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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reap3r


  2. And you skipped around 100 years.
  3. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Why the fuck do you guys try to get to the ural if you KNOw you are going to die, WHY DO YOU EVEN GO UNDER IT AND STAND UP?
  4. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Playing right now, Zunz is at airfield, I am coming too, we also found a good low pop low ping new server, which is actually new so not many people.
  5. Fine, the real reason is, I hate fucking getting censored by clavus when I post pictures of our base and vehicles, of our server name, paranoia mang. Reasons might be dull, but id rather have some reasons then have not any at all.
  6. Reap3r

    Day Z

    well, I guess it has come to this, I mean, I felt like we were the only one riding vehicles there.
  7. Yeah but it is creeping me that they can know everything about me. « Crew Clavus: Stop that. »
  8. http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/157661 http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/33656 why remove this epic map? http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/137826 http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/19496 just some epic maps i would love to see played.
  9. First to startoff: The cake is a lie. Right, it seems that the forum's can be seen by guest's which resulting in 10 actual members online while 90 guests are watching every movement. I suggest we make the forums only be able to be seen by members, which results in more registration and a more personal community, ofcourse this is just a suggestion, but I also want to know what the greenies think of it.
  10. bump. « Crew Clavus: This didn't need a bump. Don't do this again. »
  11. Hmm well good luck, you will definitely need it, your using the I's in the beginning of your sentences an awful lot which makes it boring to read, luckily it's short so people can't say: TL;DR too long, didn't read If you manage to get in, you will be the youngest admin, which will result in some unwanted pedo rape, from all the admin's You have a dark cloudy future up ahead.
  12. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Um most here live in the netherlands, if ya wanna play you need to give these fags some motivation and targets. Oh hey guys, lets go to the NW airfield barracks, sources claim theres an uber rare weapon there and we can easily get vehicle parts there.
  13. Reap3r

    Day Z

    K gonna go 2morrrow to my dad's, Heads will roll.
  14. well its fun , thats the important thing about it , me and like 10 people are playing on a server that box hosting for us , its quite good , just cause a couple of us been screwing around we reseted the map a couple of times , but now we fixed everything up , and we have a good map generated , its an huge ocean , with a little number of islands , we just made a dock with boats , at the spawn , and placed protection on it , and they do everything else anyone knows whats the problem with steam? T.T it just went offline for like 5 mins allready for no reason T.T And do you want proof Tekkit PvP is bad? Yesterday Mathijs and I got in a big end game fight. Me (Equivelant Exchange) vs Mathijs (Industiral/Build craft). The fight itself was legendary. Everything around us became craters and rubble. Fire tore forests asunder and entire deserts where (literally) glassed! Lighting fell from the sky as I flew high over Mathij's head, desperately dodging lasers. But in the end neither of us took any damage. And because dark/red matter armor never break and nanosuit makes you invicincible... And sorry about the Discord base, box :< Actually, very little was done by me. I was exaggerating for dramatic effect. Nothing in the E mod that does damage does any block damage, and I only used lightning. So the worst that happened was a tiny isolated forest fire. Mathijs did almost all the damage using the mining laser. Please don't jump to conclusions, it makes you look dumb. well those items will be banned , and i bet 90% of the damage was done by you. EE2. ahaha then he dosent know how to use ee2 xP , just upgrade the redmatter armor , and spam C , and here you go , a free nuke to use Actually, what happened there was a weird post mash-up. I have no idea how it happened, but parts of your text are in there. And you clearly no nothing of the EE mod. Redmatter armor doesn't give you anything but a high armor rating. You're thinking of gem and armor and, more specifically, the infernal chestplate. And no, the explosion isn't that big. And I didn't even have that. well i dont know the name , but its made Out of redmatter ,armor , and i know how to use it , if your really trying to do a war , you would make really huge holes , with the catalyst lens , and the special leggines , with those you can do quite a big mess. So what if we just remove EE and just add Buildcraft2/Industrial craft? I mean those blue tazering thingies mang or quarry mang, dang they should make quarrys neutral so people will have to protect them and their resources and the mining laser would be a fun addition, nano suits are very very hard to make and require tons of energy, maybe if clavus or other modders could nerf it, that it can only take 10 hits to lose it's effect, because stealth mang and quantum suit makes you super man lol so not sure if it should ne nerved that you die on 1 hit with a special arrow that is made to kill that armor but doesnt do much well in regular PVP, or make the armor stats normal like everything stays the same, but if you get hit with a arrow you die. Besides, it doesn't hurt to test it out for a week/month, does it?
  15. It would be cool if they added a zombie that can make other zombies/players spawn and so it doesn't matter where the zombies spawn as they can spawn ANYWHERE, Also I want ropes/elastics into the mod Catapults mang catapults. Not to mention, you could climb them and come in spots where scumbags caded the place, also remove the gas, I mean, why is it even there? And how did the humans even get to that house or city or other thing edit2: a cage.....GOD I WANT THIS.
  16. http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/4649381_460s.jpg made me lol. Woulda payed double for it though.
    1. Clavus


