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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. CTF sucks when there's no team play. Clan war and CTF were born for each other, there couldn't be a place more suited for teamplay in CTF Oh well, I thought reason CTF wasn't in previous CWs was cuz it couldn't be programmed properly for CW or something
  2. When will the games actually be played friday saturday etc when? Also why no CTF?
  3. subscribe to outland! no seriously 2 week ban for this really who ban for this a buzzfeed employee? buncha crybabies
  4. i'm sure i'll find more if i look in my files xD
  5. @Cena u forgot about this guy xD He's a lovable bot with cute profile picture of a kitty too I like him
  6. This is impressive @Cena pay for essay sites and their affiliates think this site is good for linkbuilding. The second one is either also the first one or found the first guy's link and thought it so valuable that it required an actual human that looks like Jama's sister and JLaw to try to keep the link from getting erased. You could even make 10 bucks a month offering them a link or something xD
  7. Oops missed this did it happen or was it only SH?
  8. ROFL! Just found this on the first page of this thread xD Golden era of NTS without ghost mode omg
  9. +1
  10. GL Lacasitos!
  11. Eat with your mouth closed dude wtf

  12. are u still banned like moses in the sinai fap desert yada yada? xD

  13. ROFL 108 cousins in Alabama? ROFL
  14. you must be the stripper in our moonshine jazz club
  15. install OS? check connection to hdd is ok?
  16. Maina has a better track record than Steam as far as insults go. I don't have memories of Maina saying 'kid' and 'noob' all the time but I do of Steam. The only small problem with maina was when he took advantage of nitro spilling his admin password in the chat and then bought SH maps for some time, but other than that he's always been a nice guy. I don't think he deserves a ban at all. What he said wasn't racist for same reason it wasn't against mentally handicapped, because he was looking to only insult Steam and those are the standard insults you use when you insult. And it was also after Steam had insulted him. Sure he shouldn't have done it, but steam shouldn't have told him kid. Or alternatively, a better option would be for both to insult each other and not act all indignant, but that's always a fine line between what really harms other people and what really is just spiralling fake umbrage. 'fucked up server with fucked up new admins' well duh what do you think he'll say if he gets banned for 2 months, for insulting u after u insult him first with ''kid'' and ''cry'' your standard insults. No excuses my ass
  17. VR and improvement in GPUs bring about what I famously labelled inverse fapping law of thermodynamics Fapping law = the victory of cyberspace over meatspace Inverse = the opposite reactionary return of the repressed As VR and GPU improvement require more meatspace power to implement = regression in fapping law as less people have meatspace money to use these videogames, they require more bandwidth too and modding something requires far more MBananas to download This explains why newer versions of gta are less fun precisely because of better graphics, have duller people in them, and why newer versions of Battlefield have army ''redpill' crypticuck racetard dumbfucks. The fapping law of thermodynamics is close to the concept of entropy, to when Larry David is dumped by his gf in Whatever Works and likens it to letting toothpaste out of the tube, only my law is less fatalistic and could have been stopped had we had a more tecnophobic view of the world.
  18. OMFG why is FaPAss taking FaPUlas away from us And furthermore, with a clan named Fappy On Horever... This is worth a meltdown of some sort
  19. come back put some kebab on ma dick
  20. I'll go with Test1
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