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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NECROSSIN

  1. Quite surprised that people are actually playing Darkest Days now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Where are these hater comments coming from?



      From basement

    4. Snotteh


      The basement that holds the key to life and death and also a lot of turtle poop

  2. I tried it when zs 3 was release. And trust me its gonna take ages to port all the mrgreen stuff to that. Also i didnt moved zs to zs2.0. I moved zs 2 and zs 3 into current version. And yeah current zs is not glitchy, it just new gmod update screwing it.
  3. Maybe because of "If Deluvas is working on zs now - that 'means' he will bring back old zs" rumor.
  4. *There are already hats/body stuff etc, however they are free for use atm (since gc is last thing that Im gonna add) *No upgrades for sale. There are 2 types of upgrades: Abilities and Perks. Abilities are passive upgrades that you unlock by investing points into skill trees. Perks are passive/active upgrades that ya can change in loadout (however some of them can be unlocked via ahievements, IW style) *Player count. If it goes well, then I can increase it. *There is map voting, and wip gametype voting as well. *Music. Eh. I guess i can use fm stations, once i figure out how they work.
  5. It's been a while so might as well post something: Zombie Survival: Nope, I no longer work on it. Already spent a year, ya know. Thus ZS is becoming a second DarkRP (if you know what I mean). However I gave Damien all avalaible tools to be able to add more maps on server. Darkest Days: This one is tricky. I'm working on updated version which should be better than current one in almost all aspects. Featuring melee combat, some parkour, more magic, leveling, and stuff. Might post an explanation of what is new Darkest Days about later. In case if you have any questions - post them right away.
  6. New Darkest Days is about 70% done so far. That's something.

    1. rui_troia
    2. Damien
    3. Raptor


      The other 30% consist of creating more particles

  7. I have a bad feeling about this. You really were expecting me to introduce myself because you saw me posting here, weren't you?
  8. So yeah, I've stopped working on ZS. That means that I'm free.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Quert


      Do what you want a pirate is free, you are a pirate! Yar har fiddle dee deee

    3. Snotteh


      free of the abuse and constant judging of your work. now all thats left to do is shot yourself in the face... :3 have fun with all the spare fapping time



      No, silly Snotteh. I have my tiny gamemode in progress.

  9. Before Clavus sneaks in with more media:
  10. Completed Bioshock Infinite. That was pretty neat.

  11. Scary spoiler (hide it before Sneed sees it) Anyway, happy birthday!
  12. Happy Birthday, Clavus' lizard! Oh wait... it's Joeri
  13. Keep it, but remove them from showing up at "Recent topics".
  14. It's THAT neck virus all over again :<
  15. Started rebalancing melee weapons by adding some pros and cons: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=131413647 . Hope it's gonna turn out well.

  16. Merge with garrysmod/materials folder
  17. Here it is just in case: http://bbq.to/zs_materials_b0c7.zip May contain some unused textures but whatever.
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