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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Erm, no, it isn't exact enough. And there is no clear indication as to where it starts and ends. Oh, by the way there should be a mod that does that. (Referring to Pufulet's post)

    Its extremely accurate. Just do some walking and actually read the chat messages.

    Yesm, these people are just to lazy I guess ....

  2. Are you from the UK Mathijs? If so, tell me the price you want to spend and what it would be for and I will link you to all the parts you need for a great price. (A ditto at what Corby said, Ebuyer is amazing!)

    I'm VERY near to finishing my computer, late next weekend poss depending when the parts arrive, its cost me around 600 including windows 7 and is a pretty decent build.. Not like a high end rig or anything, but certainly a good mid range gaming PC

    I'm not from the uk (Beglium),

    I wan't to spend about 850 pounds. Mayby you can see what's good then can ask a friend of mine to make it like that ?

    Ty a lot

  3. Overclocking isn't actually a big problem. Although it does give the CPU a shorter lifetime, you probably won't use the CPU for it's entire lifetime anyway and chuck it out after ~5 years. And thus you won't notice.

    Can you also explain how to overclock ? and how much you should overclock it max ?


    I'd recommend reading up on it beforehand, seeing how it's not just a "point and click" procedure.

    My CPU's (QX9770) clockspeed is originally 3.2 GHz, but currently it's overclocked to 3.8 GHz. This is my personal limit, because when I go over my PC gets very unstable. Other people have lifted this same CPU to 4.5 GHz and even higher. The limit really depends on the configuration of your PC. Your RAM, motherboard, FSB speed, and ofcourse your CPU fan play a vital role in overclocking.

    I only know how to overclock on a Socket 775 Intel system. Sandy Bridge systems are completely different because they have no traditional FSB (correct me if I'm wrong).

    Long story short, I can't really tell you how to overclock. Summed up it's just overclocking your FSB speed in your BIOS. To calculate the desired speed you can use the formula: (desired clockspeed in MHz) / Multiplier x (amount of cores).

    Anyway, just read some guides on the internet specifically written for the hardware you want to lose, and never go over the manufacturer specific limits (live Vcore) unless you know what you're doing.

    seems good ty (;

  4. ebuyer, overclockers, well atleast in the UK anyway.

    I heard that overclocking your cpu leads to a faster failure of the cpu ...

    Do you know other tricks that don't destroy your pc :D ?

    ebuyer and overclockers are websites for UK people to buy parts from. Plus overclocking doesn't damage your PC, just know what your doing.

    Nice, it destroys ur cpu faster then normal if u overclock it to high (;

  5. Everybody knows that putting your own pc together is cheaper then buying one,but:

    -how the hell should I do it ?!

    -were do I get the good stuff for the right money ?!

    -what should I buy ?!

    -how do I install all the shit I just bought ?!

    Well here are the answers; this is the place where you guys should post what Ram you should buy how to install it and what the results are.

    I think a few out there will help us (people that want a cheap pc but don't know where to get it or how to install it) by posting what they think!

    'Bout the tricks it's even easier;

    One of my tricks to let my pc run faster is shutting as many programs off when your pc starts.

    You can do this on 2 ways: In advance setting you can choose to not run them when your pc starts or

    if you don't know how to do that: just shut em down with windows task manager!

    I hope this is gonna be a helpful topic for everyone (;

    P.s. Don't forget videos and pictures are extremely helpful !

  6. With the potential increase is donations, the server could be improved to accomodate more players in a stable environment as well as set up servers for other games and expand l4g :)

    I've been saying this for a while! Suggested some ideas to Clav but I dunno if he liked them or not. I think the package idea is good though, where for example €5 gets you full iron, some whatever materials, a couple of diamonds and 1 safe chest thats kept at the spawn or something, then for €10 you get full diamond armour, a double chest, more resources and a name change if wanted or something like that, (the name change thing would be good I think?)

    What do you think of that idea? :P

    I, unfortunately don't like it. Donations shouldn't be game changers. Just hassle savers. I could walk into a server having never played, pay 10 euros and have my faction in full armour and raiding everyone. If there is ever a store established, ores shouldn't be sold - in any form. Paying a euro to save your self mining and smelting 25 stacks of cobble? Yeah. Paying a euro to dominate a server? No.

