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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Uploaded small update:

    • Increased dmg for 'Farter' Shotgun a bit and enabled it in-game.
    • Reworked design for Pulse SMG.
    • Rejoining no longer frees you from being muted/gagged.
    • Added 4th perk for marksman - additional dmg for long range headshots.
    • Reworked nails a bit. Hope this will fix frozen props and such.
    • Reduced Support's health from 95 down to 90.
    • Added few exploit boxes on barrelfactory.

    Also renamed this thread

  2. One more update:

    • Fixed ironsights for Dual Elites.
    • Reworked (and optimized) blood effects once again (to minimize chance of mass crashing).
    • Slightly increased delay time for Quick Cure and Horse Health.
    • Added 'Farter' Shotgun Prototype. Small shotgun which does less damage but it grants you bigger speed compared with other shotguns. Not avalaible via SP system yet (balancing purposes).

  3. Uploaded small update:

    • Fixed a bug where explosion from commando's grenade was clipping through a wall/floor so it instantly killed grenade's owner.
    • Optimized some blood effects and clientside gibs.
    • Re-added death sounds for humans.
    • Possibly fixed random crashes because of incorrect gibbing (they may occur sometimes tho :()
    • Updated blood effects a bit.
    • Limited max amount of clientside gibs to 25.

    About crashes - they may appear because of incorrect dmginfo or something like that.

    I optimized blood effects from explosions so they wont spam too much, however there is still something that causes crashes.

  4. This happens on Clavus' Chaos system, and everywhere else.

    They can also cause some people's clients to crash. :(

    Zombine's grenade is more logical than this.

    Explosions cant cause crashes.

    I bet is because of some 'particle overloading' from blood effects, so I need to add an option to enable/disable most part of it

  5. Uploaded new update on SVN:

    • Added new restriction for lateredeeming. Zombies wont be able to redeem if time left is below 2:00.
    • Greatly reduced weight almost for all weapons.
    • Increased shotgun's dmg once again.
    • Decreased Normal Zombie's speed, however buffed his hp with 20 additional points and increased his dmg up to 30.
    • Decreased Poison Zombie's speed and buffed him with 50 additional hp.
    • Slightly increased health for both headcrabs.
    • Increased fast zombie's dmg.
    • SG550 now is fully automatic.
    • Increased g3's dmg a bit
    • Fixed a glitch where players could kill each other with c4 on gasdump.
    • Updated blood effects.

  6. Uploaded small update (all for obj. stuff):

    • Triggers now use their origin instead of their index (so they work properly now)
    • Fixed a bug where objective's stage was not working properly if humans missed 1 or more stages
    • Moved weapon's spawn inside the truck at 6th stage (gasdump)

  7. Uploaded an update today:

    • Added FOV changer for weapons (Humans only atm)
    • Added new crosshair for shotguns
    • Increased dmg for hl2 shotgun and m1014
    • Reduced clipsize for hl2 shotty down to 4
    • Reduced amount of clientside gibs (for testing purposes)
    • Added some tracking for admin's actions

    About objective mode:

    Just tested it today on actual server and seems few triggers were broken (because of invalid ent.index)

    So it still not avalaible until I'll fix these issues.

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