock/Deagle/Magnum

    20 = Combat Grenades

    30 = AUG/Galil/AK-47/M4A1

    45 = Famas

    75 = M249

    90 = Shotguns


    5 = 5-7

    15 = Axe

    25 = Glock/Magnum

    35 = Crowbar

    45 = Sg552

    75 = Katana


    5 = Glock/Deagle/Elites/Magnum

    25 = Pulse Smg

    45 = Pulse Rifle

    75 = M249

    90 = Shotguns


    5 = Glock/Deagle/5-7/Magnum

    20 = TMP/UMP/P90/Mac10

    45 = MP5/HL2 SMG

    75 = M249/M3

    90 = Shotguns

  8. Used to be the Engineer: i remember, i was the 2nd/3rd ever level 2 engineer- Back then, you got a personal turret. Those were the days lads, those were the days!

    Actually this.

    But who knows, maybe there will be a good old turret again...

  9. Uploaded quick update on SVN:

    • Commando now deal slightly more bullet damage than other classes.
    • Fixed broken counting for berserker's perk (the one with axe).
    • Increased damage for Pulse Smg.
    • Changes/added some spawnpoints on few maps.
    • Added few exploit boxes on zs port.
    • Engineers now have 50% chance of spawning with Barriceade Kit instead of old 100%.

  10. 2 notes:

    Updates that are already on SVN:

    • Fixed a bug where poison aura's healing was broken between Poison Zombies
    • Fixed Zombine's speed bug (Thanks to Deluvas)

    And there is a 'preview' of small new update (not on SVN yet):

    • Changed lvl 4-6 berserker's requirements from 'Kill X undead with katana/crowbar' to 'Decapitate X undead'.
    • Added ability to see nearby (400-600 units distance) teammates through walls for medic (almost same as zombie's one).
    • 'prop_door_rotating' entities are now destructible too.
    • Cade Buster upgrade will work against the doors above ^.
    • Fixed small Mobile Supplies' hud error at the spawn.
    • Changed the way how you will get playermodel. For example, your default player's model is Barney and you spawn as engineer. If table with models of current class will contain Barney's model - you will spawn as him. Otherwise you will get random model from class' models table.

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