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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Ok so shit fucked up again. Iris had to be restart, which means the RAM was cleared, which means the Minecraft world is lost.

    I have a world backup from 24 hours ago which I'll restore. Faction data should be relatively up-to-date.

    sweet when you uploading the old map ?

    Its already up

    The server is up yes but the old map isn't ...

    We're not reverting to the old world, he means we lost 24 hours work on the new map and reverting to the night it was first made.

    why we not getting old map back ?

  2. Ok so shit fucked up again. Iris had to be restart, which means the RAM was cleared, which means the Minecraft world is lost.

    I have a world backup from 24 hours ago which I'll restore. Faction data should be relatively up-to-date.

    sweet when you uploading the old map ?

    Its already up

    The server is up yes but the old map isn't ...

  3. Ok so shit fucked up again. Iris had to be restart, which means the RAM was cleared, which means the Minecraft world is lost.

    I have a world backup from 24 hours ago which I'll restore. Faction data should be relatively up-to-date.

    sweet when you uploading the old map ?

  4. People claimed all over the place without cleaning up behind themselves. So I'm keeping it restricted.

    Most people dont care about random claimed chucks.

    But now we even cant play faction wars due the restriction

    Because when we want to claim there spawn so we can take everything we cant ....

  5. Some people do legitimately crash, therefore I never ban on a single combat log, normally I only ban for excessive and blatant intention on the matter. I still feel the old plugin that allowed for temporary attacking of a 'ghost' was the best solution.

    Yes, it was wonderfull. You'd get his stuff if he relogged BUT

    if he relogged before you could hit him he still had godmode ..

    Why cant we make a combination of 2 plugins ?

    no rejoining faster then 5 seconds ( which wont be a prob when your mc crashed)

    AND the dummy plugin where you can kill him ?


  6. nd guys!

    you guys are talking about everything but not about xxfireisgoodxx, i want this to make a point!

    he is just a kid from only eleven years old he is a good player where had a lot of fun and we ware making an new base and then he said to me: can you mke this so there was a spelling error and he typed it again and then he was banned....

    why plz corby of clavus unban him and make the ban fair this is not how it must go.... :)

    dude stfu they listed the hacks he used on top of this tread so quit you bitching he is perma banned

  7. Nah this kid is lying through his teeth.

    guys i am not lying i was at his home when it happend and idk why his left4green acc doesnt work (i think a lagg) :D buy serious he is a good player and did not spam

    that combatlogging picture was a view map ago and he get banned for that

    lemme get this straight .... his l4g acc isn't working due lagg ?

    since when does a web browser lagg ?

  8. Nah this kid is lying through his teeth.

    He ha no teath since I'm gonna punch them out !

    You bloody &€@*#% !

    I think you should be banned to for lying xxexplosionsxx !

    Spamming the forms with these fake bans ! I don't like it !

  9. dear corby,

    my friend xxfireisgoodxx is baned because he was spammig but.... he didnt he only typed 2 messages a little fast and there was no kick but a ban in once

    why is this??

    plz unban him he is a really good player

    1. ban limit is 10 posts so don't lie

    2. why can't he post it himself ?!

    3. he'll get unbanned soon (if it was rlly spamban)

  10. Ur family that are fools all of them :) Btw gay camera when attacking u always do that ? ;P

    Why do people who get banned make pointless topics to get unbanned when they know damn-straight what they were doing to get banned in the first place. After that, we have the topic where people not only involved, but the people not involved commenting and having the person who got banned rage. :huh:

    just like you are not involved ...

  11. i have epsilon client its true samisami999 is my scool friend and he say i need test it in the video where 3 guys tried kill me my minecraft crashed so <_< and next video where i tried attack someone base i dont see anything wrong in it i did take damage like my enemy did sooo can u unban me?? my laptop crashed wery easy (sorry my english) :)

    Full list of features:







    -NoClip (it's for freecam, don't worry about it)















    -Panic button

    -Build hacks:







    .o command - all of switch








    -.spamfile (currently comes with 1337, s1337, penis, fish, all ending in .txt)


    -Name list

    -Cloud Toggle

    -Slot 9 (slot switcher)

    You banned now, bye bye 4 ever. :lol:

    lmao +1 box :)

    :mellow: i get bans from minecraft.nl and i dont know why :blink: please report me cuz i really like that server so please tell me why did i get bans (sorry my english)

    1. storpeedo2

    2. 14.12.2011-15.12.2011

    3. i dont know who ban me

    4. i dont know why i got bans

    5. cuz i didnt do anything wrong and i play whit my friends in that server i tell my friends come i have great home and great life in that server :)


    1. Your ingame name

    2. Date of your ban

    3. Who banned you (only if you know who)

    4. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why)

    5. Reason why we should unban you

    law i LUV how you're english is so good that we need to report you

    because you like the server so much :D

    it's probably the spam autobanner if you haven't done anything wrong (:

    they'll unban you soon ( if you didn't hack ofcourse)


    i didnt hack <_<

    Lie Lie Lie bitch !

  12. :mellow: i get bans from minecraft.nl and i dont know why :blink: please report me cuz i really like that server so please tell me why did i get bans (sorry my english)

    1. storpeedo2

    2. 14.12.2011-15.12.2011

    3. i dont know who ban me

    4. i dont know why i got bans

    5. cuz i didnt do anything wrong and i play whit my friends in that server i tell my friends come i have great home and great life in that server :)


    1. Your ingame name

    2. Date of your ban

    3. Who banned you (only if you know who)

    4. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why)

    5. Reason why we should unban you

    law i LUV how you're english is so good that we need to report you

    because you like the server so much :D

    it's probably the spam autobanner if you haven't done anything wrong (:

    they'll unban you soon ( if you didn't hack ofcourse)


  13. Look! He's burning to cinders! Obvious hacking!

    I blame the new armor system. The armor works perfectly until it breaks, and diamond armor has one hell of a damage reduction.

