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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. I need a moderator to clarify this rule: If you think the fight isn't fair just logg of and come back in 10 minutes.

    As far as I understand it, you can't pussy out during a fight. Whether logging in instantly or logging in 10 minutes later.

    Whith 'if the fight isn't fair logg out and come back later for 10 minutes' I mean:

    If the other guy is obviously hacking, then you'd logg out and come back in 10 minutes so you don't combatlogg.

    I find it myself extremly lame if some1 loggs of during pvp, but there is cases I logg of myself:

    Dude appearing out of nowhere after 1 second only got 0.5 hearts left.

    I'm not giving my stuff to a hacker, I would rather die in a fair fight with the biggest naab.

  2. Hello! I am new to the minecraft.nl server and the Left4Green community! I was looking on the web for fun fighting servers for minecraft and I found minecraft.nl! I was wondering if anyone could mentor me about the forum and the servers! I also need to learn a little bit more about minecraft, since im sort of a new player! I really want to fit in here. Also, is there any factions that would let me join them? I really want to join a faction so I can build and fight.

    Thanks for reading,


    Hi and welcome,

    as you might know most of the good and popular factions don't invite anyone they don't know, this makes them so good.

    These factions got only irl friends or really good friends they've known for a long time.

    That's why I suggest you start your own faction with some of your irl friends (if you don't got irl friends that play mc you'd get good friends with a member from a good faction = Scourge,Rangers,Realism,Basscanon,...)

    You'd build your base far from enemies but not to far so you can start raiding in a later stage.

    As a base I suggest a cool version of a watercube, these are extremly safe but also extremely lame so that's why you'd best make another shape then a silly cube.

    From that point on it's mining, getting potions enchanting getting allies and after that the fun begins.

    Start teaming up with your allies and go raid some noobs, 1/2 raids will give you loot and 1/7 epic loot.

    While you are raiding you must face that there is a possibility to die, so don't start combatlogging when you fear you r gonna die cause this might get you banned.

    If you think the fight isn't fair just logg of and come back in 10 minutes.

    I hope these tips helped you and if you want you can ally my faction! (:


    Scourge -Evil never dies-

  3. Why I would be a good admin:

    I dont abuse power as others might do it, however I like to be fair to other players.

    It's not cause the little kids say that the cor in corby stands for corruptian that he actually is corrupt.

    No admin in this community abuses his power.

    Mayby you should post more on the forums, and check out IRC cause that's an important factor aswell.

    More Info:

    I also really like this server and if I do become admin I promise I will make sure there are less hackers on the server than there is now.

    There are almost no hackers nowadays. Mayby some xrayers but that's it. 4 months ago the server was full with flymoders etc.

    I haven't seen u online yet, don't know in which faction you are but I still you the best of luck.

    I'm sure you are mature enough and you might actually have a chance in stead of the 13 year olds just get refused cause they are obviously not old enough =D

    Good luck

  4. I'm curious as to how you non-English fluent English speakers know an incredibly wide range of vocabulary...Are there any special techniques that help you remember words etc? It's really amazing....worryingly so! tongue.gif Hopefully I can use some for some speaking exams I have to do... wink.gif Thanks.

    Learning English is just a lot different then other languages,

    To start of, since we were kids we heared english on the television.

    From the moment we could read we saw the subtitles and mached them with the english words we heared.

    From the moment we grew a bit older we started to play runescape and tribalwars.

    Here we started to actually type english etc.

    After this it just became even more used;

    In the daily life we play English games with English people on them talking English all the time.

    Even the communities are English.

    That's why English is so easy to learn for non-English people.

    If you would do the same but then whith french you would be able to speak french almost fluently in 5-7 years without studying.

    Ofc. studying will help you expanding your voc and helps you understanding the grammer of the language.

  5. All righties,

    Listen up student !

    I got some basic stuff here for you: How to make correct German verbs and the first case which is 'Der Nominativ'

    Let's start with 'Der Nominativ'


    What you can see on this part is a German explanation in which cases you should use 'Der Nominativ'

    You'd use 'Der Nominativ' when your word is the subject of a sentence, a salutation or if it's an object after the verbs:

    to be !Sein!

    to become !Werden!

    to stay Bleiben

    to appear Beweisen

    to seem Aussehen

    There are three other cases in German which you will learn later (when I learned them XD)

    ------You can take a 10 seconds brake------

    Now, what is special about this case ?!


