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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. This was misunderstanding, sandro who doesn't know how to speak spanish really, asked supercharles months ago and while supercharles probably said something like he disappeared from server, sandrito misunderstood it as that he was rip in real life too so don't worry And nice video
  2. are u sure that was yours though look at the flag it seems from france or belgium might have been wes or someone else
  3. Clearly this should slow down the first guy as thats what nts is about. also aleks add reverse car marker so kulaks like moroccanjob don't run off into the sunset. Also speed reduction shouldn't be 5%, it should be something like 40% nts is chaos in my pants, anyone who tells u otherwise belongs in race. so keep kmz and if someone tells u otherwise do as taylor swift says shake it off
  4. So much this, why don't we have ctf yet in the cws its been 2 years already
  5. FAPGODS Cockish Carlito Baseplatealpha Panzer Sebas21 Anthony SCHWARZENEGGER Lariss
  6. Good luck fapandito!
  7. Ah yes sorry I meant Rise of the DEVIL
  8. I thought I read someone say xpr0 aka you ran it back in the day, am I wrong? Anyway, some of us got into an open source type of mc called minetest this past week and it seems pretty cool, but ofc we noobs at it and we just build tunnels and weird houses and garfield fc soccer stadiums and pixarts for the time being
  9. ax97 send polizei copyright police up ur back hole ofc
  10. oh ok i misunderstood thought u had 5 pjs but ur making one each day. ill wait for the 3 others and make decision
  11. 21 and 22 had full pics now u only see the head part. In first pic is the color the bottom red part and the gradient the upper white part?
  12. wtfaf dude your pj 21 disappeared in ur edit lol. when u on i wanna buy that one off u
  13. so these are 5 pjs the 21 to 25 pjs or the pj in the picture with different colors?
  14. good music
  15. Why did i not find out about this club before @AliceCore
  16. anus liquid tsunami
  17. DD Rise of the dead
  18. don't we have a snow mod every xmas? oh nvm you're making a map
  19. Well looks like this is the real deal. Ofc its aleks and the whole schtick was to say the opposite a couple days later but I don't think that'll happen this time. All thats probably needed is time to see if you really mean it this time. It was all really just a time waste, people have to communicate with each other when they have grievances and stop dreaming up the evil in other people. It'd be great if we can move on from the dark web paranoia and fantasies and heavy zombie metal ''raisons'' and I'm happy you wrote that post, and that you're unbanned on mta just as I said you would be if you built up a little bit of trust And it is your github and you do give lots of fun to people with the maps you made and scripts you uploaded, it'd be sad to turn that into some bipolar wormgasm
  20. 25 for real? Where did you read that? I thought only old film movies ran at 24fps, and that 25fps when you run intel hd graphics xd
  21. You'd be better off trying to get an event going that's automated, a bit like what HardGay suggested on discord, they love competing and if a scripter could host it automagically and count their points they'd go nuts.
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