@AnthonyVz @KennyHotz @MatheusLF @Zullolo @MrJhin @lowiselgrande
Calendar for FaP
Saturday 15th September
FaP vs RV 19:00 or 21:00 CEST
Sunday 16 September
FaP vs KoM 18:00 CEST
Friday 21 September
Yoshi vs FaP fight to the death! 22:00 CEST
Saturday 22 September
FaP vs Genesis 18:00 CEST
Saturday 29 September
FaP vs HoF 22:00 CEST
Pls use https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Clan+war+tournament+%232&iso=20180915T19&p1=16
to convert times to your local hours
And contact me on steam as soon as possible before the clan wars, to say if you can come at those times or no.
Yeah his internet went to shit, maybe next time
All spots are full in FaP. Do like what assntitties did, make another team, but I think you're out of time, not sure when the deadline for inscription is maybe it was yesterday
POWERPUSSYCRASH! My main man from Izmir xd
Maps are still here where else you think they'd be, you think they'd crawl away like a cat in heat!!
Mix is still good, obvs it was stronger when there was no SH but thats like muh opinion xd
I think we need to extend the deadline by a week. Not even KoM and Cnt have made their teams up, let alone any of the others. I'll try to tell clan leaders in mix about it, and tell others to tell them
We really need a scripter savior to script us a nice little CTF pretty pls. we need to coach a new maoist generation of @AleksCore minions for the cause
I dunno, @RealJesus may be an idealist, a mother, a whore, and a fapper, but he has a point here. Marathon really is its whole subject unto itself with its own niche. It might be fun to see how it would pan out