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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Messy

  1. The CPU is a spai :V

  2. Wtf O_O
  3. I use my laptop at home, It's my "pc" That means my games work both offline and online in my laptop. Btw, I wish I had a handheld console. I only have a ps3.
  4. Happy birthday! :D


  5. It's a good advice to me. I never have internet when I carry my laptop on vacation D: Btw, I go outside+playing games ;D
  6. Good luck
  7. Sprint thing isn't so bad anymore. Once you get used to it, its actually better. Whats so bad about sprays not disappearing? Just wondering
  8. 1: The sprint thing, now you dont need shift to run, you need shift to walk, like CSS. 2: Disconected players' sprays dont dissapear? hl2 2010-07-12 21-21-10-15.bmp
  9. Prologue Hello. I'm Messy and most of you know me. I know that ZS doesnt need admins, but IW does. I am proud of playing ZS and IW, and I will help the servers a lot if I get accepted. General Information Gameserver: Garry's Mod servers (Mainly the Infected Wars Server). Age: 14 years old. (Birthday: April 17) Country of origin: Greece Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Messy1337 Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: In game I'm known as ●Mèssy●, and In the forum and IRC as Messy. I'm well known in the server, kind, and I always help new people and keep them all playing. I also helped admins a lot this year, stoping spawn camp and calling Sacrifical or Toaster when needed. Noone has the mid day and afternoon shift, since the 2 admins (Sacrifical and toaster) are on usually on night or evening. IW needs admins. When Toaster and Sacri leave, 3-4 turrets and more than 6 players get in spawn and ruin the game. Apparently there is noone to stop them. And there is no reason to call admins again when they need to go. I know that IW doesn't have too many exploiters/farmers/glitchers,hackers e.t.c... But you never no! Someone can ruin the game anytime. In the IW server I'm well known, I also have experience in administration and the game. I've been a co owner of a medium Cider RP server for 1 year doing an ok admin. I have played on the IW server for 750 hours atm, and ZS for 12 hours. I don't play ZS that much, because I love IW more, but I enjoy playing both. I'm mature for my age, and I think it will be a very SMALL problem this time. Many players say I act much older. Activity: IW: Very very active, I'm on 10-14 hours a week there. I totaly have 750 hours as I said. ZS: 11 hours totally. I play a little ZS lately, but not too much. Gmod: My 2/3 of gmod hours have gone to ZS and IW. You can check my gmod hours in my profile IRC: I'm online 6-8 hours a day in IRC. Hope it's ok Forum: I'm very active, visiting forums and posting every day. My qualities Friendliness, matureness and kindness are the qualities that an admin must have in my opinion, and I'm happy to have all of these Epilogue Now it's up to the top crew! If I get declined, I will OFC be active as the same I've always been! If I get accepted, I will celebrate for 20 days! And help a lot! Thank you for reading! Hope you accept! Cheers -Messy
  10. HBD and gratz
  11. Is someone in your house downloading? If not fix your internet, as notte said.
  12. Name: N00bMingarzoer Hp: Infinite Descrition: Kleiner player model, infinite health, short, with glasses. Pros: Powerful punch, he can move you with a physgun and throw you to hell. Cons: Slow. wTf xD
  13. Messy

    The golden list

    Are you on IRC? :S
  14. Messy

    The golden list

    Add me as the total troll
  15. Silver, just read what Chicken Nugget said xD
  16. Wtf! How are you so good at religion! xD Open book exam Religion is really easy anyway. You barely need to know anything, you just need to be able to write lots. I suck at this xD I must know somethings to write.
  17. Wtf! How are you so good at religion! xD
  18. Religion: 18,5/20 English: 19,3/20 Maths: 18,9/20 Language: 18,8/20 Ancient Greek: 18/20 German: 18,2/20 Chemistry: 19/20 Physics: 18,7/20 History: 19,4/20 Illyas: 18,2/20 Geography: 19,1/20
  19. www.omegle.com is a site that you can chat with a random stranger. Chat with someone, do a funny or fucked up chat and post it here. My 2 chats: Stranger: hi You: Hello. Stranger: 18 m india You: 67 M Pedoland Stranger: hiii You: Hi Stranger: ASL?* You: 52 PedoBear Your house *ASL=Age/Sex/Location
  20. 5 people could be sucpisious for farming, but I dont say there is too much farming nowadays, but an admin must check a server with not a lot of people in my opinion.
  21. I suggest getting green coins for every 30 hp you heal. Like IW.
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