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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Kay since I haven't done this yet I'm gonna do it tough most of you guys know me already xd

    1. Real name and age?

    Mathijs 15 and seven months (;

    2. Where do you live?

    Scherpenheuvel, Flanders, Belgium

    3. Previous experince with communities and boards?

    I had experience with a css clan and it's community but after 2 years of admin I got tired of it and left (:

    4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job)

    I just go to school

    5. Go to school? If yes, studying what?

    Yesm, I study latin and mathematics but next year I'm gonna do mathemathics and science

    6. Describe yourself with 3 words? (looking forward to that one, lol)

    Kay, active, cheerfull, and erm pugnacious ? =D

    Hope you like reading this xd

  2. Why always when I open my texture packs it lags? :(

    I just wanna try that downloaded pack.

    Any way, about the MrGreen faction idea.

    Recently we with Grasshopper started to build a base for the faction, so I am mainly building it.

    I want to do a Mr. Green icon on top of the base (collecting wool atm) so this will look perfect :>

    My idea is to make a castle out of it with many space for living and farming. So this is what I currently got, hope you like it:

    1st pic - Main hall

    2nd pic - basement, animal farm, entrance to the huge cavesystem (Grasshopper would say the same)

    3rd pic - The entrance, storage (1st floor).

    4th pic - 2nd floor, Portal to nether

    5th pic - 3rd floor

    6th, 7th pics - One of the branches of the castle, where ppl live (wip).

    8th, 9th pics - current view from outside.

    Nice !

    Want to raid it sooo BAD =D

  3. Kay all set

    Can't find a powersuplly tough ... :'(

    And the thermal paste but that isn't that necesarry ;X

    Most likely if you buy an 300€ video card it does not run the latest games on high/ultahigh on 2017, so just buy 150-200€ one and then buy a new one when you need it.

    dont need it to run high/ultrahigh

    Just be capeble of running it on medium

  4. kay guys

    I got everything except my graphics card since I can't buy this:

    Sapphire HD 6950 2GB - Graphics card £200 in Belgium.

    I'm looking for something that is the same price and quality that fits with this set up:

    NZXT Phantom Full Tower Case - £110

    AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition -

    Corsair DDR3 1600MHz Vengeance - Ram,

    MSI 870A-G54 Socket AM3 8 Channel Audio ATX Motherboard

    BeQuiet L8 530 Watt. Power supply


    Can you guys please help ? and give me some links from Belgium sites as well ofc <3


  5. mmmmkay, enjoy your bans, I in no case welcome dupers back to the server.

    Then why are the people from: "Boogeyman" faction unbanned?





    Dude from the moment there was a new map every1 got a second chance.

    Clavus decided it pretty sure corby wouldn't let them play ever again if he had the power :pipe:

  6. I was In There Faction And Talking to them on skype. They told me about there hacked client: Walking trough wall. Speed. Hit next him but he get damaged and more.

    The Faction is: BlackBird

    People: ImreJansen.wesselkompier, MrCocaine.

    On The Server: Minecraft.nl

    Proof ?

  7. The End and The Nether should remain a wild west of sorts. Portal claiming was annoying. Too bad about the blaze rod thing but it doesn't change a thing.

    clavus could you please check out the server suggestions thread ?

    I've combined a lot of suggestions in one clear message and corby approved most of them.

    Can you might ad some of those to the server with the next update or next map ?


  8. Hello fellow MineCraftians, it's come to my attention that we don't have access to Nether and End claiming. More like Fire Aspect Swords or poison potions, this is truly annoying and needs to be enabled. I get that if you're anticipating Nether access and someone has blocked it that it could be a hinderance to your upkeep during raids/defending/trading (etc.) for potions or miscellaneous things. Although you may not have Nether access via your own portal, I'm sure an ally/neutral/enemy might be willing to let you access the nether if you trade them at least. I find it extremely annoying to have found a Blaze Spawner, but 5 hours later when I need some Blaze Rods for any random reason, I see the room just torn to bits, destructed completely. Sadly I can do nothing to prevent this as I can't claim - That's why I'm requesting for you, Clavus or Ywa to enable Nether claiming so us players don't have to struggle to obtain some items that would be regularly easy to farm. I don't see much trouble with claiming in The End unless you're having safe-house when Endermen are having sex with your Health Bar or you wanna escape them if you've lured multiple. Anyways, I hope you guys can look into my idea and hopefully implement it.

