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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Quert

  1. Quert

    Discuss Anime

  2. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    I've seen approx. 20 of them, but dropped like 10. as for clannad... meh. I'd rather wondering why Steins;Gate isn't there
  3. Quert

    Discuss Anime

  4. Quert

    Discuss Anime

  5. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    Well, I thought sugu was just pretending to not know him
  6. Quert

    Discuss Anime

  7. I think that's just a game bug and you'll have to wait 'till it's fixed. edit: I haven't had that problem though.
  8. Totally pwned this guy. LOLOLOLOLO
  9. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    About R;N: Seems like
  10. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    What he said is true though. And Lehm is simply the best. Was kinda sad when
  11. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    I wouldn't be moe even if I watched 9000 animes.
  12. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    Uh.. not really. EDIT: also, I randomly started watching Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, just because i'm bored and... What the fuck???
  13. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    What's the point in watching it when it's not even subbed?
  14. Quert

    Discuss Anime

  15. So, I woke up from my bed and then noticed that rui hasn't yet understood that he could bump the old threads because this topic must have been here for POTATOES BOIL EM MASH EM STICK EM IN A STEW I AM THE ONE AND ONLY Lost King of middle earth? It makes no sense, but... I just totally had to start this random boring crap
  16. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    NGE is a must.
  17. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    Don't want to be a hater here, but there's a whole media franchise (anime, games, manga etc.) that did this before SAO known as .hack (DotHack). .hack//Sign (2002) starts with the main character being trapped in an MMO. Sound familiar? The setting is rare, but hardly unique. I can't really compare them, because I dropped .hack//sign a few years ago midway through. If you enjoy SAO then you'll probably enjoy .hack too. Just a heads up. Edit. I hope I didn't come off too offensive. Actually, I already knew about .hack, and I didn't mean "unique" in that way. (well, let's just say I've picked the wrong word...) But, actually, SAO's light novel was written back in 2006 , or so I heard. So .hack and SAO were technically made at the same time. Edit: No, wait. It was written since 2002 and published in 2009. (wiki)Edit 2: Oh. Well, .hack started in 2002 too, so I can still say that they both were made in the same year.
  18. Quert

    Discuss Anime

    This thread is about THIS season, which means 2012. Hellsing Ultimate indeed is still airing, but it stopped ages ago, as for the original version it started and ended years ago. Anyways, this (link) is my anime list. Btooom!: Action anime that looks like a hunger game where you can kill people using bombs, the concept is kinda the same as SAO (stuck inside a game), although it happens in "real life". All that I can say is that it looks like a combination of High School Of The Dead and Mirai Nikki, minus strange powers, minus zombies, plus bombs Code:Breaker: Some guys (Code:breakers) with different powers that fight against evil people and kill them. (An eye for an eye, A tooth for a tooth, An evil for an evil) I'm currently liking its plot development K (or K-Project): An interesting action anime with special powers and clansmen fighting eachother. The graphics and the animation are great and the characters are well made Robotics;Notes: You can't afford to miss this one. Just awesome ( just like the predecessors Chaos;Head and Steins;Gate ) Sword Art Online (or SAO): Well, do I even have to say anything about this one? Its setting is unique, and the plot seems fine (unlike most haters say, spouting "plot hole" here and there.) Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun: A good combination of light romance and comedy, 'nuff said. Zetsuen no Tempest: It's quite entertaining and pretty good, I raccomend this one aswell. I'm not very convinced about Psycho-Pass (watched the first episode and it seemed like a chaotic mess), Jormungand (I actually haven't tried this one), and Jojo's bizarre adventure. Are they really that good?
  19. Because he's entitled to. This forum is for topic, and if he's wants to make a post about something silly just let him. Alright. I guess then I also can make a topic each time I poop.
  20. What.
  21. Ok. who cares.
  22. He basically posted the same screenshot twice, I can't see any difference between them.
  23. Screw you all, noobs! your shitty loot is worth nothing in comparision to the sheer awesomeness of the spoils of war I've obtained from many legendary PvP fights! EDIT: I also haz fookin' epickz0r equip, even a sharp IV with fire IV and power IV and knockback IV can deal the same damage to me as a punch from a old woman on a wheelchair would do! TADAAAAAANN!!!! Yes, those pink things you see are penises, 69 of them.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g05cgAeIeEc The same guys who made Steins;Gate , nitroplus
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Balmung


      Yeah watched R;N a bit earlier, from where it seems to be going I think I'll like it the most.

    3. Griffon


      R;N was a nice surpris like

      Girls und Panzer. Of the new stuff im looking forward to Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and Psycho-Pass the most.

    4. Quert


      Code:Breaker and Btooom! don't seem bad at all either

  25. Uhh... Why post in a topic where it says that nothing has happened today? Anyway, corby's gay.
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