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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Damien

  1. i get the most weird responses from guards sometimes. i finished the thieves guild, dark brotherhood, college of winterhold and the companions. now im busy getting higher up in bard's college. i maxed out archery with all perks and im lvl 34 and i got 130000 gold (i sell everything i dont plan to use ) after im done with bard college, im gonna randomly visit ruins and find some great treasures.
  2. i love this game. im busy with dark brotherhood missions atm and i enjoyed playing out all the companion and college quests. im 85 at archery and lvl 25.
  3. played out the main questline of skyrim. busy with stormcloak missions now. next i will probably go finish companions. killing imperials is way to easy when you got 75 in archery and can heal yourself to full health with one spell. im lvl 21 atm

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Damien


      arch mage robes serves me well, armor would slow me down. im an archer/mage.

    3. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      There's the skill called conditioning that removes the general slugginess.

    4. Hundred2


      I sided with the imperials.

      I cut through the stormcloaks like a Lightsaber trough spiderwebs.

  4. you can sprint with the alt key. im almost an arch-mage and im lvl 15. im an archer/mage and a high lvl of speechcraft (i trade alot). i got 7 shouts and all are unlocked, i got attacked twice by a dragon at the college, so there is a big skeleton in the middle of the college and one on the roof,
  5. when i leveled, i bought the dual wielding restoration perk. but it doesnt work , but the game is awesome in everything else. im playing archer/mage style and im lvl 7
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. i played it about an hour and i love it.
  8. i have been playing mw3 sp today and i love it. cant wait to continue playing. p.s: why did soap have to die?
  9. i love my galaxy note :D

  10. To be honest i didnt even know that its halloween, there is barely any halloween activities here.
  11. New phone soon :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Damien


      I still love my iphone, the screen is just to small and the software to closed

    3. Reiska


      im fine whit my old shitty phone

    4. Tennisballesser


      I cant even take pictures with my phone rofl.

  12. I banned his ass. And you badmelon get off with a warning this time.
  13. Is the upload almost done, so i can see if i can ban his ass ?
  14. Im wondering if its hax or just lag, but i will wait for vid.
  15. Happy birthday hundy
  16. I use lb photo realism to and it makes MC so much better. MC has like doom graphics and with tp its more like half life.
  17. Dead means 0 people playing so until that is reached it isnt dead.
  18. We can all point fingers or we can try to save zs. So instead of complaining lets make new ideas, if zs is gonna stay it needs fresh ideas. Otherwise it will die.
  19. Superhero hide-out.
  20. That id points to blue sushi. :/
  21. Everybody starts out as a noob, hopefully you stick around long enough to become a regular player. We all got family problems and its nice off you to share it.
  22. I made 5 admin applications in 3 years time and after 3 years it got accepted. So dont say he will never get it, if hes mature enough and plays enough he got a chance. Good luck
  23. Welcome to our great community.
  24. Leave propjumping how it is now, its already hard to do and only few people know how to do it. Dont remove the fun for people that know how to do it, besides that the team should be able to kill him easily.
  25. Been playing rage today and it reminds me a lot to borderlands, but its a nice game. :)

    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness


      According to the video I'd say its just the same as borderlands :V

      I mean in Graphics.

    2. Raptor


      Not really. They improved the graphics a lot.

      And the level design became even better and more authentic.

    3. xeim


      i liked the borderlands graphics more :/ i don't know why haha ^^ well downloading the update atm wich will improve the texture streaming abit and implents V-sync

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