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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Everything posted by Luke Nukem

  1. It's drawn by creepy looking Japanese guys that have fetishes for big tits and animal porn.
  2. So, I woke up from my bed and then noticed that rui hasn't yet understood that he could bump the old threads because this topic must have been here for POTATOES BOIL EM MASH EM STICK EM IN A STEW I AM THE ONE AND ONLY
  3. That's the last time I am getting blow job from Sandy.

  4. Luke Nukem

    Day Z

    Buying WarZ lol!
  5. Would someone like to give me copy of DOTA 2 please :) It would be very nice of you.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Iulian


      Usually people who cant perform on a game that require skills, call others shitty. Works everytime.

    3. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      Just blame the jungler

    4. Mathematic
  6. I am taking a break from GW2, but I shall come on tomorrow between 4:30-6 seeing as Torchlight2 comes out at 6pm :3
  7. Playing Just cause 2, Borderlands 2, Torchlight 2, BF3 and coding for my program at college so I am taking a break from GW2.
  8. I have too much free time... Never let a man out of the bog when something bad is about to happen... A normal day at work for a Black Mesa guard. The fun begins.. This dude has such a messy desk
  9. Level 80 on Guildwars now. Life complete.

  10. When did PvP suddenly become a national train grid?
  11. Achievement points. I rest my case.
  12. Need to design the Guildwars 2 Eblem tonight. So the more input we have the better, I will talk to Minky and add more information later.
  13. Teamspeak -----> http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads Download which client runs with your OS then you're away. As soon as you open the program it asks you to type in channel which is voice.left4green.com Once in join the Guildwars 2 channel.
  14. Robazz!!
  15. Using a fortune 3 picaxe has nothing to do with bans seeing as the X-ray part comes in when you're looking for the ore. The amount of ore blocks you find is what you get the ban for. Lets say you found 35 ore blocks in the space of 5 minutes that would be fishy and you mined them all which gave you 200+ diamonds ( a lot I know ) , but lets say you found 10 ore blocks it isn't as bad. So having a F3 pic doesn't really make a difference it depends on the amount of blocks you mine not the amount of diamonds.
  16. .
  17. ------------
  18. Being level 62 I still found this as hard like the rest of the guys being between the levels of 34-53. DON'T DO AC... Or if you do get boulders.
  19. Inb4 dragon spam. *cough*
  20. Bro... please just stay in your own gaming world and we will stay in ours. It if flippin annoying to have people from other games bashing on the other ones Broing me Dude I use to play Minecraft way back when it use to be hard. Luckily you don't have Corby and that lot butthurting people anymore. You can just mope about mining your precious stuff without getting blown up with about 200 TNT blocks randomly by the Rangers or Mungol. Also defending topics like this is like sticking up for a rapist. Pointless.
  21. Can't wait for some tank action. I feel that they are tooooooo easily destroyed. I even killed one by shooting it with a MARV for christsake. MARV's do no damage to tanks? The tank was above 61% health and it was just me and this dude on the server?!
  22. Can't wait for some tank action. I feel that they are tooooooo easily destroyed. I even killed one by shooting it with a MARV for christsake. MARV's do no damage to tanks? The tank was above 61% health and it was just me and this dude on the server?!
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