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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by mogadonskoda

  1. Well thsi update has done nothing and ZS is still a load of bullshit because basically all that has been done is a couple of upgrades in shot (pretty stupid ones) and a few minor changes and this shitty thing you call a hud which is a load of bull shit. CONGRATZ ON HAVING FAIL UPDATE
  2. Ok Make support a decent class to play as because at the moment it is a load of Bullshit. Make the M3 better (more damage and more in a clip) Make the Mac 10 have more ammo when you get it (so 200 instead of the current) Make the chance of the mobile supplys higher because at the moment it is pitiul for what you get Make an upgrade where it improves you mobile suplies which make it 20% faster regen or 20% more ammo Make the hammer have one more nail (because i am always in a caded 1 nail short ) Make the leveling requirements for 2-4 Give 500 people ammo with mobile supplys and for the next level 750 more(i say this because you get crates from level 0-4 at the moment, it is not interesting). And if there is nothing counting how money we have done at the moment so we have to start from 0 make it that you get the same % as what you had of the supply crate one (only maybe just a suggestion) DONT CHANGE THE GOD DAMN MINES THEY ONLY HAVE 4 AND THEY KILL THEMSELVES AFTER 3. Make the pulse SMG slightly better and add a pulse pistol (aka the hl2 one) which has 10 in a clip and regens but only does like 30 damage and make it the engineer starting pistol. Make commando nade explode on impact with zombies Make the more ammo in a clip perk change it in to more damage with assault rifles (maybe or make it more overall ammo) Make an upgrade for berserker which gives you 50% chance spawning with a deagle (i miss it) Fix the melee hit boxes (i hit nothing) Make comeback give you melee weapns everytime with a gun because i always get a gun when i want a melee and a melee when i want a gun. Medic is fine (YES SOMETHING WHICH WORKS)
  3. Well just make the pulse SMG a bit better and level 4 engineer get pulse rifle problem solved (kinda)
  4. Imagine if you are a zerk lvl 6 with stupidly fast speed and you c an go through zombies HOW WOULD YOU KILL HIM
  5. Ok just shut up about the bloody magnum it is fine END OF
  6. Ok a random post on what i think about lots of ZS shit Human classes: Medic: Is fine except at level 2 it should get an upgraded medic kit which has 60 in it instead of 50(maybe lvl 4) Commando: It is under powered at the moment and the perks are pretty shit so my idea is make the X% more ammo in a clip perk to X% bullet damage(say about 3-5%). Then at level 2/4 instead of spawning with a galil or what ever you spawn with kreig or famas (but keep the chances the same) this is so high level commandos get better guns when they do spawn with them. Also make a shop upgrade which is that the nades for commando explode on impact with zombies (like the one in IW) Berserker:The leveling and the req. are fine but i have noticed a glich if you redeem when it is 5 people or so you get a kreig but if you redeem when there is 2 people you dont get a gun u just spawn with a usp and crowbar (ofc i am talking about comeback)So other thaan that it is fine Engineer: I think it is alright but slightly under powered so i think you should make level 2/4 engineer spawn with pulse rifle not pulse smg because pulse smg is shit. Then please readd the turret (not the same one). You can get the lua code for IW so i was wondering if you could steal it and then modify so it has limited ammo and it is placable. To get ammo you need to wait for ammo regen. Support: A load of crap... Firstly the leveling, it is alright except that the requirements for 0-4 are getting supplys and i know you are thinking IS HE GUNNA COMPLAIN ABOUT IT BEING TO EASY and the answer is no. I think from lvl 2-4 instead of crates it should bet give X amount of people amoo (useing the mobile supplys) and this brings me on to my next point which is the mobile supplys. It should have 10% chance of spawning with it because it isnt that great and you have to wait ages for it to regen ammo. Then make it so when you change between the differant types of ammo it doesnt reset the one you have just been on. Then make an upgrade in the shop which means you give 50% more ammo (but the regen