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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. I don't think MC was made for that. I could be wrong, though.

    Infact MC is gearing towards PvP, spells and combat, its more fun too imo.

    Apparently it isn't even done properly most of the time. I've been reading through the hacker reporting topic, now this, all I've read so far are complaints on the system. I understand what you're saying, though, it's fun if it's done correctly and fairly, but that really never happens, in any game.

    It's just for 2 reasons everyone is complaining: 1. the glitches and bugs due Notch bad programming

    2. the mods, you can install a mod and you will be able to use that mod on the server aswell; so this means you can install a flymod and u can fly on the server but the mostly get banned real quick

  2. Looks interesting. I don't expect it will trigger all the player death event directly though (like Factions power reduction and the HeroicDeath message)? They're not direct issues but this does feel a bit hacky.

    EDIT: it's now running on the server, let's see how it works out.

    not working enemy's still have godmode with relogging :(

    The pvp log glitch will still work if you log out BEFORE you get hit, if you log out after you got hit, you have to wait 20 seconds and in the main time he killed you already. ;D

    nah if i kill somebody's npc he still got godmode and when he dies his stuff doesnt spawn :(

    Weird ... with me this works :gmod:

    It's just if they logg of before you can hit them you just run a bit away till there god mode is gone ..

  3. Clavus decreased the amount of mobs on the server to reduce lag, which it did. And in 1.8 animals cant respawn, once its dead. ITS DED. Until 1.9 with breeding :3

    Here's a thought. I've noticed that when there are less players on the server, the less laggy it is, and when there are more players on, there is more lagginess. So instead of less animals and mobs, raise the mob and animal limit, and lower the player limit! ;)


    Nope, the server is almost full every second nowadays.

    And I got less frames with loads of mobs then with loads of players

  4. hij zij tegen mij iedere keer dat hij aan het reloggen was erna het spijt het spijt ik doe het niet meer dit is de 4e keer al -.-

    Translation: he against me every time he's been after reloggen sorry I'm sorry I do not this is the 4th time already.

    Even though I don't play MC that much, let alone am ABLE to play MC Multiplayer, enabling PvP on a BUILDING/EXPLORING indie game is just pure retardation. Why? Why do you enable it? To allow DMers such as this to roam free and annoy everybody?

    I understand enabling PvP in giant and awesome events, but for casual/building play, why?

    it's faction WARS buddy not creative mode ...

  5. hi guys

    i just attacked yesterday xxfireisgoodxx he was with diamond sword i was with diamond sword and full iron armor i was attacking him and kept relgoging and relogging when i was attacking he couldnt take a hit and i can so he almost fucking killed me he could hit me i couldnt hit him 0.0 i got some screen from this relogging bastard i am really pissed about this relogging can plz ban these reloggers? because i cant fight fair anymore :(

    That's the same idiot who did that to me, but he paid me 4 stacks of iron and 20 diamonds when I wouldn't post screenpictures :D

  6. If combat-relogging is bannable then half the server will be banned. ( apart from my faction obv )

    Obvious ;D

    Luckely i got loads of screen fotos of half the server relogging :)

  7. I want to request a map refreshment ;X

    But I probably think the map is gonna get refreshed at 1.9 update but does anyone knows when that's going to fall ?

    EDIT: I loooooooveee chickens <3




    The murder begins ;X



  8. Ah, I didn't know he was spending 1000+ when I suggested all that haha, he said about 850 originally which would of fit in nicely with those parts :P

    Yeah I have a 500W power supply too, not TOO sure what the difference is apart from more pins, which you might need if you ever got (for example) multiple graphics cards and such.

