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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Its is possible to fix the lucky luke and bullet storm achievements? i had the biggest SLAM mine kill ever! 14 kills in one mine!! but dinnot get my achievements
  2. He had a verry good life D': but he fell down the stairs and got stuck in the vacuum cleaner... and after i buried him i found out that his son was hiding in my shoes... i have to raise him now... you hurt my fealing!
  3. On a age 2 years and 27 days... My pet rock died today D': R.I.P Georg...
  4. I launch css and type my password XD fixed now and i dont think ozz have keylogger XD
  5. i have a error in Gmod and cant fix it! i have logged inn and out 100 times and have restarted my computer! Cant fix it!
  6. Gratz messy!
  7. Notte

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  8. Yes, this is a big problem i think. Before dm_iw_metalgrounds 17 players after 5 players o.O thats so annoying! you have to know all the ways to the top just for survive as zombie. new player cant stand a chance.
  9. Thats the meatcannon wtf?
  10. Baby Ask me in norwegian:P i awnser on norwegian:P no big deal:P i have ask him to translate so take it easy:D
  11. Dude, what The ego of a norwegian person is often too big to speak english. Well, as you can see I used the fat-style over "Driter blod". Since I'm from sweden I can understand bits and pieces, and that part scared me. "Shitting blood". lol true:P i have ask baby to translete:P i have so bad enhlish:P Exactly was I was asking to, in Danish. I can understand it without any defficulty too. You can't shit fucking blood, unless you have a huge problem, and you will properly bleed to death Unfair, only French is forbidden in topics? x< When it's some non-dutch language, from countries around, people don't rage so much than when we talk French!^^ Revolution!^^
  12. lol
  13. i have a crappy engish lol vil nver understad a grapp if i try to explane IM shitting blod! out of my ass
  14. Notte

    Ozzy hasn't added any friends yet

  15. Notte


  16. OMFG [Norwegian]Seriøst?? Er det vanelig at du blir syk av det..? hvor lang tid tar det å bli frisk? O.o[/Norwegian] [Norwegian]ja, er kronisk så kan har det resten av livet men går i perioder når jeg er syk kan bli frisk imorra eller om 20 år og kan du oversette? greier ikke p forklare dete på UK [Norwegian] And crappy english! IM shitting blod! out of my ass!
  17. Notte


    lol now i have it on my ipod
  18. [Norwegian] har en sånn magesykdomm som gjør at jeg driter blod O.o og det er ikke bra [Norwegian]
  19. [Norwegian] mage greier[Norwegian]
  20. Notte


    dont be so depressing it was soo fun!
  21. I have bin (lol, crapy english) sick since i was 2 days or soo now am soon 16! i wanna be healthy! Maybe you get sick of all the pills. Anyway, hope you will feel better. one month i "forgot" to take them i went from 63 kg to 50,5 kg! IN A MONTH!
  22. im always sick!!! normaly i take 6 pillls a day O.o
  23. Vel... im seriously ill now and on Tuesday im I will be in the hospital soo im maby gone for the next weak if i stay longer I let Ozzy know cya (i will be here in the weekend )
  24. my . '
  25. Notte

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