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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. lol taxes for sending a dozen tshirts in the mail? come on xd
  2. Ok maybe on lower side of that price range xD anyway lets see if we can add the name ''Cocky'' but in small letters so like half or a third of the size you're putting on most other cars. Or maybe no name, can't figure out if this pj looks better with or without one... What did u mean 'manual' before were you planning on drawing it all yourself?
  3. Sure buddy i want it. charge me whatever it takes u and u think is the price, if its harder than normal, between 1kgcs and 10kgcs
  4. Dunno what reflexed means. Reflected? Are you saying that copy and paste brings errors? Or that the mirroring on the front and the back needs work to get it right, given how it was initially designed only for 1 car? If so I wouldn't be surprised if it is a lot of work, I can ask wonas again but yeah I wouldn't be surprised
  5. i was trying to figure out how doable this was and found it already done for the mod of the bmw art car itself https://www.gtaall.net/gta-san-andreas/cars/22624-bmw-m3-gt2.html wonas says its easy to do now that we have the blueprint already in mta. u agree? i pay u 1kgcs then and u do it for the mrgreen cars, or u still think its hard? i think there are two basic layouts one for infernus type of cars and the other for another can't remember?
  6. Why joke? I can pay you 10000 if it's that hard. However I don't know the work that would go into it, and I bet the colors get messed up on different cars too. It probably is hard as shit
  7. Is this too much to ask? xD
  8. Maybe Cena wants to the british government, with its crappy porn and now passport scans to see xhamster xd
  9. I do want it that bad, I love ctf. Suggestions to improve? Add DL to CTF make a mix of the two, mix NTS features into CTF, mix DD features into CTF, make maps that encourage teammates to cooperate (like if the CTF flag only has a few entrances and the teammates cooperate by blocking the few entrances) instead of retarded maps where the entrance is plain and easy to get into as if they were made by ctf mappers that couldn't be arsed, get rid of obviously bad CTF maps, add yoshi boost powerups, and others I can't think of right now off the top of my head. I could learn to make maps and make a CTF map if you're looking for new ctf maps
  10. I can't make it tonight unfortunately
  11. Add it in if u want but there's no reason to bother ctf, just delete some of the shittier ctf maps CTF isn't to blame for anything, it was here back in the day when there were as many ppl in race as in mix. Outdated is good in many ways, but i'm all for modding and improving the ctf maps or adding fun rules to it Alternate it with SH might be a good idea because if its 2 of these modes then it's not really a mix its more like a fight server, everyone on their own fighting like on most servers or like on race. U can't collaborate with anyone like on dd or ctf Reducing the ping limit is probably to blame for the reduced numbers of players, as it was never made clear to south americans that they had only a night window to play in, and eventually new south american players never replaced the old ones.
  12. People been playing ctf for 8 years without issue, this is just a modded SH. It won a vote from the SH loving pussies years ago too. Make the new game mode alternate with SH as it looks so similar, don't molest ctf Not everything is about winning u know, ctf is more about team play
  13. WTF why are you deleting CTF?
  14. Mix: Looney Tunes DD
  15. carlitos is nice guy pls unban him xD he says some other guy went in with a mod or something on his pc his name andres
  16. forgot to join its too late i guess so add me if someone on the list fails to come
  17. @AnthonyVazquez who was complaining that the ping limit wasn't increasing after 0:00 Netherlands time? @Cena I think it's time to lower the 350 rise limit time to 10pm NL time now. Why? Because numbers in mix have halved this past year and all the care bears that thought laggers messed their pro SH skills are long gone by this hour now. I'll always be very resentful with this change anyways as it killed off folks like DonGato from Chile and eventually the whole bunch of south americans that would fill the server at night. By 1am its empty now, whereas before there was always at least a dozen at 3am. Very sad, but muh competitive types have to compete amirite boyz pff
  18. Es carlitos de mix? si es asi dudo que sea cheater si es el heroe fappiano de esta canción
  19. Thank you Ywa for all these years And good luck to cena going on forward
  20. You attacked my team mates for no reason!
  21. no mention of Cocky? cya next time u bored on a saturday or something
  22. Wow and I thought we'd won... yet again close shave... oh well Nice clan war everyone
  23. Well I dunno if saturday at 11pm is good for my clan, it probably is though New updated cw times guys by cena: @AnthonyVz @KennyHotz @MatheusLF @Zullolo @MrJhin @lowiselgrande
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