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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Its clear now,

    Almost everyone out there is still cblogging, reachhacking, autoclicking, xraying, speedhacking


    All the players that play this game fair are almost forced to leave because they are getting killed by hackers

    The only options these fair playing gamers have is installing hax theirselves to cope the hackers.

    I'm getting really tired of being in the middle of a fight and someone hits 8 hearts in once and later he appears to have bane of Arthropods.

    All these hacks make the server so suckish to play on, in combination with the lagg everyone who plays fair just quits playing.

    I'm not saying that Clavus and Corby don't do their work properly but there is so few attention at the server what makes it even more worse and so on.

    The cblogg plugg-in worked for 1 day then everyone knew how to be not killed by it.

    I don't know much about plugg-in's but can't you autokill people that logg of while they were in combat ?

    Can't you autokill people that go say 1.1 times faster for 3 seconds in water ?

    Can't you autokill people that hit another one 8 times in 2 seconds ?

    I know, the server wont be able to run this since it's in a crap condition if we are hounoust.

    But if the donating system for mc starts working I honestly think this should be invested in upgrading the server so it can cope the plugg-in's

    I'm sure that I'm not the only one that's owning noobs and has wonderfull loot when suddenly an autoclicker speedhacker comes out of nowhere and just insta-kills you.

    That's why I beg the Top-Crew to make the server HACKER PROOF.


    representing all the fair playing MC-guys

    Scourge- Evil Never Dies

  2. I'll look at allowing a limited number of peaceful factions in the next world.

    Also, seeing as how Jeb is experimenting with a new world format and I've started working on the Minecraft Green-Coins shop, I think it's best if we postpone moving to a new world a little longer.

    If there will be peacefull factions it has to be impossible for them to get not peacefull etc.

    People will just use peacefull factions for a while till they have enough recources and then they'll go to a war faction ..

    When will the new world be expected then ?

  3. I don't know which is worse, the absurd request or the reply filled with the modern equivalent of 90's radical speak.

    never heared of memes or 9gag?

    In stead of saying like you that he's a retard and clavus wont do it I use memes but nvm baron <I know better>

  4. I like how the greens are pulling the server towards them tough they have no interest what soever,

    instead of making a seperate donating system for minecraft we can gain money from the kids,

    because you all have to be fair the mc server is in a horrible state ..

  5. I take that as a no.

    I count myself as a veteran on the mc server aswell as mogadon,

    I call myself a mid-rook on the forums since I got active 1 year ago.

  6. Does scourge even have any of the veteran members, or just you rooks running around?

    What you mean with veteran members ?

    I joined when the server was in 1.4

    mogie joined a little bit later,

    Pufulet was the admin but he quitted for personal reasons

    omg guys dupers!11

    ty for the expected comments xd

  7. Recently there has been a lot of crying people asking where some of the big factions went,

    not remembering that CASP and Scourge are almost dominating the server at the moment due Realism having trubles with the trustworthy of their members.

    Of course you're mom and dad have teached you that you can't believe what a random stranger tells you,

    so that's why you learned in school that people should proof what they say, well here I go.

    With reading this note I'm not responsible for any heartattacks occuring when you've seen the pictures below.


    Let's start of with our red carpet,

    all the celebrity's got one that's why we roled one out in our base for our members.



    Some reasons why Scourge is dominating on this server,

    we got the ultimate weapons, enchanted by megabananabandit and Mogadonskoda.


    Ofcourse with weapons only you don't win a war so here are our potion things we need for battle,

    the potions are mainly being made by myself, and mogadonskoda harvests the blaze rods and the netherwarts.


    Then we got a little storage for the potions, so we don't have to wait every time when we need one.

    Cause you have to be honoust the brewing time SUCKS .. =D




    Eating is a verry social activity, that's why we at Scourge only choose for the best wheat all planted by me and MrSmith20.

    Besides our beloved weath we got our burgers from the wonderfull pigs that Megabananabandit lured into our base.