    Since your spending so much more now, get a better AM3+ mother board and definately a better graphics card. Personally I'd get more than 300 if I were you cause I'd fill that up pretty quick in the long run, but a great suggestion with your extra money to spend would be a hybrid hard drive instead of a HDD one, basically its a HDD drive with a few gig of solid state inside it too, so can store lots of data and loads/writes quicker too, so you have both the perks! Not too sure on the prices for them however, I'd have to check

    Don't rush into buying the parts, make sure you know EXACTLY what the best parts you can get are for your price and check it over with everyone on here too, at the very least to make sure all the parts are compatible (sometimes you can't use certain brands together), half the people here have home built computers too, I'm not an expert or anything myself :meh:

    EDIT: NEARLY FORGOT! Get some thermal paste if you don't have some already! It goes on your CPU and makes it cool much more efficiently, kinda a must have, only costs like £6/£7 maybe for some good stuff

    Dear minkey this i what I am about to order;

    NZXT Phantom Full Tower Case - £110

    AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition - 3.4Ghz, quad core £105

    Corsair DDR3 1600MHz Vengeance - Ram, get 2x4gb if you want 8, thats about £45

    (Sapphire HD 6870 1GB - Graphics card, its quite a good mid range one, you might want to get a better one though, £148) Sapphire HD 6950 2GB - around 200 pounds ;X

    MSI 870A-G54 Socket AM3 8 Channel Audio ATX Motherboard - £70-£80

    1 or 2tb HDD hard drive £40 and £100

    samsung spinpoint 1tb

    EDIT: need to now if I need to buy a 2.5 inch hard disc or a 3.5 ;S

    Then I'd recommend getting an SSD slave drive . Crucial M4 128GB SSD - £150,

    Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Heatpipe CPU Cooler - This is a cheap but good cooler,

    CD READER - I wont bother suggesting one to you, any will do. Dont spend too much one one, like £15 is fine,

    Ethernet cable - Ethernets better than wifi.

    Its like £10 for a 15m and £15 for a 20m.


    Only other thing you'd need is windows 7, £40 and £110

    BeQuiet L8 530 Watt. Power supply

    EDIT: NEARLY FORGOT! Get some thermal paste if you don't have some already! It goes on your CPU and makes it cool much more efficiently, kinda a must have, only costs like £6/£7 maybe for some good stuff


    I'm gonna count it all out and probably gonna invest a bit more in the graphics card, do you know anything good which costs a bit more ? (not more then 100 pound then the original price of course)

    Everyone else that has been helping me a lot can you please confirm this is the right set up ?

    And btw minky if the van doesn't fit nail on I'm gonna glue it probably or drill an extra hole no problems


    EDIT: I saw that you have to do some wiring to install the motherboard in this case;

    gonna look up some videos so I won't screw my pc up

    EDIT2: All my questions on how to do it are answered, still need to know which graphics card i should get then (;

  9. What the hell is your problem guys? The crashing isnt my fault, it's the game what's crashing, nor do I want it to crash. I've already been talking with EA live chat(didnt help obviously).

    Am I just supposed to sit back and not play the game, the game I've been waiting for years?

    Keep in contact with the ea helpdesk and get your old verdion of bf back runnin' that's what I

    Would do bro (;

  10. You should get a brand power supply (Enermax, Seasonic, BeQuiet, Antec, Coolermaster, Tagan...) because they have security mechanisms like short-circuit protection, overvolting protection etc and they are also much more efficient compared to cheap noname PSUs.

    Seems like I don't wan't to save on the powersupply, do they all have the same sizes etc. ?

    Cause I don't know much bout powersupplies :S nether do I know what one should be the best for my pc.

    Ty math

    A ~500 Watt brand PSU is more than enough.


    BeQuiet L8 530 Watt.

    Ty gonna start the build this vcmacation lol (: ty

  11. You should get a brand power supply (Enermax, Seasonic, BeQuiet, Antec, Coolermaster, Tagan...) because they have security mechanisms like short-circuit protection, overvolting protection etc and they are also much more efficient compared to cheap noname PSUs.

    Seems like I don't wan't to save on the powersupply, do they all have the same sizes etc. ?

    Cause I don't know much bout powersupplies :S nether do I know what one should be the best for my pc.

    Ty math

  12. Ty minkey this pc looks great ;x anyway i can get windows seven as good as free so don't need to worry bout that.

    Then the total is 720 and then i still got about 130-210 pounds that I can spend. What do you suggest i would upgrade with this

    Extra bit of cash ? I was thinking of a better graphics card then the one you suggested. Knowing that wireless internet sucks balls i'm prob gonna

    Buy a wire as you suggested. The tower itself looks sick as hell but I don't rlly need one with a van since you suggested me

    Another one, do you know if I can get that tower without the van ? Otherwise canyou give me the link where you can find the sick

    Towers ? The I'll search a bit further my self.

