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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Mathijs1996

  1. But will they be able to receive damage? probably not for the first few seconds but after all it doesn't matter they can't hit you till you can hit them .. Fair fights <3
  2. Seems like there has been a dick .. anyway giving away free blazerods is impossible, buying them however from other factions is possible. We got atm 4 brewingstands and I'm almost sure we can miss one. If you make a good offer we might sell it to you Greats Math Scourge - The proffesionals
  3. Combat logging is (as far as I know) not bannable yet ...
  4. as most of the people expected ;x
  5. rlly ?! Y u so retarded !!?
  6. That happened like 2 months ago and still doesnt work. Re-starting pc was done many times for all this process. I had the exact same problem together with my pc bluescreening and a lot of office crashes .. in the end my ram appeared to be broken. after i inserted a new ram my pc was fine
  7. That has been noticed and said four times in the upper 8 posts. Ty for saying it again EDIT: Can an admin lock this or remove it ? I think this hacker report has been prooved wrong. Ty
  8. Could u please put a ban of 1 month on all these glitches ? the entire community is sick of glitching on walls relogging and all that shit. I know glitching doesn't has to be perma bann but bann him for atleast a month then ..
  9. best commercial for a video game that I've ever seen xD
  10. Funny how this is the fift guy that says zombitch reloggs and zomitch himself says he's holy and doesn't relogg ;X
  11. And yet BF3 is already out and you haven't bought it? No since my current pc can't handel the game ... When i get a new pc i'll buy it no matter what bullshit you gonna say ...
  13. Oh great! You counted 2 examples down and both describe the behaviour of players. You know, it is obvious that MW3 hasn't improved its engine that much and we all know that, but this poor list doesn't impress anyone. Map design and Weapons force the players to use stereotypical techniqeus and I am sure that some people play the MP for fun with friends and not because of Killstreacks <.< I'm fine when people call it MW2.5, but it kinda makes me angry that you really think you could use that as a valid argument against Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. It's still something special for people who never touched a CoD game. Edit: How can you even say it's the same when you haven't played MW2? :/ Start comparing the videos and actually listen to what they say in "what they've changed" vids. The only thing they changed is; some new sounds for the weapons (who cares after all? like everyone was complaining the sounds sucked ?!) Better graphics .. (big improvement huh ?) And some new weapons .. And some new maps, which mostly look like other maps that have been in COD series before. Oh yea don't forget the amazing number of 10 new guns ! And that in 2 years !? I hope for them their singleplayer campaign is pretty good otherwise it's just a mw2 with an extension for 60 bloody euros ! No thank you then I'll but something like battlefield 3 or skyrim ! Oh WOW they've even copied the battlefield bad company 2 UAV helicopter in this game ...
  14. No, that wasn't what 'we' agreed on. Stop being such a narrow minded little child. If this is what the BF3 captain of arguments is like then it's actually a real shame for you. He ain't narrow minded in the part he says it looks exactly the same as MW2, anyway I'm probably gonna buy it to just for the single player campaign (the only reason why u should buy this if you got MW2). But since I don't got MW2 I'm probably gonna check the multy player out. But as said before it's gonna be the same as MW2; -players who play the game just for their killstreak -lame campers behind fridges - ...
  15. Same. I agree <333 CoD doesnt suck, the fact that its quite the same as 4 years ago sucks. don't care, after all we're all bf fanboys ;X
  16. Infact MC is gearing towards PvP, spells and combat, its more fun too imo. Apparently it isn't even done properly most of the time. I've been reading through the hacker reporting topic, now this, all I've read so far are complaints on the system. I understand what you're saying, though, it's fun if it's done correctly and fairly, but that really never happens, in any game. It's just for 2 reasons everyone is complaining: 1. the glitches and bugs due Notch bad programming 2. the mods, you can install a mod and you will be able to use that mod on the server aswell; so this means you can install a flymod and u can fly on the server but the mostly get banned real quick
  17. not working enemy's still have godmode with relogging The pvp log glitch will still work if you log out BEFORE you get hit, if you log out after you got hit, you have to wait 20 seconds and in the main time he killed you already. ;D nah if i kill somebody's npc he still got godmode and when he dies his stuff doesnt spawn Weird ... with me this works It's just if they logg of before you can hit them you just run a bit away till there god mode is gone ..
  18. Here's a thought. I've noticed that when there are less players on the server, the less laggy it is, and when there are more players on, there is more lagginess. So instead of less animals and mobs, raise the mob and animal limit, and lower the player limit! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Nope, the server is almost full every second nowadays. And I got less frames with loads of mobs then with loads of players
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