stays the same and not for self). Now the humans generally: Comeback upgrades should still give shotguns but at a low amount of people so bacically at 3-4 people Give them all a extra special level up which is once played 50 hours as that class you get a free level up which you can use when you want (one time only, not needed but it is good for the people who are finding it hard to level up). Zombies: Make all the zombies have levels so: Normal zombie: Req 1:Kill 100 humans (for level 1-2 a further 150 kills) Req 2: Get 20 prop kills (for level 1-2 a further 40 prop kills) Fast zombie: Req 1 kill 75 humans (for level 1-2 a further 100) Req 2 Jump 1000 times (the right click jump and for lvl 1-2 a further 1500 times) Poison zombie: Req 1 kill 100 humans (for level 1-2 a further 150) Req 2 heal 2500 health to other zombies (for level 1-2 a further 3000 more) Ethereal: Req 1 Backstab and kill 50 humans ( for level 1-2 a further 75) Req 2 Disorientate 150 humans (for level 1-2 a further 200) Headcrab: Req 1 kill 75 humans (for level 1-2 a further 100 kills) Req 2 jump 1000 times (for level 1-2 a further 1500) Poison headcrab: Req 1 kill 75 humans (for level 1-2 a further 100 kills) Req 2 infect 500 humans (for level 1-2 a further 750) Zombine: Req 1 kill 75 humans (for level 1-2 a further 100 kills) Req 2 explode 250 times (for level 1-2 a further 300) Howler: Req 1 explode 75 heads ( (for level 1-2 a further 100) Req 2 Do a shield 100 times (for level 1-2 a further 150) For perks Zombie: 5% more health and 5% more damage Fastie: 5% more health and 10% more damage from jumps Poison zombie: 10% more health and 5% more healing Ethereal: 40% less damage taken from Teleport 10% more damge from behind Headcrab: 10% longer jump 5% more health Poison headcrab: 10% longer infection 5% more health Zombine: 5% more damage with nades 5% more health Howler: 10% more chance of sheild 5% more damage This took a long time so do it please cuz otherwise it is waste of my time
  7. If you mean yesterday in chaste, you can thank Lameshot, with his superminekill, which gave you like 30 assists It was dispair where that happened and it was only 10 Aka the 10 points when i wasnt last human
  8. TMP is my 2nd favoirite SMG (hl2 smg is favorite) because it is EPIC i was last human with it and got a score of 70 and 60 of that score was when i was last human
  9. He may of made it better (i hope...)
  10. How you know it bad u havnt tryed it yet
  11. Also i think getting crates as support is boring because you hav to do it from lvl 0 to 4 so i think from lvl 2-4 (when u hav a good chance of a mobile suplly crate) the get X amount of supply crates to Resuply X amount of people.(also getting supplys is easy)
  12. 20 7% lvl 0 = 7% lvl 1 = 14% and so on Why thank you NECROSSIN
  13. How many kills for mac 10 What is basevalue for The % chance of Mobile supplys (aka lvl 0 chance
  14. AwfulGreat...
  15. Maybe global warming could do it? but then to randomely going back down after like 40 secounds? Guys, forget the flooding idea please. It just wont work out well. On the other hand Mr.Darkness is planning out something else that is badass and unique to the map Very unpredictable global warming? May be just make the water gradually rise up so by the end the lower and middle area are flooded
  16. support is not broken u dirty butthole ITS ONLY A LOAD OF BULL SHIT
  17. DONT ADD BLOODY HATS FIX SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(CAPS FTW)
  19. Alyx and Mossman are the best engineer models I dont like them cuz i cant do leerooy and then place a mine and blow myself up as last human cuz they dont say leerooy
  20. I had an idea for zombies (well here goes nothing) As a zombie once you get above 8 score (the redeeming score) you do slightly less damage to encourage people to stop kill whoring and getting scores of 50 and then not even redeeming
  21. I think for the support leveling (level 3-4)It should be do 200k of smg damage and 800 crates not 150k of damage and 1100 crates so it makes it more balanced because i am getting the smg damage MUCH faster than the crates...
  22. Maybe global warming could do it?
  23. Is Damien Jesus then??
  24. Dont make them low ammo because you get no ammo anyway (well very little)
  25. I DONT WANT ANYMORE SHIT GUNS LIKE THE M3 But i liked old scout so good idea
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