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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Notte

  1. Ahh! Why did I drop all my 50 German classes!
  2. Wow. First post is admin app
  3. Desperados, waterworks, train and runoff is the comman maps
  4. this becomes worse and worse.... possible to fix it? many thing its the egon cannon
  5. The last week there have been a huge mass time out propblem in IW. 4-5 times a day 3-7 people time out at the same time. its not the same people every time but its ofen the same people on the same map timed out (for me its mostly at desperados) and for other is difrend map. Maybe is the gore bug again?
  6. Notte


    Best rap ever http://www.youtube.c...tsE&feature=fvw
  7. I have a better pic now but can not change it
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My neighbor go on a holiday next week....
  9. TOASTER FOR ADMIN! lol bad 2 min photoshop XD
  10. Toaster for Admin :D

  11. Can you remove dm_runoff? People find new exploits every day to avoid the nuke :S and if you dont have bullshot its almost impossible to kill them. The last 3 weeks i have seen like 5-6 people who have got one man army, deus ex and slaker by hiding on the roof They dont deserve it. EDIT: And the admins can fix all the exploits its to many
  12. but fail i live like a Monkey im one of them
  13. haha XD remember error? you cant Abuse always
  14. Oh, so we're going with a "If he did it, it's ok for me to do it" philosophy? I'm pretty sure he knows what he's saying, regardless of his age (where are you getting 1998 from?). Besides, he said more than what's in the screeny, which is why I asked the chat logs be looked over. Dusty: Your welcome, and thankyou. if he said more you shoud ban him but its wrong to ban a gye for one sentence people say everyday XD and i Get 1998 from his wois and name XD joker98 = 1998. joker93 = 1993 Get it?
  15. I dont like racists! But this is one and a half sentence... We have to ban half of the server if we gonna ban all who have said mothafucker nigga XD and he born i 1998... he dont know what nigga mean...
  16. i think IW need more achievements its just 50 More fun whit more achievements if we had 100 or 200
  17. TOASTER! GOOD LUCK! THIS IS SOO No more cheating on the the night shift
  18. Why is the achievement bug whit lucky lucke and bullet storm soo hard to fix? This is just the half of the list and still not get my achievements got 13 kills ffs. and its happen all the time! This was the 5. December ‎2009, ‏‎19.58.53 CET (UTC+1) And if you dont know Lucky Luke 5 kills in 5 sec Bullet storm 10 in 15 (i think)
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