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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Before I start writing stuff down here - I gotta warn you:

    • This is NOT a topic about bitching "Waaah you 'ruined' zs!" and such
    • This is NOT a suggestion topic for current zs

    So what is this?

    I decided to help our zs once again, however from scratch (using zs 2.0).

    Why I wanna do it? Because face it - current zs is kinda old and sadly got overloaded with some useless upgrades :/

    However what I am planning to do with ZS 2.0:

    1. First of all fix all bugs that appeared during GMod updates (broken animations and other crap)
    2. Add 4 classes and new leveling system (about it read below)
    3. Import Zombine of course (maybe with some changes), however not sure about Howler (unless Ywa will eat me :V)
    4. Add GreenCoins of course
    5. And some other stuff that is currently undecided...

    In theory it should be a nice stable version of zs (with advanced cading and such) with features from good old current zs :)

    About leveling system:

    Well any ideas are welcome (but not really complicated)

    My thoughs:

    • System where you unlock more weapons for kills/rewards tree during your progress (using xp), + you have to unlock some perks that can be used in 1-2 limited slots. +global ranks (yeah sounds like bf :V)
    • System where you have 4 classes again, but each class has 4 same perks that can be progressed by spending gained xp and such (perks are Health, Agility, and need 2 more). This will be a bit different because classes may have dirrefent default health and some other different stuff.

    About classes:

    Possible idea(that can finally make all classes fair):

    • Merge Commando and Medic (make commando less 'fat', give him only assault rifles, make new health kit)
    • Leave Marksman (make it more useful)
    • Give Support heavy weapons (like m249 :o, give him nerfed version of mines or something, remove hammer since its shared weapon)
    • Rework Engineer (remove pulse weapons, give him smgs and such, remove mines, leave turret)

    So if you have any ideas - go ahead and post them here (remember, without shitposting like in other zs threads).

    Oh and when its gonna be? When I'll gather more nice ideas (however I can start fixing some stuff in zs 2.0 already) and of course when I'll get some free time.

    And one more thing - can anyone think about better name than Zombie Survival Green Apocalypse 2.0? :V

  2. All progress from 4 lvl is clean and nice (it was not changed before)

    Also mine dmg and kills saved properly and it seems you didnt had even lvl 3 engi (calculating from requirements)

    (you got nicely saved 35 killed zombies and 15760 mine dmg)

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