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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Quert

  1. More drawings from me. this time no people. just 2 signatures of my current name and alias plus a random drawing about 3 ZS classes... (Was lazy today.)
  2. Uhh... Yes, will try to use blank paper. Only a few of those drawings were serious ones though, I guess i'll make them more 'professionally' EDIT: I blame the poor photo quality and size. 'cause IMO they look good enough if I directly look at them. (even if not as good as my bro's or EmRA's) I wish I had a scanner I could use freely.
  3. Wait what? you were showing yourself drawing? damn. I missed that I'd like to watch next time.
  4. More drawings from me. My avatar
  5. Made a totally random parody of ZS, just for fun. Took pictures with my xperia 10 mini.. sorry for the poor quality and image size. Image1-1 Image1-2 Image2 Image3-1 Image3-2 Image4 Image5 Image6-1 Image6-1 Image7-1 Image7-1 Image8 Image9
  6. I care because I need it to get lv 5 :S also mogadon, I used to be stuck on a level aswell in the past, i think it was 2 or 3, cause turret hasn't been working for months
  7. Wanted to make a diary of shit happening to me in the ZS (EDIT: and IW server) server, so maybe random readers can also have fun laughing at my bad luck (Didnt know where to post this stuff so I randomly put it here, even if its not really an 'artistic' thing. Not going make a post for each thing I add, i'll just edit so this 'shit' won't appear on the "recent posts" section.) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(3/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(4/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(5/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(6/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(8/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(9/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(11/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(20/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(21/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(26/2/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- -=-=-=(After Update)=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(23/3/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(24/3/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=- ================================================== (From now on, shit happening in IW included, too) ================================================== -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(5/6/12 [DD/MM/YY])-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-
  8. By almost equal you mean its slightly lower or slightly higher?
  9. Isn't this weird? I went support, spawned with mobile supplies and its model was a c4...
  10. The MineCraft players raging about random hackers are already annoying. Not to mention the random topics where players are bragging about their little magic sword or equip. It would be even worse if those kids even started spamming random whitelist requests. Anyways, I think that even players being alone should be able to claim a place to stay. Of course it would be quite small, but still able to set home.
  11. Protecting an AFK player at all costs
  12. Quert


    /me watches the GmodTheater screen becoming black after Pufulet has spoken. "Oooh NO! is it over? or did anyone voteskip? Damnit!" /me throws popcorn all over the theater
  13. Quert


    MRSPEC, you still haven't explained me what that random quote means. Also I'm not the one trying to look like an admin, I only pointed out that your argument is invalid, you can't just complain about a ban by insisting so much, it won't help you to get Clavus's opinion. It will just eventually piss admins off and your chance to get an unban lessens. And I will repeat: I'm quite convinced that your behaviour doesn't fit a ban appeal, you are supposed to ATLEAST pretend you're sorry, even if you're sure you aren't guilty. You pretty much look like you are trolling everyone. And now i'm going slightly off-topic. I'll just put a spoiler tag.
  14. Quert


    I would appreciate to know what the fuck is that random "self-quote" you keep copy-pasting supposed to mean. Mind explaining? Oh, and I don't see why you take that ban so seriously. Bans in the minecraft server occur quite often, and if the people who requested a ban against you had a strong evidence ( I think so, since they posted a video ), insisting won't help you. MAYBE you might get an unban over time ( obviously not up to me, but to the admins ), but the more you "bitch" about it, the lesser chance of it happening gets. Uhm... well, atleast we understood that you enjoy having the chance to type a completely twisted nonsense speech. EDIT: In my honest opinion, the way you express yourself in a ban appeal isn't really appropriate. I mean, if I were banned from a server I enjoy playing in, I would start with something like "I do apologize for anything wrong I have done...blah blah... I am truly sorry... blah blah". And not "My awesomeness can't be handled by the other servers" (More or less, it's what you said earlier, in the other post) When I saw this topic, It made me think something like this "Unbanning MRSPEC is a duty that admins MUST NOT fail to do, if they don't all of their servers will collapse" (Well, maybe I exaggerated a tiny bit, but this is what it looked like to me)
  15. Quert


  16. Quert

    [BR]: Sick

    Player: Server: Mr. Green GMod #1 | ZOMBIE SURVIVAL | LEFT4GREEN.COM Reason: Cadebreaking (What's more, he was even doing it on purpose) Proof: EDIT : Also check this out Sick's chat history
  17. It used to happen... like every day, but now it hardly ever happens. I even asked around if camping under the zs_port map would be bannable or not and the reply was yes.
  18. Player(s): Reason: Exploiting (staying under the map [zs_port]) Server: Mr. Green GMod #1 | ZOMBIE SURVIVAL | LEFT4GREEN.COM Proof:
  19. Near from Death note. As for my steam one, it's Gendo Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion. they're both anime characters.
  20. Here's a photo of me, took it just now! Edited image, censored the other guys so you don't get confused
  21. Ah... you had forgotten it... Now you can't say that he hasn't got any proof, Raptor.
  22. No offense Quert, but you should definitly shut up about talking shit. Since I´ve seen you on the half of the things you said were BS ( Including sexist offenses ). Oh well, I admit I said a few of sexist jokes ("go back to the kitchen" or something like that) , but after a few mins (if not less) I stop that, I don't keep on doing that all the time I'm online, and when i am it's just to joke around. Instead, what this guy (The 'Billy Mays' we're talking about) does is "trolling" (It's not trolling properly, its' just some kind of childish behaviour) since the first second he is on the server until the instant before he disconnects.
  23. He definitely needs a lesson, he never misses the chance to shit talk to anyone he meets, costantly enriching the sentences he types with "u mad"'s or "ujelly"'s, moreover he also acts as like he was superior to every single player in the server, bragging his random life he (most likely) made up (something like: "I've got many friends, a girlfriend, speak 5 languages fluently and i'm a game designer"). Oh, and I forgot to mention the random cadebreaking attempts, like Shock120 said.
  24. Zombie-Killing machine. Or epic cade. U jelly?
  25. We were playing a round in uglyfort snow so we were thinking about having some fun since zombies were being quite lazy. Credits: Skate, ItsallGravy , Reiska I dont remember who else. (will add the names if they tell me)
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