    And name changes would be problematic. There are already imitations of factions, there would soon be imitations of players and a lot of confusion. Plus, we wouldn't know who to hate if people went and changed their nickname.

    Ah but thats the point! People do that anyway, they'll come on and within a couple hours have full iron/diamond and start killing people, the people that donate are obviously not gonna be those type of people, so the way I see it you at least have people playing fairly and the server gets helped out! And the pack thing would have to be made balanced ofc, not just like €1 for everything..

    No sorry awesomeo is right; if you sell stuff don't sell ores no matter what price. Who's gonna mine if you can buy all that shit ?! Don't sell ores ;x

  7. With the potential increase is donations, the server could be improved to accomodate more players in a stable environment as well as set up servers for other games and expand l4g :)

    I've been saying this for a while! Suggested some ideas to Clav but I dunno if he liked them or not. I think the package idea is good though, where for example €5 gets you full iron, some whatever materials, a couple of diamonds and 1 safe chest thats kept at the spawn or something, then for €10 you get full diamond armour, a double chest, more resources and a name change if wanted or something like that, (the name change thing would be good I think?)

    What do you think of that idea? :P

    As been said before gr8 idea but don't start selling ires or safe chest

    Just sell building materials as said. It's faction wars not buy dia and store em at spawn (;

  8. Hey!

    I think its a good idea to turn chestprotection off..

    It is a lot more fun that u dont have to claim before u can open them.

    Its a lot harder to defend your stuff and a lot easyer to get stuff :)

    So i think it would be cool to see this in the new map.

    Yes, good suggestion, but hackers, well... They'll take chances bro. And there would be no point of allying someone, as you wouldn't be able to trust them.

    Yes true but i have it on my own server and it almost never happens that a hacker take stuff.

    And about the ally u just have to make good allys who u can trust else its no ally :P

    and u can always make allys and dont let them in your base :D

    I think its a good idea for this server.

    I hope you know when chest protection is off, you can still steal from people offline.

    Yup, and btw everyone is going to make a obsidian safe house then on a secret place => go go xray!

  9. Ok I was just wondering if there was anyway of doing that. It was just an idea! Sorry if i was being stupid! I was just stating that it is annoying when the server is always full! I mean you have to agree with me about that!

    Dear wezrine, I know that I as non admin shouldn't say you this but I'm getting annoyed by the overflow of new topics you post.

    You've been told a lot of times to just post it in the faction wars section but you still keep doing this ..

    I hate it cause I'm that guy that likes to be involved with the community of the server he plays on.

    Seeing every day a new topic about you with a silly question on 1 or 2 sentences makes me quite annoyed ..

    Please start posting in the faction wars topic as been tolled 4 times before.

    And now do it in stead of saying yes and me seeing tomorrow another topic of you with a silly question ..

    Ty for your understanding

  10. O' rly? :pipe:

    Or as you guys put it before, worstboy32, when your faction were using combat logging in my and other peopels spawn room "Why r we? Cause we're so pro? Youre a noob, come kill me you noob just cause I'm so pro" or something along those lines.

    That's not quite saying that it takes away from the hardcore pvp if you ask me..

    Paladin what faction are you in? I'll be sure to ally you guys when I decide to come back on ;)

    Lol the faction name is Paladin, sorry for the misunderstanding. Probably my bad english mixed with typo's from my Iphone ;D.

    We'll sure do Minky !

  11. ZOMG....

    Everyone is saying we hack and combat log...

    so annoying we dont hack at all we are a team of staff on our own server and if we would hack that would be bad reputation for our own server.

    so we will never ever hack.

    And im banned before on this server and i really dont want perma ban cuz i love it to much to pwn mungol and the other kids here. :P

    Maybe it does like we are hacking because we use some tricks.

    As i sayd we have our own pvp server and watch a lot ppl raiding so we know almost all tips and tricks to have a successful raid :)

    And about the combat logging.

    I agree its annoying and it need to be fixed.

    But no we dont always combat log.

    First 2 days we did till we heard from clavus it was not longer allowed.

    Then we stopped with always combat logging.

    But if we raid a faction and we already cant hit them when we try to kill.

    Then i dont just go stand there and get killed then we will log to.

    We dont like this bug to and we hope it will get fixed cuz

    it takes away the fun of hardcore pvp and factions war.

    So if u dont wasn't us logging then dont do it self :)

    ps: clavus u sure line 55 is setted to 0 in conf.json?

