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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mogadonskoda

  1. It spins you round so people don't teleport behind you and straight away back rape you. However, if people spam it it is very annoying you could limit it to one teleport per life by making the health reduction from it over 50% of the zombies health The levels make game hard to balance because if you make humans too strong then people with the high lvls easily win every round but it would be bettter for new players. The main reason why humans struggle to survive is the ladder glitch where zombies go through cades and prop jumping poison zombies.
  2. and get a free
  3. What the shit man. Seriously what the fuck. You raging isnt helping, and we where talking about ZS anyway
  4. Huh, I guess you're right.In that case that site and stats tracking really does need fixing. Ye i was almost on the leader board for everything, and was on the redeem board when my stats reset
  5. He has played Zombie Survival more that me?Hmm... My stats. His stats. Biased much? Look at my stats My Stats If this is true, i have got about 13 levels in 11 hours
  6. Especially when he is playing Killing floor with me and you
  7. Silver Dot last played on May 30th.Also, he hasn't played long enough to warrant the title of being a "zs veteran". Meh, the stats for some reason dont like me, it only shows me as playing ZS for 2 hours. Which is bullcrap. They randomly reset, i was almost on the leaders board for everything but mine got reset
  8. Or maybe like ethereal zombie when crouching/standing still?
  9. I think for medic maybe just have it so it recharges when you dont have it equipped, instead of damage as well Also can you add a "amount of healing" into the achievment place so people can see how much healing they have done
  10. Only dragging as support so it will incourage people to go support because there is like no people who play support anymore Also change lvl 2-4 lvl requirements for support instead of crates make it so it is "give people ammo with mini ammo box thingy" So it is more interesting and harder and more useful and it makes more sense for support
  11. Solution: Dont Late Redeem Depends, say there is 25 people on teh server you die and become the 7th zombie you have enough brains to redee after the 15~ zombie. if the humans where camping in the spawn and you didnt want to "late" redeemand you had auto redeem on you would get fail raped.
  12. He will make an update soon Valve time
  13. Looks like it will be a good map but where is the zombie spawn
  14. I say do it, do it , DOOOOOO IITTTTTTT +1
  15. When you say vintage tyrolean, do you mean vintage vintage, or just vintage
  16. I will give a starnge direct hit for the 3 hats? I already hav an offer of 2 keys+ some metal for it Also anyone wanna buy a vintage foster facade? How about I put a screwdriver up my pooper and clap like a seal. Ye you do that
  17. Happy Birthday!
  18. I will give a starnge direct hit for the 3 hats? I already hav an offer of 2 keys+ some metal for it Also anyone wanna buy a vintage foster facade?
  19. I got 2 strange weps Strange Direct hit and Strange Shotgun (shotgun is multi-class)
  20. ^this Well i cant connect my steam account to my account on here cuz i had a old one but i forgot my name and password so i created this one. This means i cant buy any of the tf2 upgrades Have you even tried PM'ing Clavus or Ywa to fix it? I will if they make a GC trading thing Not that bothered about tf2 shop, the only solly upgrade is shit Now get back on topic
  21. ^this Well i cant connect my steam account to my account on here cuz i had a old one but i forgot my name and password so i created this one. This means i cant buy any of the tf2 upgrades
  22. Pufulet's maps are old??? scince shock became a troll? yes. Since when wasnt he a troll?
  23. you could limit the number of "poison spits" each headcrab has to stop lot s of people using that class
  24. So u get a pistol at 10% and i thought SMG's were one step up from them So you shotguns at 99.999999999999999999%?
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