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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Aight, after finishing my exams the day before yesterday (; I have been online almost 24/7 And this is what I kinda got from everybody on the server; Let's start with the ESSENTIAL upgrades/plug-ins whatever: -Setting blaze rod spawners in the nether as safe zone so people can't jerk around and destroying them, Then making sure little kids don't claim around it but I'll be sure Corby will help us out with that just like he did to atlentic when they claimed around spawn a few maps a go -Enable claiming in the nether so everybody doesn't have to hide their nether wart farms. -Combining the relog plug-in with the current 10 seconds that you can't hurt any body would be awesome (this has been suggested by Corby and I dunno if he has already done it) -Seperate donation system for Minecraft server like said before on this thread => 2 euros mayby 3 for 1 month a reserve slot. This will help a lot and ofc with the money from these donations you buy ofcourse more server slots so there is always enough room for who doesn't have a reserve slot. Mayby 1 of 6 slots is reserved ? When this is a massive succes what it probably is gonna be raise it to 1 reserve slot every 4 slots. OPTIONAL: -I heared this come back a few times and I know it would help the players a lot: /warp spawn Tough you can say don't go so far from spawn then, it's a really little plug-in what can do no bad but only good. -Tpa request ? Cause it's often that you wanne trade and the other dude is on the other side of the bloody map which is bloody annoying to walk all that way. But this can be fixed with /warp spawn command Ofc. Really Really OPTIONAL: -Enable a /shop command ? Where you can buy stuff with the money you gain by killing mobs or PVP. Ofcourse everything has to be REALLY expensive or you got to make sure that mobs dont drop to much cash. If you would have shop make sure there is NO sell command other wise the dupers are gonna sell all there dia for pots stuff or obsidian. This sounds (for me) a good plug-in tough I don't know if it might ruin the survival part or not Greetings as always Math! SCOURGE - The Professionals
  2. Nope, i'm 4 +- 10 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 14 LY
  3. I don't got solid proof BUT I hope you guys watch out for TheCoolcat. He speedhacked (I think) over this huge lake. In 2 secs he was at the other side Then I got this guy combatlogging His name is james200126 Then I got this dude who was hiding in a dirt house and he combatlogged aswell And then we got IceCreator combatlogging ofc Bann ? (: He was even invisible when he came back what makes it even more interesting .. Greeting and have a nice holliday Math!
  4. Aight, Second screenpicture of a member from thecounsil COMBATlogging Look for the name Jdzelhorst and then the relogg Hope you bann him soon Greatings MATH!
  5. The part that he walks true the block looks suspicious
  6. Wondefull
  7. Dear Friends As you all know the server restarted yesterday with a fresh new map and a fresh new load of spammers and what so ever. That's why I got these lovely pics for you guys (= I have no idea who has done this (look at the server saying something in the chatbox) but this is clearly NOT good ----------------------------------------- Then these guys started to spam their faction discription (NOTE: Those letters were moving constantly and swapping collors) I don't have any problem with it but the fact they did it more then 3 times in half a minute and spamming the chatbox with was so annoying ... ----------------------------------------- Then this guy started with his 2 stacks of diamonds When I said that was impossible without hax he said no I've played on this server for months which obviously prooves he hasn't cause there was a fresh new start that morning. Then he got silent of course and left Then when I dug a bit deeper in my massive mountain of minecraft screenshots I found this picture aswell He's talking about how he saw how much diamonds he was carrying what is obvious impossible ... Thanks and greetings Math Scourge - The Professionals
  8. Yes but what when you build your fancy nether portal then tp to the nether to get stuck between to walls because some ass was first there and build some walls so only he can get in the nether ? Safe zones sound good untill somebody clames everything around it ;X
  9. I saw you a lot online indeed but I haven't saw you communicating a lot with other players Any way good luck
  10. Seems like a hell of an exercise to make you brain understand it Honestly ? I don't understand it to =S Why would you neet to ignite tnt to should it ? That ain't logical right ? *Sarcasm*
  11. THANK YOU VERRY MUCH SHOCK120 aka BOX for buying me : -TERRARIA -LEFT4DEAD2 -STEAM COMPLETE PACK Have a merry christmass with lovely snow and a verry bright newyear (if you know what I mean (; ) Math
  12. Mathijs1996


    u got banned for combatlogging i fought a guy who was in your faction. he was builing a big tree. i dont know his name, but he was combatlogging too so. why say this about me you guys do the same he logged of isn't the same as combat logging .... He kept running and running until he run in a forest where he trapped i kept hitting and he logged. I know you are going to say no he just got to go or something? No he was dying and logged! 1. it was me 2. I was almost on full health 3. i wasnt trapped 4. I crashed 5. i didnt rejoin cuz that would look like combat logging. If you are almost full health you are a hacker You were low i dont have prove and you dont have prove TheCounsil owned you guys but you can only win by banning me (www.ebay) BUY A SOUL PLEASE! 1. We got proof please view the ban request topics how did we got you banned then ? 2. We killed your buddy and you start combatlogging (screenpicture proof) so we were winning 3. You rejoined 4 times in less then a 5 seconds what is obviously combatlogging and not crashing as mogadonskoda did because he couldn't logg back in for more then 1 minute 4. You are banned with a permabann due the proof you wont be unbanned by bitching and spamming this thread Cu and go buy a life minecraft addict
  13. Mathijs1996


    u got banned for combatlogging i fought a guy who was in your faction. he was builing a big tree. i dont know his name, but he was combatlogging too so. why say this about me you guys do the same he logged of isn't the same as combat logging .... He kept running and running until he run in a forest where he trapped i kept hitting and he logged. I know you are going to say no he just got to go or something? No he was dying and logged! like i said .... HE LOGGED OF =/= COMBATLOGGING
  14. Mathijs1996


    u got banned for combatlogging i fought a guy who was in your faction. he was builing a big tree. i dont know his name, but he was combatlogging too so. why say this about me you guys do the same he logged of isn't the same as combat logging ....
  15. Mathijs1996


    u got banned for combatlogging
  16. lmao
  17. Mathijs1996


    Oh, you don't remember? Well I do (: You know ? That moment you attacked us and chickend out so you start combatlogging ? Well I remember I even got screenpictures from it
  18. Because it's the same but then him logging in after he logged out right away this is better proof so here you go; Look at the name of RGmetal Ty for banning him (hopefully)
  19. sweet when you uploading the old map ? Its already up The server is up yes but the old map isn't ... We're not reverting to the old world, he means we lost 24 hours work on the new map and reverting to the night it was first made. why we not getting old map back ?
  20. sweet when you uploading the old map ? Its already up The server is up yes but the old map isn't ...
  21. sweet when you uploading the old map ?
  22. Most people dont care about random claimed chucks. But now we even cant play faction wars due the restriction Because when we want to claim there spawn so we can take everything we cant ....
  23. Corby sounds like a good plan, but as you said if they chicken out for more then a minut or whatever it doesn't matter rlly (; forums gonna be loaded full of reloggers bann requests soon :3 you gotta love it
  24. Dude those people have a life so they can't reply ASAP .. I hope that they're both on vacation for a week so you learn what PATIENCE is !
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