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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Balmung

  1. Right so everyones always recording to catch hackers yet not one person who acuses mathijs of abusing has any form of screenshot or video evidence. For a community so hellbent on getting each other banned the least we expect is proof for something like this.
  2. I often find myself cooling down my PC by defrosting cake on it
  3. Now to travel to a different country for a job interview

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snotteh


      try not to murder anyone with a plastic knife then grab a lighter and melt the plastic knife down so it cant be used as evidence then hide the body in a bin bag behind a Chinese take-away only to realize that the person you stabbed was already dead in the beginning, and have fun!

    3. Quert


      Are you speaking from experience, Snotteh? 'cause to me it just looks like you'd be the only one dumb enough to do all that

    4. Snotteh


      why would i be outside? that's just wrong

  4. Your health is low. Do you have any potions? Or food?

    1. Mathijs1996
    2. Balmung


      There goes that chickenchaser

    3. Sneed


      You've received a new quest card!

  5. Dont you have an application open? Making multiple applications does not make you more likely to get accepted.
  6. Was there any need to bump this. It was being left alone.
  7. People who have bought greencoins are treated no differently to those who haven't. zibalingz the rules of the unban section state that you are not to get involved if you aren't involved, please stop posting on every ban submission topic you see.
  8. Hi. Why dont you have a seat over there.
  9. I cant directly unban you, thats up to the ZS admins or TC, however if you want a bit more information Ban date: 12-01-11 01:34 Banned by: Clavus Ban Reason: banned_user.cfg import. (Contains a list of people banned who used sethhack) I believe your case was already discussed in this topic: forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13757-new-player-banned-before-joining/ with a 'No Unban' but hey TC may change their mind. Hope this helps.
  10. zs would be quicker with instant respawn because survivors would be constantly swamped by zombies and games would last all of 2 minutes.
  11. I still think the best direction to go with the minecraft server is to head it down the towny/eq. route. Sure its more hassle to set up and moderate but it wont go stale as fast as faction wars maps do, hell one server I played on has only just switched from their 1.0.0 map and they were always getting at minimum 30 on at once, theres also alot more flexibility when it comes to offering donation rewards; You'd be surprised at the amount of people who would pay 5 euroes just to get a different coloured name.
  12. Happy birthday Dr. Ywa
  13. How would you spell it smart guy? He spelt it the same way as you.
  14. I preferred the lower gravity. Even If I did read 'gravy' in the title.
  15. I cannot wear a hat of noodles.



      You never will

    2. Griffon


      You just lost my respect.

  16. Hi, with stuff like this you really need proof. A picture of Mathijs leaving your faction doesn't show much, Multiple screenshots, screenshots of chat would act as better evidence, even better would be a recorded video, please consider this when making admin abuse topics.
  17. Balmung


    A Veteran badge maybe for people who have been here 4 years+?
  18. Because flaming solves all of the problems.
  19. Balmung


    Request Badge -> Sex God
  20. Koshizumi Ami as Mugino? Its like Ami can only voice big boobed characters

    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      It seems like she's the only one for voice acting, lol.

    2. Griffon


      Dont forget she can also do psychotic girls.

      Nina Wang (Mai Otome),Anemone(Eureka7)

  21. Please use that format. also you need to provide proof e.g Vido
  22. Captain Teemo on duty!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      *cough* I actually *cough* support Xeim *gasp*

    3. Rachel


      Well, I don't!

    4. Reap3r


      League of Draven does it all.

  23. Balmung


    Ladies control yourselves. Ban topics are not the place to have arguments. Take it to PM or the topic is just going to get locked.
  24. I too have lag. And that is a rare occurence.
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