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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. "A new Damn of Green™"

  2. Accidently tasted almost whole Hotline Miami 2 OST. Dear god...

  3. He just didn't saw the crime scene yet.
  4. Your tears were a nessesary ingredient.
  5. Someone needs to clear this filthy mess that "Servers" subforum has turned into.

    1. AdamWest


      you're already dead, this is hell

  6. Removed that page. As for graveyard - keep in mind that there is a second, smaller graveyard on map.
  7. Finally managed to fix the headset and microphone as well.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raptor
    3. robbert


      i wanted to hear your voice for a while and now i can ^^

    4. Damien


      Sexy necro voice :o

  8. Is your PC a fridge now?
  9. Other than that, yeah it can be gmod.
  10. From my experience massive timeout can happen when you create multiple effects/gibs/etc at same frame. I think i added a fix for gibs long time ago.
  11. *puts lizard mask on* Whats that: It's a sequel to the Hotline Miami, obviously. If you have not played first one - stop reading and go buy it. Really. Click me quick. "Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number follows the escalating level of violence through multiple factions born from the events of the original game and driven by uncertain motivations. Step into the murderous mind of several distinct characters - each with their own motivations and methods of execution -- as storylines intersect and reality slips away into a haze of neon and carnage. Blistering combat, an unmistakable visual style, and a powerfully intense soundtrack will once again push you to the limit and questioning your own thirst for blood." Teaser: Gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXJJwq635rM&feature=player_embedded Soundtrack! (what is known so far) *takes lizard mask off*
  12. Maybe I will change to +2-3 more slots, since pages are individual now. Will see. ----------------- On side note: changed some stuff in distortion thingy. Tell me if that material glitch still happens.
  13. Hotline Miami 2. No explanation needed.

    1. Pufulet


      Will most likely buy it.

    2. Snotteh


      looks shit i was gonna buy it because i had a coupon but i gave it away :3

    3. Raptor


      I hope it's more difficult than the last one at least

  14. Small update! Changed page mechanics a bit. Now humans hve individual pages, which means for victory - one of humans should get all 8 pages.Added semi-support for non dark maps.Fixed slenderman being able to walk through humans when visible.Changed slenderman's vision a bit.
  15. Thats strange. Try launching hl2, css once and recheck if they are mounted properly.
  16. You mean when he gets you or when you are supposed to see screen distortions?
  17. Add this as well:
  18. New DayZ Standalone video btw:
  19. Holy shit @ Watch_Dogs multiplayer. http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/06/10/watch-dogs-e3-2013-gameplay-trailer-e3-2013-sony-conference
  20. Shit is about to start. http://www.gametrailers.com/netstorage/e3/live.html
  21. Leaked Watch_Dogs E3 trailer: http://vimeo.com/67988814

    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      This looks so realistic!

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