    Not forgetting the effort Mogadonskoda putted in letting these pigs breed, but after discovering that our beloved wheat was the perfect aphrodisiac for these piggs

    we ate burgers every day! =D


    Ofcourse our allies can testify that we are verry outgoing that's why mogadonskoda and megabananabandit got us these wonderfull music disc,

    from now on you don't need to knock at our door to see if we're home; just listen if you can hear any music (;

    Last but not least: The goodies chest!

    I know there will probably be a lot of drama about this, we're probably getting accused from xray which would be logic if we mined all this ourselves.

    I must dissapoint u when I say that we got our little helpers, like santa has, who dig this up for us, better known as our enemies.

    I'm probably correct if I say that 40% of the 549 diamonds is stolen recieved from our little helpers.

    When we look to the iron however I must say that 70% of the total amount of the 1283 iron.

    Enough talking just watch at the picture now =D


    I hope to see you all soon in game (;

    Scourge's proud admin


    -aka Mathi(irc) or Chem-Tox(steam)

  8. I'm buying bf3 soon when I got my new pc,

    you guys recommend me doing anything special before I start my rampage on the l4g server ? (;

    Y the fuck does steam has no bf3 for sale ? D=

  9. Minkey is right, unless the part he says you have to donnate to get money.

    I know a lot of people will just donate right away if they know their money is going to the minecraft server and mayby get a reserver slot for like let's say 25 euros total of donating. I'm sure the top crew never wanted the server to be at the cost of his members

  10. I've unbanned you for now. Just don't combat log, it pisses people off.

    He doesn't just disconnect and reconnect manually. When he disconnects it INSTANTLY reconnects him and teleports him home, even though enemies are within 32 blocks area. The reason of his ban shouldn't be based on combatlogging but using 3rd party programs................................

    I don't understand this unban.

    You should have checked the video before unbanning him..........

    Yup he's right, not only does he combatlogg so bad he even uses a plug-in that teleports him to his base when he reconnects.

    I honestly this is worth a permabann cause this is almost as bad as flyhacking.

  11. Aight,

    after finishing my exams the day before yesterday (;

    I have been online almost 24/7

    And this is what I kinda got from everybody on the server;

    Let's start with the ESSENTIAL upgrades/plug-ins whatever:

    -Setting blaze rod spawners in the nether as safe zone so people can't jerk around and destroying them,

    Then making sure little kids don't claim around it but I'll be sure Corby will help us out with that just like he did to atlentic when they claimed around spawn a few maps a go

    -Enable claiming in the nether so everybody doesn't have to hide their nether wart farms.

    -Combining the relog plug-in with the current 10 seconds that you can't hurt any body would be awesome (this has been suggested by Corby and I dunno if he has already done it)

    -Seperate donation system for Minecraft server like said before on this thread => 2 euros mayby 3 for 1 month a reserve slot.

    This will help a lot and ofc with the money from these donations you buy ofcourse more server slots so there is always enough room for who doesn't have a reserve slot. Mayby 1 of 6 slots is reserved ? When this is a massive succes what it probably is gonna be raise it to 1 reserve slot every 4 slots.


    -I heared this come back a few times and I know it would help the players a lot: /warp spawn

    Tough you can say don't go so far from spawn then, it's a really little plug-in what can do no bad but only good.

    -Tpa request ? Cause it's often that you wanne trade and the other dude is on the other side of the bloody map

    which is bloody annoying to walk all that way. But this can be fixed with /warp spawn command Ofc.

    Really Really OPTIONAL:

    -Enable a /shop command ? Where you can buy stuff with the money you gain by killing mobs or PVP. Ofcourse everything has to be REALLY expensive or you got to make sure that mobs dont drop to much cash. If you would have shop make sure there is NO sell command other wise the dupers are gonna sell all there dia for pots stuff or obsidian. This sounds (for me) a good plug-in tough I don't know if it might ruin the survival part or not

    Greetings as always


    SCOURGE - The Professionals

    My opinion:

    Green = NEEDS doing

    Orange = Would be nice but needs tweaking and has to be done it the right way.

    Red = No, should not happen at all. As it could remove/provide tactics and advantages that shift gameplay.

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