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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Everything posted by Luke Nukem

  1. Blueyoshi is a special troll A GOOD TROLL AT WORK!
  2. Drainal caught..... nah his life would be ruined if I reported him.
  3. I think I know where Corby is right now boys <3
  4. R.I.P Bro :C </3 CORBY WHY U DIE ON US!!? Who is going to turn Drainal away now
  5. Here is the pic I have proof for you <3
  6. Luke Nukem shut the fuck up and go play Battlefield - I honestly couldn't give two shits about what you say about me. Don't talk shit and then when I come to TNT you and raid you, you hide on the world's tallest platform. I know, this is minecraft and you're pussying out - What's to say about you in real life? Sorry Drainal you win you have hurt my feelings so much don't TNT me Minecraft is my life NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please don't babe it will ruin my social life on MC :C Tbh if you didn't give a shit about what I say about you why do you still come back for more and try and pretend you are a badman inside of a 14 year olds body....? Pussying out on Minecraft? Do you read what you actually put before you just write a bullshit of an argument. In real life I am older than you, have a social life and also commit to other topics on the forums instead of Minecraft. So why don't you run off to Minecraft and your precious little base that none of us give a fuck about and wank all over your keyboard because of it's awesomeness. Bed time little boy.
  7. 1. Drainal 2. 0.5 years. I use to play on the PC Gamer Faction Wars as you can see I am a IGN beast! 3. 24/7 I eat, breath and sleep PVP!! 4. I am great at swearing and pretending to be a badman towards others online. Great at reporting with rubbish evidence and moan when Corby raids me. 5. 14 6. OFC BRO!! Skype: Drainal 7. Whiny Bitch. I keed bro!!
  8. Corby this is most probably the first time I am going to agree with you as I have been stuck up and stubborn. As you may know when you raided us I just took it and went MEH and re built instead of going WTF YOU PRICK!! then spamming the forums. I agree with Dr. Minky that the Server has to be calmed down the same ideas that you have also. If Clavus does or Ywa close the server down for a while it will bring a new shift to the forums and server. Lets say the average amount of players that join each day is 40 about 37 are MC players. It's about time Clavus listened and took advice ( I know he it at Uni with all his tests etc... but so are you and Darkstar ) CHANGE IS NEEDED!! - New plug ins and teleport sounds great! Also a whitelist is needed with reserved slots for a price this increasing the amount of money needed to pay for the server then run a Battlefield3 Server Shhh....

  10. Fourth of all players gone = Forums will be put to good use and Drainal will fuck off.
  11. You do understand this is not going to happen but just a random idea for when the server is refreshing for a new update? You must think that it could be more of an END battle. We all meet with the armour on our backs and swords that have been our trusty stabby, stabby and slashy slashy companion. We will meet you in the fields where you will lay ridden with blood and guts from fellow soldiers.
  12. Quit it bitches... Moving on. I would like to say 4 key words. ' MAKE THE SERVER HARDCORE! ' This will give the opportunity of brining more people to forums thus causing numbers to rack up, B...B...b..Bu...BUT! they will all be complaining about why the whole map and over 100 hours of game play has just gone in a' poof ' Pros~ -Making Drainal rage that little bit more making himself look like an idiot crying over Minecraft. Then again me and Minky would die a little inside with all the hard work we have put in. -More people signing up to complain or to find out what's going on. -Less complaints about people hacking and also getting banned -No one will get bored a little bit of a challenge I would say. Cons~ -Drainal raging more. ( this is a pro can con ) -People abusing the fact. -To easy to kill someone - Make it like a berserker so they have to be killed for the map to reset like make an admin a berserker ( when they die the map resets NO GOD MODE! ) Not really that many This all came from an idea I had just now as I am in random mood. Take this idea with all open arms and make it happen at the end of a new map reset Luke Nukem x
  13. We have to EmRA if not I would die inside. The amount of times my knife has entered his back is like the bond between a new born and it's mother.
  14. Disband the Sneed Faction as I find it offensive to Ronnie :C
  15. TheADDSNiper is me. Add me and we can play some time. P.s I mainly snipe and shotgun spam
  16. Louis rename us to ... The League of Extravagant Ponies
  17. Stabby stabby... as some may know me and my knife go through bone like butter.
  18. RULE: If hacks are used instant win for the opposite team... ( Clavus ) LOHL!
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