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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ChickenAttack

  1. Qrew the superman from Istanbul and his crappy team wow xD
  2. Reroll is a cheap perk that's only survived because its a soft perk that doesn't necessarily mean improvement. Yours is pay to win. Besides, I don't like anything that makes NTS become less like NTS and more like race, as yours does.
  3. Salah injury = winning 5vs3 xD
  4. FaP is the Real Madrid of this championship...
  5. ven corriendo lowis que si permiten un reserva en el clan war... no sabia que cambiaron las reglas... tienes media hora para aparecer en el srv 🤣 🤣 🤣

  6. Thanks for Modric and Bale, mate 🤣 🤣 🤣

  7. GnappoTheGreat isn't a fan of RTF and SH so he'll pass xD tbh neither am i but i am moosembassador of the planet Ok fappo is joining our team but he'll be afk on SH xd let's face it with my SH shitero skills and our terrible track record at RTF we're in for a worse season than Spurs...
  8. Depends on hour and day of the week I guess, and I haven't asked around yet, but for the time being these are the players that would play for the Mooses Me (Paid 1k gcs) Assntitties (Paid 1k gcs) Zullolo Schwarzenegger (Paid 1k gcs) LeGnappo
  9. Add us powermoosefappers to the mix, we will kick all yer asses xD
  10. RIP English PL.

    you can lead a horse (or whore) to water, but you can't make it drink it.

    gazillions spent on the PL by Sky and other PPV twats. Le Bald Fraud at Man City. You name it.

    All for nothing. The English National team infects the Agueros as they go through the Channel tunnel.

    Unless Liverpool, without Coutinho, beat Barca in the semis, and Real in the final.

    Yeah, no.

  11. CTF Dock!
  12. Looks nice but can we have the server player list back again pls
  13. Good luck Fapthony
  14. This guy's a twat. Gnappo was asking me to mute him but I couldn't as I've forgotten my account password on the laptop i'm using this month. Nitro can speak his language and can warn him and mute him etc
  15. WTFAP u in cnt now nooooooooooooooooooo

    1. eL_AsS


      omfg, its not me, its a poser faker!!

      i always in fap, fap always in my heart:wub:

    2. ChickenAttack


      ok i believe you :)

      i can sleep well now

  16. omfg dozer and vortex are the dogs balls fu
  17. A /bet system would be awesome I agree but who here can code xD
  18. Done. Now make it rain what fappens in las vegas etc
  19. Good luck fapan!
  20. Good luck Maheritooo!
  21. Skyyyyy great to see you back, even if you can't convince them to be mod yet Maybe with good behavior etc etc... hell Mad is good admin these days, whodathunk that years ago!
  22. #KeepDozer! #VortexIsSexyAF #CombineHarvesterIsAmazeballs #BringBackShootingTanks #BringBackRcPotPlantsAndRcEverythings there fixed it for ya xD
  23. Fuck yeah. CTF Dock plz!
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