    You have 2 groups in German which each other outputs.

    You got the 'Der-Gruppe', the output the words of this group is R when it's male/ E when it's Female/ S when it's neuter/ E when it's Plural.

    and the 'Ein-Gruppe', the output the words of this group is nothing when it's male/ E when it's Female/ nothing when it's neuter/ E when it's Plural.

    Thank you for your attention,

    tomorrow we will do possesive pronouns and the verbs!

    If you got any questions ask them tomorrow,

    Viel Spaß mit studieren (A lot of fun with studying)

    Greating Math.


    German for dummies;

    Every noun is written with a capital

    If you use a double s = ss it will become ß

  6. What was your minecraft name again? Your account name doesn't sound familiar.

    yup haven't heared of a blake or a deathhater before.

    The age might be a problem but I don't thin they will make a problem bout it.

    Haven't seen you that much on the forum, try to be active here aswell (; (these are tips, this is help not making you look like a retard =D )

    Good luck

  7. How are basic connectives changed depending on the scentence? For example, to can be zu or some other thing, what changes this?

    Like, if I wanted to say, I'd prefer to play ____, would that be, Ich hatte lieber zu ____ spiele, or Ich hatte lieber (?) ____ spiele? How are they used? Any other regularly used words like to, and, the, etc. would be good to :D Danke!

    I know that and is und by hard and I think that the changes in german like you say in french LE garçon and LA fille.

    I don't actually know this cause I haven't seen it yet in school =D

  8. Okay.. Thanks you two, ill practice it a bit later :V

    Minkey if you want I can send you some copies of my german books,

    I'm also in my first year of learning this =D (on school)

    Yeah sure dude :D

    Where should I post it ? =D

    Hmmm photobucket then inbox me the links? :D <3

    I'll just post the grammar bout the verbs here since it's 2x nothing then we'll see for the voc since the translation of that shit is in dutch but I dunno if you need it because we got google translate

    Oww Yeah =D

    P.s. My german is still in college I'll post the grammar soon :D

  9. I use Trillian and log into all IRC channels.

    Would love to see #mrgreen.mc


    Yeah um no.

    would be full of hate and anger,

    it would hurt your eyes when you see there can be such rivality between gamers and nawbs.

    It would change your toughts of the human kind FOR EVER

    Well, its really because it displays faction chat as well as public. So it would be unfair if everyone were able to see it.

    it could help in banning xray xd

  10. All Trollz members have been using Speed hacks, No clip, Reach hacks. I have no proof but when someone falls through my flooring with No Clip and speed hacks ALL the way over to LolZombies i think i have my proof. This is Absolutely abides from all faction servers and i think there faction home should be visited by some admins checking there chests. I am also sorry for log fighting, But when it comes to fighting a hacker i try to avoid them.

    Thank you


    You say that you have.your proof just because you saw it, that's the same amount of proof as randomly blaming someone for xray

    Try to get proof and then post it in the right section as clavus asked which is the minecraft hacker reporting thread which canbe found in the ban|unban section


  11. Server's back up. Caused about 20 players to join instantly (seriously wtf). No new plugins, I updated CombatTag to a new version that hopefully doesn't crash. Factions / NoCheat / STAB also updated.

    Few changes with Factions:

    Player minimum power gone from 0.0 to -2.0

    Power loss per death set from 2.0 to 3.0

    Power loss per day that a player is offline: 0.4 (so you lose 2 power if you're offline for 5 days)

    Territory shield factor from 0.15 to 0.1

    Why is the minimum power from a player negative ? this is just insane ...

    Players who are on vacation have to be kicked out of the faction otherwise power will go negative on him ?

    Why did you actually changed this stuff ? as far as I can remember nobody reallu asked for it or needed it.

    In stead of these changes what is making faction wars almost hardcore /warp spawn hasn't been added as

    SO many people have requested and suggested and doesn't ruin the current game.

  12. First of all, best of luck, but I'd like to say the same what people told me on my admin application, that whas 2 months ago, I'm 14, but I'm getting 15 in 6 days. Your age is 13, which is young too, but age is just a number, maturity matters, are you mature enough to handle this? I haven't seen you communicate with people that much, and try out the *chat* link above this page, and try being more active on this forums, best of luck, ZomBitch :pipe:

    You actually read what has been written above ?

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