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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Damien

  1. I know we have talked only briefly before, but I really appreciate the work that you have done to sustain mr.green and the fact that you actually went ahead and done what you had actually told me in our conversation, which is to get the gmod servers back up with coders that know how ZS is supposed to be like. In a similar vein I had to let go of the gmod servers as a manager, but sometimes you know that the best thing to do is to let someone else take over and move your baby even more forwards. Hope to see you around in the community @Cena And good luck @AfuSensi in running this amazing community. Hopefully we can get the gmod servers thriving again with a strong community.
  2. Game: Garrysmod Server: Zombie Survival (Deluvas Version/Waves/Whatever you want to call it) Age: 29 Country of origin: The Netherlands Link to Steam Community profile *: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Damien1991/ Discord name **: damien1991#2603 In-game name: Damien Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I can write an extensive post about all the things related to zombie survival and the many years I have spent om the MR.GREEN zs server from 2009 onwards. From getting all the achievements in ZS to buying everything in the store to getting admin and finally becoming server manager to finally having to forego the zombie survival servers due to lack of people working on the gamemode. I have never truly lost interest in zombie survival and want to be a part of getting people in line when they step out of line when necessary.
  3. Playing this version of ZS made me realize how empty it was compared to the classes version that deluvas had created. I still hold my opinion i have had for a long time. The version deluvas made was and still is the best iteration of zombie survival that was created to me. It has a very good balance overall and gives people with different playstyles a concrete choice. I cannot see myself playing the very old version, but I would once in a while drop into the version with the human classes and cading. This is not to discredit the work that has been gone into it though, it is amazing that you managed to get it working as if things had never changed (with only a few changes needed to match this version of ZS).
  4. I have to say I am pleasently suprised by how it looks like now and look forward to playing it with people soon. At the very least I have to follow my nostalgic feelings to a gamemode I used to play so much
  5. I might pop in once in a while
  6. The community feel was one of a kind
  7. I'm shocked, he was one of the few players that got me playing ZS a lot and I had great times playtesting the new version of ZS with him and necrossin. The fact that he was so young, makes it even more shocking. RIP Deluvas, the one who made the best ZS version that existed.
  8. The server has had a great run and Im glad I was part of most of the time that the server was active. But everything has to come to an end at some point, I myself have had that realization quite some time ago and shutting down the server only makes sense. At the very least it will give you more resources to use for other servers. I dont see any future for zombie survival on garrysmod at this point anymore.
  9. The decline in ZS players hasnt begun overnight and eventually none will remain. We are talking about a game that is more than 10 years old, it has had its days. Its a shame that most games nowadays dont work with dedicated servers, but with finding people and matching on skill. Noxiousnet has seen this aswell and people moved on. We will always have our memories of ZS
  10. Damien


    If it were that easy to just use an older zs version, we would have done it and worked from there, but the gmod base has changed quite extensively over the years. You cant just reuse it and change a few values and it will work.
  11. Damien


    Zombie survival in garrysmod is kind of dead, it has been in decline before duby even took over. It was a sinking ship from that point onwards and even a competent coder would have trouble getting players on there. As a great example I would like to mention the fact that Necrossin gamemodes never got any traction and they were perfectly coded and playable. Its the playerbase that decided to leave and move on to other games. Garrysmod is old and alot of new games have replaced their main game. Same goes for myself, i was a very loyal gmod player, but the decline of players and release of new games made me switch eventually as well (overwatch for me). Unless you know someone willing to code or are up for the task its a sunken ship already. Nobody is willing to invest their time in an already sunk ship.
  12. Merry xmas everyone
  13. Damien

    Hey guys !

    Its funny that everyone just wants the old zs back without considering it would be pretty crap now compared to the other games nowadays. If someone ever decides to continue coding here on zombie survival we need other ideas. Although using human classes is still the way to go, but not just a copy of what it used to be.
  14. Congrats with becoming purple
  15. me in costume for a fantasy event
  16. If we just follow the good old internet rule of only replying when you have something to add to this topic, everything would be fine.
  17. STEAM_0:0:7470055 I got all the thresholds, if you want proof there should be some pics on my steam profile or this forum.
  18. Im willing to play if we can get more of the regulars in. Havent played zs in ages myself.
  19. Damien


    Thank you all
  20. Hopefully next time will be TF2 or maybe svencoop
  21. Damien

    8 years

    Bind m "say !slap Lameshot 0" m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Good old times
  22. Damien


    Because life sucks and you need people to cry to
  23. I have said it many times in the past that we should start over based on ZS 3.0. It still is our best bet. We can add the mr.green zs flavour on top of that gamemode and have a feature complete gamemode. The ZS community has changed quite alot over time and having the same base as other ZS might give us at least a grab at the pie. From then on we can try to grab our own distinct players due to the way we want ZS to be.
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