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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SkyBlue

  1. idk... his forums name is back to Sergio_Riv instead Rnber7 and his name is blue again..
  2. For real no one has the survival map to download? i liked a lot that map...
  3. I've chatted with him a lot and his english is good... to be a russian HAH! Good luck bruh, i lov yah
  4. I blame Sergio_Riv, he deleted a lot of good classic maps, just like rubber duck racing!! Upload rubber duck racing, this is a funny server, this isnt SiK or SGA, we dont need circuits or maps around SA, come on.
  5. I added 2 lines to my About Me page and it got bugged, now my profiles is large as fuck.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. neox.


      wtf your profile is more bugged now.. oneshotonekill::tone:glory:hangingcontroller::

    3. Quad_Tube


      omg it's growing!!

  6. Why you dont come back manhunt with NTS style or SH with NTS, SH its pretty boring, i just like DD or NTS.
  7. The problem of DM is that only the mapper or people that play the maps all the day know them, there are a lot of incredible DM maps, overdecorated or with a lot of spins and weird landings but as i said, only the mapper or someone that have the map on his pc and have tryed it 400K times can reach the hunter, make a top and kill all the other players... ofc if they didnt died in the first infernus 360°DoubleJumpNoScopeSilencedShot.
  8. wait wut? jabbas palace were deleted? Something is going wrong here, who is deleting maps?
  9. Is there a way to fix this? i dont like when the list go to the top everytime i add an upgrade or when i buy a car. ps: sry for the microphone sound, i bought a plane and im testing the turbines in my room.
  10. SkyBlue


    Change your name or ill ban you, im the only Sky here. ADVERT NO. 1
  11. Can you guys put a link to download the survival map? ps: im not in the picture >
  12. Mexico its starting to born in gaming environment, we dont have too many conventions about this stuff, the most are just a lot of consoles connected to play xbox games, cod, guitar hero or dance dance revolution :/
  13. Looks like someone catched you -> LOOOOOOL <-
  14. nice
  15. how much costs an Oculus Rift on this days? Do i need a good pc for it? I have a laptop with this: AMD Radeon HD 7670MIntel® Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.5GHz4 GB RAM
  16. 1.5 hours played on advanced warfare... Lvl 35 and 5 gold cammos lol..

  17. Someone add the forums dislike button again!
  18. Yea, if u start planning it xD...
  19. Nope, dude, go with Ywa and send him a private msg, dont you think that he is Mark zuckerberg lol, he will change it in 24 or 48 hours probably.
  20. I have 2 news, a good one and a bad one, the goodone is that i finally stoped playing Black Ops 2 days ago... The badone is that i dont know where i lost the disk :'( i cant find the fucking black ops 2 ps3 disk D'''':

    1. neox.


      just do CTRL+Z to your life and enjoy

  21. Should be like Habbo.com, when u send the sms to 9898 u get a code, u put the code here in gcs page and u get ur gcs
  22. Lets take for example. 2 € = 2000gcs 1 sms = 2 € - 50% = 1 € = 1000gcs If you donate via sms you will get just 1000gcs per 2 € instead 2000gcs, like the idea, bros?
  23. I requested this a long time ago when i was 16-17 i guess, would be good since kids cant get Paypal or credit cards without parents/tutor authorization. Use Boomerang or Habbo as example, a waste a lot of sms money in that shit
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