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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. I wouldn't get a SSD seeing your budget, neither do you really really need it. Would you mind linking a website where you would most likely order the parts of ? It's easier for us to give you advice then, seeing prices and availability isn't equal everywhere. Thx
  2. Yes Seems handled Please don't reply to this topic anymore
  3. Wrong place for this topic Please don't reply as long as it is in the bans and unbans section
  4. Nope Handled Please don't reply anymore
  5. Nope Handled Please don't reply anymore
  6. Handled Please don't reply anymore
  7. Don't get personal, you're the one to blame
  8. You're only supposed to make unban topics for yourself. So if this is your brother and not your alt, he needs to make the unban topic. By the way, I have never heard of anyone getting banned for too many Diamonds in inventory. If it says banned for xray when he tries to join then it means that the plugin banned him. If it happened this map, it is a perma ban. What is the message when he joins the server? If banned by admin, give more information on when he got banned. sowwie, just trying to help :S Jesus, I just asked you to not reply since it'll bump this topic and it's annoying as crap Appoligies accepted, just get out
  9. Awesome! Already familiar with IRC? Join us at irc.gtanet.com #mrgreen.
  10. Why am I in this screenpicture ? :c
  11. Ugh letters are to big :c GOOD LUCK Ywa will murder you
  12. Grumbles, please let the noob out afterwards I understand it's fun to catch noobs
  13. If the server decided to remove something it would be a complete chunck.
  14. That sucks. gnomes I tell ya
  15. The fact you called it 'a server fault' made me giggle. How in gods name would the server be able to remove a 8x8x3 room ?
  16. Still using armor durability mod huh ? I thought you were going to remove that ?
  17. Cap 100 would even be better, I remember 1.6 where Scourge had 300 max power and we claimed half the dessert for no reason. It's a pain in the but to see factions with 200 max power, half of the members are most likely alts.
  18. Let's start of with this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKfXatOMMXY Now, if you're still not amazed by Far Cry 3 go kill yourself please, otherwise please play it and share your experiences + opinions here. Shit I'm still amazed by the video :c Ohye, Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity ?
  19. All xray bans are 100 % legit xray, he won't be unbanned
  20. Doesn't really matter what block type it was. There's no way to track if they vclipped in your base during to night to set a home or if they did it before legitly
  21. Well, I think with effi V it should be possible
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