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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. You can always use the Mr. Green Wiki. There is nobody outside Mr. Green who reads that anyway. Well... there's also nobody inside Mr. Green who reads it. It need to be updated XD
  2. Notte

    Notte's App

    Duh... Everyone know the cake is a lie
  3. Notte

    Notte's App

    Anything you miss? know its not a perfect app XD
  4. Notte

    Notte's App

    Gameserver: The Gmod servers, Mainly the Infected Wars server. Age: 15 years (16 on feburary 25) Country of origin: Norway Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/id/notte Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Notte not only comment addmins apps Now im making one XD Well my name is Andreas and im gonna app for the Gmod servers. Im a adault person, soo i know the diferent between skillz and hax. Im a very well known person on the server ( you may call me addicted) and im good friend whit all the players and the admins ( IRL >: D) soo i know mostly how the admins work and handle the different situations that may arise. Im always happy for new players and always try to make them stay playing I see that most of the Gmod admins play at the ZS sever and i know IW dont have admin online all the time. A litte while ago when Sacrificals PC was broken it was only toaster( some times the other admins) who guarded the server. And i think IW need more than two active admins. Im now have over 220 hours at the server since october 2009, but have been a "back seat player" whit ozzy and Sacrifical since 2008, and know were possible bug/exploit can occu. On the server im called Nøtte, and i can say im the very good medic XD I got over 50k heal points and I have, obviously, all the Suppies shop upgrades I have only 86% of the achevments cuz im more happy whit heal and support my team whit ammo Im also one of the "students" to "Mads the exploiter" He taught me how to find exploits. But unlike him, i dont want to find exploits to cheat. I want to block them all. Exploiting is not a part of the game If you read the app you see that i have a little bad english, well im a dyslexic People understand what i mean but my spelling and grammar is a litte bad. Hope this is not a problem Thaks for your time
  5. may proxy servers make IRC impossible to use?
  6. 10/10 error http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsVFOAMn8SY
  7. post fix
  8. I will XD
  9. If you want to post videos you find make a " funny youtube videos" tropic and everyone who find a funny video can post it in that tropic And we dont need 1337 tropics whit one youtube video
  10. You have to leave your clans if you want to be admin And If you write a little more why exactly you want to Admin, that will help you a lot Good Luck
  11. Nice App Good luck
  12. Btw, Sacrifical pc is broken again XD his Internet won't work On the pc XD only on his mac
  13. The meatcannon got more power... Kill you before you join!
  14. Mismatch: entities\meatrocket\shared.lua i got spammed by 3 people westerday who got this error XD
  15. You try to kill me whit you peanut? /emoticons/default_ohmy.png" alt=":o">

  16. 1.you not alone whit this problem. And I think clavus work his ass of to fix it. 2. Can you please stopp make a new error tropic every dag? Thanks
  17. Nice baby have to come over and destroy it one day It's one thing nothing can survive... Russan granny porn! Burn you card in 2.3 sec!
  18. I was suppies? you have to be in 2 round. that importan. cuz you need more than 7 people the entyre round
  19. Notte


    doesnt work always work for me :S
  20. Notte


    Just use Photoshop and save as gif
  21. Well this is the 10 mors used word In IRC XD Look at 10th place.
  22. &color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1">&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="660" height="405">
  23. Ye :S Btw i get steam spammed ehit people who get this error: Disconnect: Kicked by Console : "Mismatch: entities\meatrocket\shared.lua" Anything i can tell them? And it is possible to be fixed?
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