    EDIT : just realized that the van is for the cpu only so don't look at the previous question xD

    Ty a lot minky your pc looks sick as hell ! Asking already my parents to order the parts !

    Btw I've discussed it first with some of my friends and they said that i prob don't need anything

    Better then this :D


    Yeah this will serve you well for the next 5 years at least, its a top mid-range PC, mine has the same specs as this but a different case and I dont have the solid state hard drive yet (To back up what I said before, a solid state will probably boot up in about 15 seconds instead of over a minute), I would of got this case but I like being able to see inside it and go "mmmmmm" :P May get a case like this next time I upgrade, but that wont be for a while..

    Before you order the parts make sure you pick a power supply as I said!!! No point having a computer without a power supply, I'm sure you can pick one yourself :pipe: And yes you definitely need a cooler haha, ;) With the money left over (-like 50 for the power supply or something) I'd say you could get a better graphics card maybe, or get a faster/bigger hard drive to store stuff on, but then you may want to save it and buy a decent monitor if you don't have one already, or as I said you could buy some games with it like battlefield 3 or skyrim or something,

    And if you like get a different motherboard thats AM3+ like he said if you want to upgrade it in the future as they can take higher voltages for the CPU and such, though I dont know if you'd want to upgrade anything for quite a while with this from what you've said.. The motherboard is always replaceable it wouldn't really affect any of the other parts. I've been using an original mac minnie with no graphics card, only a 70gb hard drive if it were completely wiped and 2gb of ram, one of which is broken, so getting this computer for me is like YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAA

    You're welcome xox

    Ty minky, I know what my project is this vacation ;X as you said I'm gonna look for a power supply

    And spend the rest of my money on a better graphics card and 300 gigs hard disc (no ssd) for my files

    Gonna put all my programs on the ssd :)

    Think my end price is gonna be 1000 euros to 1150 euros (:

    Btw I've been thinking of buying bf3 but since I already got bc2 I'm gonna get a cod disc ;x

    To see how that's like (:

    I'll sure check guildwars out and mayby I'll play in the future with you :D


    P.s. are there difference in powersupplies ? Cause I don't wanne buy one that doesn't fit or fries my fresh pc xD


  13. I take it you want the full gaming rig look too? ;) There are decent fans which look awesome too so you can get both for pretty much the same price anyway. Any prices I post are just the prices that I've found but it may be a lil' bit different for you

    Here's a few things now for you, though I'm sure other greenies can suggest better alternatives, its still a good start. I don't know too much about water cooling either but it sounds like you want a mid range gaming PC so its not the end of the world if you dont have water cooling. Also I prefer AMD but other guys might have intel suggestions if thats what you want to get,

    I'm just gonna list everything and you can pick and choose

    NZXT Phantom Full Tower Case - This case is fairly expensive, about £110, BUT it does come with fans already and looks fucking awesome so its totally worth it, I spent about £45 on my cause and £35 on fans so its only a little bit more for something that looks much better. Comes in white black red and PINK! White looks the best imo


    AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition - 3.4Ghz, quad core and the best in its price range in terms of CPUs, is good for overclocking too it can be put up to about 3.7 £105

    Corsair DDR3 1600MHz Vengeance - Ram, get 2x4gb if you want 8, thats about £45 if you get them in a bundle. Veeeery good make of ram, works well


    Sapphire HD 6870 1GB - Graphics card, its quite a good mid range one, you might want to get a better one though, £148


    MSI 870A-G54 Socket AM3 8 Channel Audio ATX Motherboard - A good and reliable mother board, nothing to fault with it really, and it has a built in soundboard so you dont need a sound card unless you want surround sound or something hard core like that. (I got mine for £50 but I think that was just a really really good deal, its probably more like £70-£80

    For a hard drive, thats really up to you, I dont know what you use your memory for. I'd recommend getting a 1 or 2tb HDD hard drive to store all your crap on which is anything between £40 and £100 depending on the brand, which will probably be fairly slow loading, but thats not something that bothers me. Get whatever is best for you, mine was just a samsung spinpoint 1tb or something like that,

    Then I'd recommend getting an SSD slave drive to boot windows and any programs you regularly use from, this will make an AWFUL lot of difference to your computer speed. Like, a LOT.. Crucial M4 128GB SSD - Probably will set you back £150, but considering the boost in speed it is well worth it, just youtube boot time comparisons with SSD v HDD.


    Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro Heatpipe CPU Cooler - This is a cheap but good cooler, again great value for money, on idle lowers the temp by about 12c and on full load drops about 20-25c, though i'm positive someone can suggest something better/more expensive for this.


    CD READER - I wont bother suggesting one to you, any will do. Dont spend too much one one, like £15 is fine,

    Ethernet cable - Ethernets better than wifi so buy a cable, its like £10 for a 15m and £15 for a 20m, but you can pick them up dirt cheap for any length thats short, I have tons of the things. Make sure its CAT5e too. If you want wifi then just find something yourself :V

    Only other thing you'd need is windows 7, which can vary in price an awful lot.. I've seen it for £40 and then I've seen it for £110, just get the best deal you can basically.

    I would demand you got some blue cathodes, but with that case you don't need any! :V Only thing missing from this is a power supply.. Mine came with the case so I'm not sure what to suggest, ask someone else..

    VOILA! An friggin' awesome looking, quite good, mid range gaming PC! You definately wont have to worry about lag unless you're really pushing the computer. That all adds up to about (gets calculator out) about £720 for the max end of it, then just assume it would be about £800 in total including Windows 7 home premium. That would leave you £50 to buy a decent keyboard and mouse or to buy a better part (e.g. you could buy a better graphics card, that would be a good investment) or you may want to just save it and buy a decent monitor or spend it on some games, (AHEM GET GUILD WARS 2 AND JOIN THE PRODIGUILD :pipe: )

    Hope that helps you out a bit, don't just use what I've said though listen to everyone else too, people here know much more about computers than I do haha, (God dang this took a long time, I was meant to be doing work :c )

    Ty minkey this pc looks great ;x anyway i can get windows seven as good as free so don't need to worry bout that.

    Then the total is 720 and then i still got about 130-210 pounds that I can spend. What do you suggest i would upgrade with this

    Extra bit of cash ? I was thinking of a better graphics card then the one you suggested. Knowing that wireless internet sucks balls i'm prob gonna

    Buy a wire as you suggested. The tower itself looks sick as hell but I don't rlly need one with a van since you suggested me

    Another one, do you know if I can get that tower without the van ? Otherwise canyou give me the link where you can find the sick

    Towers ? The I'll search a bit further my self.

    EDIT : just realized that the van is for the cpu only so don't look at the previous question xD

    Ty a lot minky your pc looks sick as hell ! Asking already my parents to order the parts !

    Btw I've discussed it first with some of my friends and they said that i prob don't need anything

    Better then this :D


  14. He's from the Netherlands, and started a topic he doesn't know shit about. :P

    Ah.. Shame haha :meh:

    Well what do you want your PC for? Gaming or editing or? I'm assuming gaming.. I dont know how the prices are different and the conversion of money so I dunno if I'd be any good at suggesting parts of certain prices, nor do I know any websites like ebuyer for where youre from.. Sorry :P I can still suggest parts for you though if you say what you want in terms of looks and speed and memory etc

    1 i'm from belgium

    2 i know a lot about pc's but not everything

    Minky; i'm looking for a decent gaming pc, on that can handle all the games atm and will still be possible to that for 4 years at least.

    Since i prefere no lagg and a quick pc over super epic graphics i think i should get a high ram a fast cpu and a hard drive that is fast to use

    Otherwise i'm nothing with my fast cpu. Knowing that every year there are higher standards for games I think i don't need to save on the graphics card either tough

    I don't need te best of the best.

    As far as I know i think i should be good with something around this:

    +3.3 ghz cpu

    8 gig ram

    500 gig hard disc (newest version)

    I have no idea fOr the rest. Dunno much bout vidcards and if i should get liquid cooling and all that shit ..

    I might spend some extra money on a window or led if it ain't to expensive but spending extra money on a

    Silent van isn't necessary for me

    Ty minky (:

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