    "noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin": 0,

    Zomg ya dicks, there are already 2 video proofs of you guys relogging, one on the palladin

    Faction where we weren't relogging and still kicked ya buts. And now this vid where you guys start

    Relogging. So shut your big mounth fella and fight it out when the glitch is fixed retard.

    Oh yea and stop spamming on the forums bout this glitch like clavus doesn't know it!

    Leave the guy alone for a sec !

    And miny you're right, you're prob the smartest perso. Around here ..

  12. Pfff, screw Devils. After I bought Minecraft I will found 'Raptors'. The strongest and most aggressive faction on the Server.

    Good luck with that. We all know Paladin rules the world of minecraft now :gmod:

    That's a fact! Face it guys xD he's right xD

  13. Or to make what Emra said simpler, just an amount of times per amount of people you have to die to lose land instead or something along those lines?

    e.g if you have one member you need to be killed 3 times to have land claimed, 2 youd need to be killed 6, etc?

    Or it could be proportional so for 1 person, 5 kills but 10 only say 25 kills so its not such a steep progression for large factions?

    But then it still has to be not 25 times the same guy .. Otherwise you just can start glitching one guy out and killing

    Him withot hurting actually the faction

  14. And makes the communitie lose their best members

    Already happened @ Minecraft Server.

    Pretty much yea ... Let's say it like this:

    So the community wouldn't loose even more of their best members ...

    Another idea;

    This one is against spawntrapping people and then comming to the conclusion they

    Have to much power to claim there shit :

    First of all i got no idea what's possible with mc so xd;

    If you're in their spawn and killem more then like 3 times within 5 seconds for each kill,

    You're able to put a redstone torch down what makes the territory fr you for a minute.

    While you grab their stuff, the other faction still has a chance by killing you and then they get

    Their territory back right away.

    I dunnl if this is possible but it would solve some problems

  15. Yes something like that would be EXTRMELY easy to import in with WorldEdit. If this is something Clav would want in I could maybe find some useable schematic files for him, though the Gods may want to build it themselves. As for warps I dunno, the servers never had a warp system, the fact you have to go out and find stuff makes it more adventure-y

    Heres another idea I found on another server, I was talking to the owner about it and he said that he'd gotten about 8 donations from this and this was on a pretty quiet server. The coin thing wouldn't be do-able obviously unless you installed an economy plugin, which is a hell load of effort and depends on the server so I dont know if you'd want to do that, I wouldn't bother unless you could tie it in with green-coins somehow.

    But the whole package for a price and name change thing seems like a really good idea, I can see this getting a fair few donations,



    Example of a vault that you can buy,


    I totally agree, unless the last part ;x

    If people are able to get a vault then you can't play any faction wqr any more ..

    People are just gonne buy a vault and nobody is going to be able to loose stuff

    But, the tpa and pig spawner idea is good ;) but you might better connect it to the gods wich

    Makes it better xd

    Gr8 idea, only part that sux is the vault and irl cash, it makes little kids spend loads of monney

    And makes the communitie lose their best members

  16. Well Clavus i created the faction satan. I am the creaters of the nether i am very lonely in the nether (I live in the nether)

    Maybe sometime i can visit up to the normal world just like in greek mythology. Btw clavus i like what you have been doing with all the landmarks God i wish i could just have a job doing that all day It looks so fun and i have soo many ideas. Nice job on it i love it! CHeers!

    Good luck getting the gods on your side silly bastard >:D

  17. I'd like to report a pretty big problem.

    There are factions that have over 200 power, or over 130, and they have less then 50 land claimed. (Like invicta)

    When you get in, spawn trap them, and find out you can go on forever untill you die... I had that a lot of times, and it sucks :/ Even though i dont think you can do anything to it, but if someone is getting spawn trapped by some people, and they are taking it badly, (if you are online) you can disband them? Because on this way we will never get the chance to raid Invicta, and i got in there, and spawn trapped them till my death. :mellow:

    Tough I think you're right in one way, disbanding a faction cause you got em spawntrapped is pretty serious ..

    There're a lot of cons, I'm giving you the biggest one; If an enemy hacks into your base your team get spawn trapped then your faction will disband..

    Due a hacker. You loose everything but really everything. The hacker takes it all then he gets banned; Bye Bye hard work!

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