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Mr. Green Gaming


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Mansen's Achievements

  1. Game: Garry's Mod - Zombie Survival Server: Mr. Green's Zombie Survival servers Age: 24 Country of origin: Sweden Link to Steam Community profile *: https://steamcommunity.com/id/mansen229 Discord name **: Azu#8719 In-game name: Mansen Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I have been a active player since 2010 I also really wanna support the server and the community, I'm always active moslty on weekend but also on workdays. I can think outside of the box and I also have a good sense of justice, I don't go overboard and abuse my commands. I still love to learn more and get more experience, I'm not afraid to ask if I need help. My personal life: I'm currently working UX/UI designer it's more like a personal hobby, I'm always up for more work and will glady help people who need it. Cheers Mansen
  2. This is some amazing news! Cant wait to try it out. Hit me up if you need help with the HUD.
  3. A good suggestion for berserk -Would be cool to see the charge ability, like in tf2 when your the demoman. So it increase the meel damage to 50% on the zombies this will only work, for around 5 mins per charge. For commando -You'll have the ability to see the zombies health how much they have, like in KF I don't think if that gonna change anything but it seems a good thing to add. Ye.
  4. Oh. My.Freeman my old friend. Good Luck ^^
  5. I want a Swedish viking helmet please would be awesome! Or just some more updates I really don't know like second chance or something :/
  6. Mansen


    I have a question I have been donating here on mr green on my another account can you move my badge to this account? Or I just donate agien
  7. Mansen


    Nice Ywa good job! Sorry if I'm asking you bid I would like to have "Old ZS Player". Or something other yea, it depends
  8. Yes, the killing system was very good. Bring it back!
  9. I will like to have old classes back. I know it will take some weeks to develop the old one. I hope it comes back!
  10. Long time no see! Sorry, I haven't been on since a month ago.

    1. rui_troia


      Wellcome back!

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