    You take damage like every second and a half (Or so I think) He took about two minutes to die.

    Atrueminer, don't be a total retard - I know you hack bro. You have Epsilion, don't even remotely TRY to bullshit me. Me and ARCEcho gonna get you banned, watch out. Besides, it's kinda fricken' impossible to get 64 diamonds+ on the first week, yet Epsilion managed to help you get it.

    Drainal you know how Clavus puts the maps up to explore?

    I went into your base and found 64 diamond blocks :) that's totally legit.Where as 64 diamonds isn't.

    Drainal you got served bitch now stop annoying everybody on this form you retarded monkey !

  14. 1 Your IGN.

    My IGN account is called BlueYoshi97, however I haven't visited it in years.

    2 How long have you been on this server, and how much experience do you have with faction wars?

    I haven't visited the server yet, but I would certainly love to. Not sure what you mean with faction wars.

    3 How many hours do you play a day?

    I would love to play it all day!

    4 Why would you like to join us?

    So I can go to school and say to my friends "I'm in a clan."

    5 What's your age? *Dont lie.*

    17, why would I lie? (soon 18 for VIP section of the faction)

    6 Can you skype? Skype is needed in our faction. *Sometimes we'll make exceptions.

    Unfortunately not.

    7 What type of player are you? Fighter/builder/farmer/enchanter, potion maker. / Or all of them?

    More of a bored troll that sees a list and can't stop himself for filling it in and being an overall nuisance.


    Welcome Yoshii<3 Add me on steam: ZomBitch and tell me when you're able to go online so i can give you an invite, and i'll just explain the faction wars thingy, that might take some time. :pipe:


    That was sarcasm you retarded little kid ...

  15. Okay, how about this.. Next map reset, the server gets taken down for X amount of time (a month?) (in which time we'd get NO people spamming on the forums) and the MC server can have a big re-think, since it's causing so much hastle and each time it's is just almost the exact same thing put up with a new map and each time has the same problems and feel to it

    mc is loved by all, 1 month down is at least a fourth of all players gone ...

  16. Quit it bitches...

    Moving on. I would like to say 4 key words. ' MAKE THE SERVER HARDCORE! '

    This will give the opportunity of brining more people to forums thus causing numbers to rack up, B...B...b..Bu...BUT! they will all be complaining about why the whole map and over 100 hours of game play has just gone in a' poof '


    -Making Drainal rage that little bit more making himself look like an idiot crying over Minecraft. Then again me and Minky would die a little inside with all the hard work we have put in.

    -More people signing up to complain or to find out what's going on.

    -Less complaints about people hacking and also getting banned

    -No one will get bored a little bit of a challenge I would say.


    -Drainal raging more. ( this is a pro can con )

    -People abusing the fact.

    -To easy to kill someone - Make it like a berserker so they have to be killed for the map to reset like make an admin a berserker ( when they die the map resets NO GOD MODE! )

    Not really that many

    This all came from an idea I had just now as I am in random mood.

    Take this idea with all open arms and make it happen at the end of a new map reset

    Luke Nukem x

    faction wars would be impossible to do with hardcore mode and annyway,

    what about you dieing and cant join the sever for 3 weeks cause a noob afk in a hola doesn't die ?

  17. I got an idea,

    Why can't we make the land system a bit different ?

    so you can claim near enemies what's pretty logic if you wanne claim there land ?

    It was like that before, lots of random land claimed, I suggested people can say claim 2 land outside of their main part so if they want to use it they need to unclaim it

    ye sounds good

  18. I have been got banned on 5 december (5-12-11). The reason was for spamming, but this was what happened: a friend of me said: typ really fast something and than something funnys wil happened. So i did it and typt really fast 3 things then i got banned. A friend of me sayd that that could be the reason for my ban and that i will get a unband if i post this so i did it. And the reason why i want to get undband is because this is a perfect faction war server and i like it to much. And i will never do it again you guys can trust me. Thanks for reading this and please answer something and hopefully i get unband.

    My minecaft name is Viktorkucera12

    ps. sorry for my bad english, but i am just a kid from Holland who is 12 years old.

    Pretty stupid to listen to your friend but it's OK

    you'll be probably unbanned quick, happens all the time (;

  19. Scourge - The Proffesionals

    I'm sure your opinion would have more weight if you could type professional correctly.

    Thanks for showing me that I made a pretty epic fail type there =D

    All in a day's work of a grammar nazi.

    Is typing included to grammer ? tought grammer has only to do with verb forms and the build of you sentence ?

    Think typing wrong is included into the category spelling ?!

    [Just to get you back =D]

    In linguistics, grammar is the set of structural rules that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics. Linguists do not normally use the term to refer to orthographical rules, although usage books and style guides that call themselves grammars may also refer to spelling and punctuation.

    Also, grammar*

    This ain't a fair fight :'(

  20. Scourge - The Proffesionals

    I'm sure your opinion would have more weight if you could type professional correctly.

    Thanks for showing me that I made a pretty epic fail type there =D

    All in a day's work of a grammar nazi.

    Is typing included to grammer ? tought grammer has only to do with verb forms and the build of you sentence ?

    Think typing wrong is included into the category spelling ?!

    [Just to get you back =D]

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