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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Microsoft - Monday, June 10th @ 9:30AM PTEA - Monday, June 10th @ 1PM PTUbisoft - Monday, June 10th @ 3PM PTSony - Monday, June 10th @ 6PM PT http://www.e3countdown.com/ http://www.e3expo.com/ http://www.gametrailers.com/e3 http://www.gamespot.com/events/e3-2013/ (Totally not taken from facepunch) So yeah, what are you looking forward/expect to see? Personally, I have a feeling thet they gonna reveal Mirror's Edge 2. Dunno why, just that feeling. Also looking forward for Watch_Dogs. ------------------------------- Also, I hope we can get full irc for something. If you know what I'm talking about.
  2. Looks like leaked bf4 alpha screenies: http://imgur.com/a/oBF5P Dunno what to say
  3. So yeah, I added fully working rtv, so it just needs maps. If anyone knows good dark/huge/scary maps - let me know
  4. Probably the most useful update so far: Added ability to mute people!Slenderman's face should illuminate a little.Added walking anims for slenderman.Hopefully fixed afk kicker killing on spawn (needs confirmation).Added 2 more sounds.
  5. Meh, I guess I'll remove some silly page locations. Flashlight is still wip, so it needs smaller cooldown. Player's death is semi bugged, but there is a reason (and their bodies don't actually dissapear, you will see what I mean).
  6. Added more hardcore: Flashlight now have a battery. When it runs out of charge - battery will recharge in few seconds.Chat messages for humans now also have radius.Added few more locations for pages on slender_forest.
  7. Thank god I fixed my pc. New stuff: Added afk thingy that kills humens or slender (and replaces with bot) if they are afk for more than 1 minute.Tweaked slenderman's AI so he can also sneak behind you when you dont expect him to.Tweaked teleportation ability a little.Fixed player still being able to bypass chat by using "say" and "say_team" commands.Blocked an exploit in slender_forest that let ya hide outside of map.
  8. Blah. Hopefully fixed random crashes on round restart (hopefully).Added new ambient from original Slender.Fixed chat being a dick (humans however cant use team chat, and spectators can only use team chat).Fixed a bug where player could not spawn when joining empty server in mid round.Added a compatibility for big screen resolutions (need someone to confrim if it actually works)However I noticed that adding outlines to pages fucked slender's vision a little, but I'll fix it eventually.
  9. Okay, server is stable now. But somehow i managed to break chat, so I will fix it tomorrow. Here is IP:
  10. Server is up but it's passworded atm. Gonna fix some problems tomorrow at morning. (unless yYwa fixed them)
  11. The fence opens...

  12. Well, it's pretty much playable atm. Found out this morning that I did all traces backwards, causing weird shit to happen. Should be fixed now. Also added post processing, tweaked some effects and "scares" as well as slenderman's controls (for player).
  13. Added some postprocessing and headbob to make it more camera-ish. Also this:
  14. Here is small vid i recorded yesterday: Also got a better idea for slender controls: Invisibility can be togglable.You can walk when visible only when noone sees you.If someone sees you when you are walking - you will be frozen as usual.Standing still in invisibility mode still makes you visible.
  15. Damage depends on distance and drains battery aka "health"
  16. About max players I thought about 6-8-12. Keep in mind that players cant see other's flashlights so it's harder to find other players. Also lemme explain how slender attack/movement works if you are playing as one: When you move, even if there are players nearby - you are invisible.When you don't move - you appear. However you cant just appear in front of any player.When you are visible and someone is watching you - you cant move or turn, however whoever is watching you will take damage.And yes, assuming noone sees you - you can pop up behind player.
  17. Meh, also added versus mode so far:
  18. Before you read: yes, it is really silly idea Backstory: Few days ago i tried the existing gamemode on gmod called "Slender". Needless to say I was kinda dissapointed. Slender was emitting duck sounds and overall gamemode was not that scary. What the hell am I doing: Scary version of slender Features: Versus mode (TODO)Random scary shit (TODO)Sexy camera (DONE)Overall better atmosphere (TODO)Batteries pickup that restore your "health" (TODO)Flashlight with 2 modes: low range - wide light cone, bigger range - tiny light cone (also can be used to scare off [ohgod]). (DONE) Random shit I've done so far: Second flashlight mode: Camera zoom: No explanation needed: Note that Im going it just for fun and to test my abilities in creating scary stuff.
  19. Tried Slender gamemode in gmod. Not scary at all. However I could've make my own version of it. Whatcha think?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I actually thought of making Outland possible to play in this slender gamemode in case. There are enough buildings and enough places to collect pages. I'll make the atmosphere dark and will make more enterable areas.

    3. Deluvas


      How about a hide and seek gamemode? That'll be "fun"....



    Buuut there is nothing:


    Any example of how they look like, at least?
  22. Hmhmhmhmhm... Good luck!
  23. Delay, but DON'T make a party.
  24. New Watch_Dogs trailer:

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