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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by wooozie

  1. when i told sdk he was buyin iwfmd to slow the game down and idle at the end he blocked me on every map hehe. sry, i like bein honest, nothing personal, i still think hes a good admin (now) and grander is a gigantic shithead.
  2. not bad, but the video is terrible. 6/10 if you listen to it, crank the volume up
  3. blocking grander should be allowed.
  4. one of the better songs you posted. still kinda cheesy 6/10
  5. you can always use the onboard gpu and upgrade later. bad cpu and a gtx980 is a bad combo youd regret.
  6. not really bad, but i hate dubstep... so, 4/10
  7. everyone should be muted. youre not supposed to text while drivin anyway.
  8. not bad, i know the song from something... 6/10 probably posted this before when it came out, but its worth a repost
  9. hm, makes sense, but i cant really think of any abuse as long as youre not able to go under 40(or something). it would be kinda nice to be able to swtich it on the fly (while drivin). like 60/100. since coasters dont work with 100fps.
  10. if you change it with that command, its "Your FPS limit will be changed on next map change", but if you change it over settings, it changes right away. why is that?
  11. its not bad, but its not good either, you can tell, theyre copyin at least 3 bands in that song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAqZb52sgpU
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pMCmu6Ov1k
  13. 5/10 greatest lyrics ever
  14. wooozie

    Battlefield 1

    ill be there and rule the sky.
  15. could be on the zoolander 2 soundtrack/10
  16. please lower the "waiting for other players...". it seems like its worse than ever and it makes absolutely no sense to wait for people to download a map(song), especially when its always just one person with a shitty connection. most players have all the maps(songs) and unnecessary wait every mapstart. ... or just start streamin the music from the server.
  17. nice, but perfect run would be around 2 min flat? not that im ever gettin close to that..
  18. i dont even know how to quote, but really? what about the copyright of all the mp3's you download from the server? chances are, theyll get you in more trouble than a copy of san andreas....
  19. cant rate
  20. yes, please add dm to mix, so we can move all the shitty ass maps there that qualify as such (iwfmd etc)
  21. 10000th win
  22. waiting for other players.... it takes too long. might as well store the maps on the server, since you have to wait every map for someone who hasnt downloaded it yet anyway. and a whole server waitin for one guy? seriously?
  23. any way to fix this parts of the map not gettin rendered?
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