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Mr. Green Gaming

Luke Nukem

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Posts posted by Luke Nukem

  1. This shit is so out to date =3

    Half of the factions listed are DEAD.

    Blackbird and Discord are ruling the server now,

    if you think different you should just pvp against us instead of calling us pussies for no good reason ..

    For real? You guys are owned by us Rangers, you've never ever beat us once or even attempted to raid us.

    you're never online and awesomeo is my friend :3

    that's a terrible excuse, i've seen them online a few times when you guys have been on. Plus if anyone is running the server it sure as hell isn't Discord.

    More like Rangers and Blackbird. Sure Rangers aren't online a ton but when they are they hardly ever die and never get raided. i have only ever seen them die once and that was at the hands of the mighty Bongo_Ben (he only killed awesomeo though) Corby then ruined us.

    I don't attack rangers cause awesomeo is my friend and I haven't seen corby close enough to do pvp ..

    again, a retarded thing to say. If people only PvPed when they see people close enough there would be no fights.

    You can always go and attack Corby, which is kind of the point of PvP (attacking people (not just Corby :P), but you won't because like Brant said he will kill you.

    Seriously... arguing over a voxel animated game is like having a full blown conversation with a brick wall. YOU WILL GET NO WHERE!.

  2. I am more of an old Ascalon fan which consisted of desolate waste lands after the char war. I like wastelands depending on what the scenery is like otherwise I would go with the sheer cliffs of the Nightfall expansion pack. Like I said I haven't watched any videos so I will make my mind up when I buy the game :D

  3. Tbh I think Minecraft is slowly becoming outdated not that talk.

    This is how it happens...

    Le bored for 3 months oh I will play Minecraft and take over the server with a power faction. Get bored.... go play ZS or other games that involve concentrated skill.

    Then again swearing over a game which involves no skill is hilarious and the banter reminds me of two old ladies fighting over the last loaf of bread in Tesco.

  4. The guild banks might be like the ones in WoW where the guild masters can set who accesses certain parts of it.

    I don't want to take control of the banks, but just keep a pot that helps fund days out with the guild to Alton Towers etc...

    On a more serious note. I would like to take charge of a fixed income to help fund serious things or to help build new people up that haven't been able to get the game early.

    Also, the running system which involves running weak players to different towns or cities. We will be doing running to places for free in the guild as it would be a good thing to do, but we can set up players in the guild that sit in towns and do running schemes for non guild players. ( this could get new players into the guild, but also bring in some $$$ )

    Hmmmm, keep weak weapons that you find for lower levels also so we can equip them at early stages, but also sell them if you're as poor as the peasants.

  5. Prodigal Economy.

    The Idea for this is that I am going to be running so called advanced databases that will control the flow of income that the guild produces so that we can start funding bigger schemes such as...

    - Capes

    - Guild halls ( not yet explained to the full content )

    - What ever else involves money to influence the guild.

    Keep in mind I do not watch Guild Wars 2 videos seeing as it will ruin it for me. It's the only game I have not watched a video for or read into, but I will start reading into the baking system and expense system or the rare material guide. Also each member might have to donate a little per week to keep the guild running or chip in to buy things for the guild like we had to on GW 1. ( not saying it will be like GW1 )

    Any income will be logged into my database and also monitored with frequent checks to keep a fresh flow of valuable stock flowing, so that we can keep building and become a strong power to be reckoned with.

  6. For King Con, :V Was like a 20 minute job but C'MON! The retarded little hand just makes it perfect! I did it with my mouse and didnt really go over it or anything but I've been busy playingtf2

    *Funny Pic*

    Mmmm good old tf2.

    Hope you actually succeed in your mission to train stardude ..

    I think it's a hopeless case :D

    And minky 1v1's..... No.

  7. You lose power when you are not active... They kill you and you lose power. Please post this on one of the discussion threads seeing as there was no need to post a thread for this certain topic. Thanks.

  8. Love use of Rob Zombie when you got a trophy :D Necro might sue you though so be careful and then Necro will get sued by Rob Zombie which will all become one big cluster fuck. 7/10 for the video pretty good, but short :/

  9. Not to be rude, but how the hell does this make you feel "Fock, I must derp derp derpy derp!!!" Burp herp derp derpyherpaderp dupadurpness. WERP.


    Why do you keep writing your name after every messege? :V

    And why must you question peoples motives? :)

    I dont know :V

    I always do when see stuff like that appearing on someone's post. You know we can see who posts it.

    I dont know but.... I find it stupid for some reason :o

    *claps* I address myself personally to people that don't know me. So why do people sign their name at the bottom of emails when you know it's them...? It's called courtesy :)

    But emails are based on yon olde snail mail, unlike forum posts which relate more to the forums of ancient Rome by being places where people talk. You don't greet people by saying "Hello. Regards, Uncle Dolan" or the like.

    ----- Unrelated to certain matters --------

    I guess you do not understand courtesy then.... :S

  10. Not to be rude, but how the hell does this make you feel "Fock, I must derp derp derpy derp!!!" Burp herp derp derpyherpaderp dupadurpness. WERP.


    Why do you keep writing your name after every messege? :V

    And why must you question peoples motives? :)

    I dont know :V

    I always do when see stuff like that appearing on someone's post. You know we can see who posts it.

    I dont know but.... I find it stupid for some reason :o

    *claps* I address myself personally to people that don't know me. So why do people sign their name at the bottom of emails when you know it's them...? It's called courtesy :)

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