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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. An uploaded manga isn't technically a 'webcomic'.

    Also this topic now discusses all comic forms apparently :V

    I don't really care :D

    Didn't know we had soo much comic fans around here in the community :D

  2. Hi fellow 'section Minecraft' forum readers!

    This topic is, as the name says, a topic to post your videos where you record a minecraft glitch. To keep it organized I propose to EDIT your post afterwards if it's fixed by typing fixed under it in size 6, or posting another video under it if you found a way to fix the glitch :)

    Let's start of with this glitch

    I was at spawn when a noob started hitting me,

    I just walk away since I dont really care but I keep getting hit.

    Afterwards, the server kind of crashed.

    Note: I died for pvp relogging and my shit burned in a pool of lava 50 blocks away ..

    Thanks for reading and for your interest in the subject.

  3. Used to subscribe to Beano, usually read Tintin at my grandparents house, we used to take walks to salts mill to look at David Hockney pictures (but mainly to go upstairs and read the Tintin books without buying them)

    Just a silly question,

    do they call tintin tintin in the netherlands?

    Or just 'Kuifje' ?

  4. The Watchmen comic has to be my favourite, but I am a fan of Manga myself and the Ghost Shell, Yu-gi-oh, and Gundam series.

    Pic Comics

    These come with English translations now.

    Pic Yu-GI-Oh

    You like yu-gi-oh ?

    I never really liked japanese games :V

    Tough I'm interested in Manga :D

  5. Hey guys,

    Today I want to the local book shop and I found this:


    This sparked interest in comic books again.

    When I was a child I read a lot of comic books but I kind of stopped :V

    Do you guys read Comic Books and which ones?

    Where do you buy them and do you think making comic books about video games is a good idea ?

    I honestly do think this is a great idea, the artistic drawings are wonderfull.

    It just gives a nostalgic feeling when I'm reading the comic books tough AC isn't that old.

  6. Why would they steal when they can just spawn up 10000000000000000000 times what you lost?

    They cant spawn items.

    We can. But we dont.

    You can, but corby cant because he has to play it fair :D

  7. Why would they steal when they can just spawn up 10000000000000000000 times what you lost?

    They cant spawn items.

    I think it's clear Phoeny stole your stuff guys, since he's in AntiDemacia now ..

  8. Awesome, since you said a word about splash potions...

    Yeah, I remember doing those splash healing potions when L4G existed.

    I also remember doing poisons. Sometimes using a poison requires tactical moves. And that's how I usually won combats with splash poisons.

    Any way, did you see what do we have in chests at discord? :P

    +all the enchanted swords... GOD, its insane!

    P.S: still eating my pop corn.


    since the level of this topic went way down I'm gonna eat some popcorn to, darkness

    Edit: This might be interesting for the rangers lovers =>

  9. This shit is so out to date =3

    Half of the factions listed are DEAD.

    Blackbird and Discord are ruling the server now,

    if you think different you should just pvp against us instead of calling us pussies for no good reason ..

    For real? You guys are owned by us Rangers, you've never ever beat us once or even attempted to raid us.

    you're never online and awesomeo is my friend :3

    that's a terrible excuse, i've seen them online a few times when you guys have been on. Plus if anyone is running the server it sure as hell isn't Discord.

    More like Rangers and Blackbird. Sure Rangers aren't online a ton but when they are they hardly ever die and never get raided. i have only ever seen them die once and that was at the hands of the mighty Bongo_Ben (he only killed awesomeo though) Corby then ruined us.

    I don't attack rangers cause awesomeo is my friend and I haven't seen corby close enough to do pvp ..

  10. This shit is so out to date =3

    Half of the factions listed are DEAD.

    Blackbird and Discord are ruling the server now,

    if you think different you should just pvp against us instead of calling us pussies for no good reason ..

    For real? You guys are owned by us Rangers, you've never ever beat us once or even attempted to raid us.

    you're never online and awesomeo is my friend :3

  11. I was just wondering if you (Clavus) could do some building for the spawn on the next map.

    Since everybody can glitch to spawn it's kind of a new pvp warp.

    But everybody is running in and out safe zone and this is really annoying ...

    Mayby you can build a 2 high platform so you can't jump back up ?

    Anyway, if you want to do this I think there are a lot of examples (skip to 0:20 and yes I know this guys is a nutcase ..)

    Just a little idea that could improve the server :3

  12. For King Con, :V Was like a 20 minute job but C'MON! The retarded little hand just makes it perfect! I did it with my mouse and didnt really go over it or anything but I've been busy playingtf2

    *Funny Pic*

    Mmmm good old tf2.

    Hope you actually succeed in your mission to train stardude ..

    I think it's a hopeless case :D

    jk he's actually pretty good at scout (;

  13. I really hope you get it box,

    You're the most helpfull guy I ever ever ever met over the internet,

    without you I wasn't here,

    without you I didn't have this EPIC pc.

    Box, I just want you to know that you're someone who I look up to.

    I think the entire forum loves you and we all apreciate your good work.

    I really really hope you get this!µ

    GOOD LUCK (from the flemish part of Belgium!)

  14. Just don't use anything that gives you an advantage. Radars and things like that sort of fall under this rule too but since they're not too much of an issue, I condone them.

    Your ass is banned once you install cheats though. Like the current 240+ players banned for xray use.

    The mini map is kinda cheating but is optifine cheating ? cause it just makes your mc EPIC :D

  15. From the moment someone pastes a screenpicture with him dragging of his diamonds then it's a contest :3

    We (Discord) don't need that shit, we got a lot more diamonds from some duper dude :3

    I gave all the contents of my /chest to MrTurboTrio, before heading of to Mr Green ZS forever.

    Yes, we now got 3*64 DIA blocks tough ...

    Thanks to a silly dude wondering of in the desert

  16. Ok, I assume this is a Minecraft contest.

    Did you even read the thing? It's a treasure hunt for the lost treasures of Scourge.

    From the moment someone pastes a screenpicture with him dragging of his diamonds then it's a contest :3

    We (Discord) don't need that shit, we got a lot more diamonds from some duper dude :3

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