    Merry Christmas


    Dear drainal, in stead of writing this lovely text in a new thread you might wanne do it next time in SERVER SUGGESTIONS

    and then you would see that this is already suggested !

    Just to let you know that you wrote this text for no reason (=

  9. Aight,

    after finishing my exams the day before yesterday (;

    I have been online almost 24/7

    And this is what I kinda got from everybody on the server;

    Let's start with the ESSENTIAL upgrades/plug-ins whatever:

    -Setting blaze rod spawners in the nether as safe zone so people can't jerk around and destroying them,

    Then making sure little kids don't claim around it but I'll be sure Corby will help us out with that just like he did to atlentic when they claimed around spawn a few maps a go

    -Enable claiming in the nether so everybody doesn't have to hide their nether wart farms.

    -Combining the relog plug-in with the current 10 seconds that you can't hurt any body would be awesome (this has been suggested by Corby and I dunno if he has already done it)

    -Seperate donation system for Minecraft server like said before on this thread => 2 euros mayby 3 for 1 month a reserve slot.

    This will help a lot and ofc with the money from these donations you buy ofcourse more server slots so there is always enough room for who doesn't have a reserve slot. Mayby 1 of 6 slots is reserved ? When this is a massive succes what it probably is gonna be raise it to 1 reserve slot every 4 slots.


    -I heared this come back a few times and I know it would help the players a lot: /warp spawn

    Tough you can say don't go so far from spawn then, it's a really little plug-in what can do no bad but only good.

    -Tpa request ? Cause it's often that you wanne trade and the other dude is on the other side of the bloody map

    which is bloody annoying to walk all that way. But this can be fixed with /warp spawn command Ofc.

    Really Really OPTIONAL:

    -Enable a /shop command ? Where you can buy stuff with the money you gain by killing mobs or PVP. Ofcourse everything has to be REALLY expensive or you got to make sure that mobs dont drop to much cash. If you would have shop make sure there is NO sell command other wise the dupers are gonna sell all there dia for pots stuff or obsidian. This sounds (for me) a good plug-in tough I don't know if it might ruin the survival part or not

    Greetings as always


    SCOURGE - The Professionals

    My opinion:

    Green = NEEDS doing

    Orange = Would be nice but needs tweaking and has to be done it the right way.

    Red = No, should not happen at all. As it could remove/provide tactics and advantages that shift gameplay.

    Sounds good only that you dont lake safe zone idea of blaze rod spawner dissapoints me :(

    But oh well if we got those things it would be MUCH better

    Since corby already gave his tought bout this mayby he should have a talk with Lord Clavus so this actually can be done ? =3

  10. pic 1,2,3 someone would have to look at that.

    pic 4 all you know he could just be yabbering crap.

    pic 5 nothing to say there apart from just more general accusations and junk.

    Math there is a reporting topic ya know? Future posts should just simply go in there. And who is turbotrio?

    In pic 2 and 3 is not spamming it is part of the game.

    What you do is type &k Random &k

    And Vwalla there it is!

    but why the fuck did they have to do it 3 times in 10 30 seconds or even less ?

    after every1 said stop it it's bloody annoying they still continued

  11. Gegner eliminiert yet Savior ribbon.


    I usze tze German versuim cous I äm German.

    I saved somebody by killing somebody else :rolleyes:

    but why isn't savior ribbon german

    The Ribbons aren´t German at all :V

    It would be reminding to much to an erra where germany wasn't the worlds most beloved place :V

    mmm ww2 ?

  12. pic 1,2,3 someone would have to look at that.

    pic 4 all you know he could just be yabbering crap.

    pic 5 nothing to say there apart from just more general accusations and junk.

    Math there is a reporting topic ya know? Future posts should just simply go in there. And who is turbotrio?

    pic 5 = zombitch telling he sees the amount of diamonds the other dude was carrying

    This is the ban/ unban request part of the forum.

    Since they dont read the minecraft hacker thread I'm doing it here since this sin't annoying anyone in anyway

    since this is the ban request part.

    Turbo is my irl friend and is together with me the only one active atm ...

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