      Spidey can go suck a dick. Plus all the previous Spider Man movies sucked so there's no way he'd fit in such an awesome cast.

    2. terminator


      I saw the mazing spiderman 3d last saturday needless to say i was drunk of my tits but from what i remember it was pretty good

    3. Hundred2
  17. What if they got ads there? That the fact tht you can make money there will attract lots of people, also it is kinda a pay to win game, as you can pay to make upgrades be complete, or pay to give yourself a 24h protection shield.
  18. Not really, heard it takes 500k of gold to convert to 5$, It's like a mix of EVE+Travian, well more like 0,001% of EVE and 99% travian and co's. Also, please don't judge things on appearance/little bits of information
  19. Ok guys. I thought this was worth to share. It's an website called Townian. A free-to-play browser game with an twist. They pay you! You gain resources, make troops and sell your stuff to gain "Gold". Gold can be converted in to money. It might take a few days to get started, to earn gold and being able to sell it for real money. You need an marketplace in your city before you can make Gold into money, but don't worry it's free and you can get it fast. If you have any questions just ask! and oh... minimum payout is $5 and they pay both by Liberty Reserve and PayPal RefLink: http://www.townian.com/qitz/register.php?ref=TehHermit Non Ref: http://townian.com
  20. This one is the kind of ridiculously low form of income I guess, but it goes automatic so you could check after a month or so to see how much ya got.
  21. Hmm so advertising ways to make money is allowed? Just a question darling Also if it is allowed, could you make a subforum called "Free Crap"?
  22. Right, you just need to install a addon called topline, works with most browser and ya gotta register. The addon will make regular ads transform into TopLine ads so you will get to see their ads, but you will earn money for it. You get the cash with PayPal Ref Link: https://www.jointopline.com/register?fid=CSC73GW32ZT3'>https://www.jointopline.com/register?fid=CSC73GW32ZT3 Non-Ref: https://www.jointopline.com/ I am sure most people will choose Non Ref since they don't like people getting an advantage, but do mind, with each referral link, I will make sure to assasinate a kitty silently in front of your house/box or whatever you live in. With this goal into my mind, I hope most people here will support me. Also not sure if im allowed to advertise this here, if it's not allowed, remove it from the depths of hell or consider making a new sub forum Will also be posting examples, how it works and other crappy pictures
  23. moving to my real dad soon, will be bach!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reap3r


      The duck tasted fantastic.

    3. Frizzy


      You're going to be a famous pianist? Will you give free moneys to us when you're rich?

    4. Reap3r


      Would probably donate to keep the stuff up or if i want another css server i would probably contribute but thats all lol

  24. Reap3r

    Day Z

    It takes the side arm slot or the primary slot, not sure, but you will have an disadvantage against people with guns. Not to mention zombies will hit you once because of lag, 200blood lossx60hits=dead, with 10% chance of losing conciousness and dying while a zombie eats ya meat. also
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