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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mogadonskoda

  1. Is it only on the flood server or on all other servers to?
  2. What you do is hind in the far corner of the map and be last human and die and then say IZ AM THE BEST AT ZS CUZ I AM A PUSSY AND BECAME LAST HUMAN FOR 5 SECONDS
  3. It would be nice if the upgrade 'Ammunition Man' would give you less ammunition regen time and more ammo from it. There should be an upgrade called 'Deep Pockets' where you should hold twice as much ammo. Agreed with everything. It sucks when everyone loses ammo and gets nothing to shoot with. Play engineer
  4. *ten years later* Oh hai lippy its been ten years Thats what it will be like
  5. EDIT: told to take off so people dont abuse it
  6. I have to disagree the old game mode was much more fun (so the very old ZS) because it was simplistic and now with supply crates zombines first zombie starting health not getting weapons until the last 10 seconds of your life as a human if your lucky. So i prefered Deluvas. Sorry NECROSSIN but i do
  7. Who clavus wants to be
  8. I am now posting about commando leveling because it is unblanced because it is quite a bit harder than other classes from level 2-4 I think the rifle kills is fine not that hard But the howler kills should either be 150 with the assault rifle or 300 with all guns (like berserker) Because if not then it is harder than berserker which is closest in the level stats for those levels. Because it can do wraiths and howlers AND with any gun
  9. Yeah, Deluvas is right.The NPCs would be easier to kill, but don't force that on Human players. You want them to play this game, not rage quit. Why dont they just not go Zombine
  10. NECRO IS MAD Dont add more armour
  11. Maybe take even more damage than a normal headshot would do so a clip with the p90 would easily be able to kill a zombine on headshots
  12. What if your are in a cade or a small corridoor wih one exit the other side of the zombine That is a problem
  13. Maybe they could add something for medic where it has a raduis and inside it it heals you or for commando make a damage one so people standing inside it do more damage but they only last 1-2 minutes Maybe for lvl 5-6
  14. Once your out of ammo and there is 2 poison zombies at the front of your cade YOUR SCREWED It takes AGES to reload Pro tip: Aim at head shooting NOT THE WHOLE FUCKING TIME HOLDING MOUSE 1. <- then you will really get screwed if you will do so. Shooting it the whole time drains ammo, probably. I do that and still because all my team are pussy and run away so i am left not as last human so i do like no damage and they move about and are all on top of each other so it is hard to just shoot one at a time.
  15. Once your out of ammo and there is 2 poison zombies at the front of your cade YOUR SCREWED It takes AGES to reload
  16. Pufulet: necro, what is the dmg of usp Pufulet: cmon NECROSSIN: still 10 Pufulet: wa NECROSSIN: relax Pufulet: and how much is it on the server atm NECROSSIN: 9 By only +1 damage? The pulse rifle only does 8.5 damage and it cant hit a shit and it takes 10 year to reaload but i have to say i is just slightly better than usp
  17. Then make the level requirements higher Higher level requirements=playing more=more donations=more drugs for clavus= happy clavus
  18. The only problem no one is level 5-6 support the highest is level 4 so they should all be for level 4 and if over powered then make it 5-6 Not many people even have level 4+ yet alone 5+
  19. it should be lvl 4 becuz only like 3 people are lvl 5 and more are lvl 4 than 5 If i am correct i think there are 6 lvl 4+ engineers but some dont even play anymore
  20. I some how doubt that he came up with the non-zerg ideas
  21. =HAPPY DAYS (atleast for Clavus)
  22. Well i think they should go up because they r easy i hav done lvl 4 engi 3 times(lol i know i hav but delu broke it and shizzel and it was like just before they disabled and everything was messed up) so i should be lvl 6 but i dont care that much. Surviving is easy you just got to think about it logically like i survive when i want so like these dude are like THIS IS BULLSHIT YOU CANT SURVIVE and i am like yes u can and they were like NO WAY IT IS PUB FFS and it was pub. Guess what i survived its not hard so pufu YOU ARE WRONG. Also i played for 1 hour a day (aprox.) for 2 weeks I GOT 4 LVL UPS LIKE WTH!! that is way to easy all they got to do is think of the best way like headshots for commando is it best to try and survive with shitty pistols and get headshots or to buy comeback get a support dude make a cade pull out a ak-47 and shoot in the head while low humans and you may die like is 2 mins but you get like 20 headshots instead of 2 and dieing just before the clever dude who redeems with comeback so you dont have a chance of redeeming (also you could do it if you hav the spawning with magnum upgrade but i cba to explain how to do that shizzel. And people shouldn't care about leveling they should play for fun like me hence why i dont play that much anymore because it isnt fun at all SO MAKE HARDER FOR THE CLEVER ONES
  23. Well i played a little ZS today and i was engineer doing fine until i got the bllody pulse rifle IT IS AWFUl 1)It doesn't do very much damage 2)Has WAY to much recoil 3)Take to long to regenerate 4)I miss spawning with it at level 4 engineer SO MAKE IT BETTER!!! Also the pulse SMG is better at the moment
  24. I think support is the best class because at level 4 you have a high or SMG and mobile suplies also you get a chance of a shotgun at spawn aswell
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