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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. ^^So much this Globalists are behind antictfapers My main man BadPing gets it!!
  2. +1 maherita votes for us so its actually +4 not +2. also CTFers have more history in the server so our vote should count more. antictf is full of shooter shiterinos. and with the amount of times nts loses to ctf on the vote in the server yall are just inviting the philistines into ur living room!
  3. This is England?
  4. Yep. There was one issue with it, in that who was IT was random. Perhaps it should have gone to whoever had tagged the previous player.
  5. The winner was the guy who lasted the longest. There was no suicides
  6. iirc MH was touchmode and pretty funny, but not shootmode. It was like playing tag. It was always some sad git's turn, and everyone had to chase him and tag him. It had lots of complaints purely because everyone would rage that they didn't get a turn. But then when they got a turn, they'd be silent and have fun.
  7. ^^This Health transfer perhaps default on CTF only. But I'm fine with it either way. Also, MH was probably funner than CTF anyways. For CTF we need to think of ways that make it easier to defend and attack...
  8. Why? That niche is already covered by FFS. Mix is fine as it is, it should stick to its original roadmap forever. Mix serves its own unique niche. CTF and MH were a lot closer to it than SH and CG.
  9. Wtf is wrong with some of you? CTF is a total classic on mix. Even if it loses the vote you don't have a point, as it's a total classic. Why should mix be about shooting each other up on SH and making SH even more insufferable by creating a mode CG that's a carbon copy of it? CTF is a collaborative retarded effort where you can just relax... Another mode that often loses out in the votes to CTF is NTS. Maybe we should also delete NTS? /s CTF also deserves its full honorary position on the map rotation, none of this pay-to-play CTF nonsense. Usually if you don't like CTF you can take a kit kat that takes 2 or 3 minutes, while the DM/RTF maps that are creeping into the server usually take between 10 to 30 minutes. Bring back MH, and bring back health transfer which reese got deleted for nonsense reasons too, as health transfer makes a lot of sense on CTF.
  10. Sry forgot to make a request, and only was there for one of the last maps a marathon map, but thanks for hosting!
  11. They took down the coder AFAIK. Then the code just ended up floating about on the internet not sure what happened. In its current form however, it doesn't allow pirates to play which is a pity and it didn't stop Take2 last time, though last time Take2's inertia might have begun because at first FiveM did allow pirates to play. Anyway, there's another one already up called RageMP, another one in the works GTA Orange, bot allow pirates playing... we'll see what happens, what I'd like to know is how many concurrent users the two that are already up already have, to see how complicated it would be for Take2 to pull the same stunt again.
  12. and an nts srv, and a dd one, etc etc, there's lots of possibilities. It would mean nextgen graphics have an open playground to do as they please, it'd spell the death knell on a lot of pay to play. Tell me, how many ppl are on fivem concurrently at any given evening right now?
  13. Is FiveM gaining traction, how many people are on the servers at any given time? Youtube vids of it seem to have dwindled out recently. GTA Orange is rumored to go out this year, and RageMP is more accessible but less developed than FiveM.
  14. cut their own dicks. We thought we were only circumsized them, but we were wrong.
  15. Fucking perverts. I will go visit Minsk for 4way now, I will stay at @AleksCore house
  16. The mapping history of mix is basically this: the best maps are the controversial ones, less liked, democracy majorities have always sucked in mta and mix, democracy has dragged the server to homogeneity, to being a copy of other servers with less to offer on its own. However maina you should get ur ghostmode on nts down to cp6 not cp69 like u seem to like them!
  17. Also, the lag might not be a real issue, it could be reese's obsession. I haven't seen this radical teleports you're talking about with indians or south americans, let alone middle eastern or turkish, and yet reese is getting criticized by all of these purely on the ping issue. It's one thing to make a comic insult, another to get obsessed over something. And it's one thing to say something is fun when on the other hand u want even lower ping limits and more bans for admin insults, both of which get rid of more fun players. At face value the actual ban is really as simple as Ywa saw a screenie and the regressive left taught him to react like that and say wow this is big time racism... which is lame... but then there are more layers.
  18. I agree with u wessy in that the chat shouldn't be censored at all. Where I was coming in here was about the ping limit which for me isn't an issue. I also don't believe admins should care about being insulted, contrary to reese who wanted more strict rules. That's his double standard. I'm perfectly fine with calling one side dirty cow fuckers and the other side redneck cracker hillbillies, so obviously I don't agree that reese should've been banned for this. So when I said i was tired of the racism that was an accident I hadn't quite read enough into what had happened. However the rest I stand by; because it all makes the server less serious and because insults are actually a healthy thing as they put us all on the same comic level, insults actually are the one thing that undermine identity politics surprisingly enough, as each side has to look at its own dark side instead of thinking their own identity is the dogs balls. Admins should also be resorting to more subtle ways of annoying people who insult them, like muting, killing, freezing and shitting on them, not banning them and turning this into a safe space where the closest thing to Don Rickles is the Huffington Post.
  19. also mix isn't about winning in SH, or slipping in DM under the guise of RTF. its the opposite, its about not giving a shit about winning, hence nts. if it becomes about winning it turns into an autistic macho cesspool like a large percentage of combat games online. ping shouldnt even have been lowered the first time reese asked as it was at FFSgaming's level before and even they're more competitive. mix's charm was MH and it got subbed by SH which is way more competitive and individualistic... things just gradually keep slipping in and eventually absurd threads like this one get made.
  20. when you started playing mix it had no rules what on earth are you talking about? reese you played 5 years or so on mix most of which time had an industry standard 300 ping limit... maybe even on the low side judging from FFS 350 ping. already dropping 300 to 250 because of your complaints in an undemocratic process made a dent in the number of players online and i don't like it at all when classic players come back for a minute and I have to explain to them the hour at which the ping limit is dropped. also i play DD (SH i don't know about as i don't play it) and haven't seen a single issue. And wessy comparing this to the /top 1000 hack is off the charts as that ping caused seconds of lag, not 100 milliseconds, so it's uncalled for. DD is a slow game so 100ms ping difference is even less noticeable. and no indian guy has said lag power to me, he prolly trolling u while u curse at him. As for all this rage and drama I'm a bit tired of it, like I'm tired of the climate of increasing penalties which you yourself were calling for a couple of weeks ago. Many people on the server are still around without the highs and lows that some of you like doing by rage quitting and posting it on the forums like Sky who unceremoniously decided to start insulting the site. I far prefer the ppl who don't report at the slightest insult, the people who don't insult racist things on the server over and over again and the ppl that don't rage quit or put up big admin dramas. I see the internet gets that out of people as they sit in front of their pc it all becomes too abstract, but I'm obstinate in my belief, from what i see too, that there's another side that is far more relaxed and easy-going.
  21. That's Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler. Armageddon.
  22. of course i'm le fap yoda... nothing more fap worthy!
  23. Sleepy Hollow?
  24. No idea. The Opening of Misty Beethoven?
  25. I looked up the complaint and in retrospect i guess it makes sense that it was pay2win on a mode like DD. Unfortunately, it should've been made default on CTF imo, maybe even on DD as default for everyone, and in other modes where it made no difference at all
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